Recently, a monitoring news has caused widespread discussion. There was an aunt ordered a cup of coffee, but she was about to be late again, so she told the clerk to quickly give her a good job, otherwise she would be late. When I heard the clerk saying that there were more than ten cups before, the middle -aged aunt said that he would send himself to the company later. The clerk also said that no one in the store was delivered.

At this time, one of the clerks was impatient, and felt that the middle -aged aunt was too much. So I couldn't help saying, you can refund the bill. Perhaps the dissatisfaction was heard from the voice of the clerk. The middle -aged aunt was mad, and his tone was very polite. I want to complain to you!

This sentence also collapsed, and she couldn't help but pour coffee to the middle -aged aunt. The middle -aged aunt was aggressive, but he did not expect the clerk to dare to do this. So I was not afraid of being late, and all kinds of greeting scolding opened.

Later, under the persuasion of others, the middle -aged aunt scolded and walked away. However, this incident still caused a stir, and the end was that the young and strong clerk was fired.

We can see from this incident that both customers and clerks are considering their own feelings, which has caused the ultimate conflict.

First of all, standing on the customer's position, she believes that she is God, her own affairs is the business of a merchant, no matter how she asks, the other party must satisfy herself unconditionally.

This is actually a misunderstanding of the identity of customers. The so -called to meet their own requirements in any case, and it also enlarges the customer's rights and interests infinitely, so that it exceeds the legitimate rights and interests of the customer.

In this incident, middle -aged women order coffee similar to other customers. If she allows her to give priority to enjoying treatment, it is unfair to those who buy coffee and before her. If the customer is God, so so many God should always have a limit, right? Therefore, to ensure the fairness of God, you must enjoy the service in accordance with their time rules. Therefore, in this case, middle -aged women cannot get support for the reason for enjoying the priority.

Customers are God, not equal to you are the only God. Many customers confuse this concept, and the customer is the only God with God as God. In fact, when they are customers, they are all God. At this time You can enjoy fair treatment. In a normal sense, this middle -aged aunt is the one who destroys the rules of God.

So, why does the clerk have a collapse? We can say that this is because of her personal interests. Think about it, she is doing things in accordance with the rules, but she has to suffer her damage because of the requirements of a certain God's destruction rules, which makes her feel unfair. This unfair feeling surpasses her unfair patience about the unfair patience to the unfair patience about unfairness. Force, that is the beginning of an exception.

So when the middle -aged aunt said she wanted to complain about her, her mood collapsed. Perhaps for merchants, as long as the customer complains, whether the reason is reasonable or not, the consequences of damage to the shopkeeper must be afforded. Well, for some clerks, this is an unacceptable consequence.

Secondly, we will analyze it in detail from the perspective of the clerk. For the clerk, they are workers under the restrictions of internal rules, which are closely related to their own interests.

Middle -aged aunt's complaint intention may be that the other party is unbearable, which makes the clerk suddenly outbreak. Of course, the consequences of this outbreak seem to be more serious for this young clerk. In order to maintain their platform image and eliminate potential instability, the platform usually fired it as soon as possible. In fact, the platform is done. We can see that when the platform is doing so, we did have a good effect, and this incident gradually faded out of people's vision.

Just like the previous fat cat incident, some unscrupulous spreads were used to charge, and even used water to replace genuine products. After such an incident, the platform was also the first incident to fire the perpetrator. It can be seen that this is the usual handling of crisis.

Most young people now refer to people born in the late 1990s and after two thousand years. This generation has not experienced too much suffering of life. They are not the first choice. This is completely different from those of the 1970s and people in the 1980s.

In the 1970s, most of the people's congresses have experienced poverty. Once they find the means of making a living or industry, they usually do not give up. Even if they have suffered a great blow or exclusion, they will heal the wounds themselves and gradually get up. On the contrary, after zero, they always have a kind of courage to stay in the place where they stay, and they are not afraid of changing the industry. Of course, their biggest qualifications are still the age advantage.

Most people born in the 1980s bind themselves to responsibility. Of course, those singlesists, Dink families, but such people are not common after all. If people born in the 1980s are not responsible for binding, they are also very brave. They may not only dig in a certain industry for life, or dare to jump into a certain industry to become an excellent figure. But to this day, after the 1980s, it is obviously bound to be bound by responsibility, so they usually be able to bear the burden of humiliation when they suffer. Essence

Therefore, for the impulse of young people, we should not over -interpret and blame. It is their actions that interpret that they are still young. So some people say how to communicate and solve such problems. The image of a wise man is not because of how wise they are, but because they are no longer young.

I always think that small business or workplace opportunities can be reasonable, and large business or workplace opportunities cannot be separated from emotional power. For example, if a investment promotion will have no emotional power and infection, with the so -called professional, so -called rational, and so -called techniques, it will not be able to achieve satisfactory results. In the final analysis, people are the animals of emotions first, and the second is the rational animal. Your client is a group of people, so this group of people need you to release their emotions. Only when their emotions are completely released, they are willing to make reason to serve the emotional value, thereby promoting a better future.

Back to the topic of this coffee shop, I did not praise this clerk's behavior, but used a more inclusive attitude to look at this matter. Many service industries, especially grass -roots employees, are not personalized, but the standard version of the reaction. Obviously, the move of this clerk surpassed the platform rules and interpreted in depth. Does the shop clerk's behavior that exposes the work intensity of the coffee shop and does it expose the monotonous taste of work? Therefore, such things cannot allow continuous fermentation, otherwise more interpretations will be born.

So, the opposite, why did Jiang Ping's incident surrounded by various speculations and interpretations? Why do many unfavorable interpretations not affect the behavior of the relevant subject? This is because Jiang Ping is not a workplace platform, but is under the ranks of education. She is like a monster mirror. She has the original form of the step -by -step and old academic forces. On the other hand, it is because this hot event has been continuously fermented by the media platform and is continuously fermented and enlarged. As a result, the Jiang Ping incident is easier to obtain traffic value compared with the incident of coffee shop clerks.

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