A few weeks ago , I went to a doctor and introduced what I have been postponed for ten years.

I do n’t have a conventional general doctor, so I read the faces on the local clinic website carefully and try to determine which doctor ’s judgment is the lowest. I finally chose a woman of the same age as me. She looks like someone you introduce in a reading club.

At 11 am on Tuesday, when we went down the lobby to enter the consulting room, she exchanged joy with me. She closed the door and sat behind the computer.

"So, what is it here today?" She asked to turn the chair to me.

I took a deep breath.

"Okay, this is a bit strange ..."

The doctor tilted his head to the side and attracted his eyebrows together. This is a practical expression, saying, "I am a unwavering, sympathy professionals."

"This is about my fingers."

She nodded. How weird your fingers are?

"About ten years ago, I put AA magnets in, and I think it needs to be taken out."

Before she managed to re -constitute a friendly frankness again, her face flashed with a chaotic expression.

"It is on my ring finger," I said to reach out to her.

She looked at my hand for a while, and then gently touched the skin between the thumb and the index finger.

She said, "I can feel it." "Why do you do this?"

Why is it true.

Ten years ago , my parents asked me to get out of the car in a harsh shop called "meat impression" on the Gold Coast. I was studying a story about physical modification at the time, and interviewed a woman named Kyla there in the body modification scene.

"Don't use magnets back on your fingers!" When I walked out of the car, my mother joked.

"Of course I can't." I answered with a smile.

I'm lying. That was what I planned.

It was 2013. I have a final project that asked me to complete the journalism and produce documentary on Australian ABC. I recently discovered a red line about the extreme body modification and read a person with a fingertip magnet.

He wrote that he had procedures because it gave him sixth. When he is near the magnetic field, the implant will rotate and vibrate on the axis. I was fascinated, and I introduced this radio documentary with other similar programs.

At this time, like a large part of the Western media, I was experiencing the news stage of amazing things. The rapid rise of evil makes the exercise unnecessary to insert itself into an acceptable narrative. I have told me that university and ABC, in addition to talking with a few people about physical modification, I also consider putting the magnet on my fingers.

"I won't tell you not," my mentor replied.

Executive producer said: "Well ... this will definitely add something to the story."

Both institutions accepted the court. What I want to do is to find someone who is willing to execute the program. After browsing the niche forums in various corners of the Internet, I concluded that at least two people in the country can perform magnetic implants. Their technology is very different.

The first is to easily work on the king's cross. He used the operating knife to form a small bag on his fingers, then seal the wound with several sutures, and implant the magnet in a small silicone coating magnet in a small silicone bag. Of course, this will be very painful. Therefore, he managed illegally purchasing injected local anesthesia to numb the area.

Because I did not fully remember, I was shocked by the idea of ​​anesthesia. Pushing the magnet to my fingers in a clumsy hall looks good and reasonable. But illegal use of numbness? It passed a line.

This left me the only choice: a woman named Kella. She will use a thick hollow needle to pierce the skin through the cushion of her fingers, and then put the magnet into the newly created meat hole. She did not use a needle, and her skin would heal within a few days. Kyla did not relieve pain.

I think this is the most wise adult choice.

I sent an email to ask Kyla whether I allowed me to record the story. She answered a few days later and agreed to participate in the documentary.

I remember walking along the stairs to the pierced hall's pale and hoarse. I managed to be interviewed by Kyla's talk about procedures. This is suspicious legitimacy. How did she learn how to do it. Then, because it is inevitable, the problem is inevitable, I lie on the cushion that retains to the customer and gave her a left hand.

Honestly, even if I wrote down the next thing, my arrhythmia still improved.

"If you faint, would I do it quickly?" Kara said.

"Okay." I said desperately, hoping that I would faint.

"How long does the needle?" I asked.

"Forever," Kara said. "Just prepare for this."

I closed my eyes tightly, listening to her while listening to me. I heard the dingling sound of things placed on a metal pot. Then, I felt the hand on the gloves on my fingers.

"Take a deep breath ..." Kara said with a slow and calm voice. "In ... and then go out"

In the second "elimination", I felt the stabbing on the ring fingers fiercely. Pain is like an electric wave.

I said, "Oh, God, this is much worse than I thought."

"Remember to breathe!"

In the end, after a long time of feeling, I felt a feeling of dragging. Kalar said she had finished. I opened my eyes and smiled hysterically. Pain has been deeply unpleasant but easy to manage nails and needles exuding my arm.

I gave me some nursing instructions that I shocked the living room. I didn't plan to tell my parents what I did, but Kyla wrapped the wound in the bulky gauze layer. This is not what I can hide.

"How?" Mom said, when I jumped into the rear seat car.

"I want to be honest with you. I have magnets."

When my parents looked at me slowly, there was a silent moment.

"you have not."

"I did it."

After I got the magnet, my mother didn't talk to me for a while. I remember my sister said she didn't know if she had to overcome it.

But fortunately, time can cure all wounds. It took about seven days for my skin , and my mother began to talk to me again.

Sure enough, after the wound was sealed, I noticed that opening the microwave oven or approaching the power board caused the buzzing of the fingers. This new feeling makes up for the nerve damage caused by the needle to some extent.

These days, I have hardly noticed the magnetic field. But the implant still changed my view of the world. For example, I found that I tested whether all kinds of metals in the subconscious was black or treasureless metal. Of course, this is useless information, but the brain doesn't care. In some ways, this is no different from being forced to feel the texture of the leaves or trunks when you are forced to feel.

The unfavorable side is that the implant in my fingers is both painful and annoying. When it connects to another magnet or metal, my skin is pinched on both sides. This means that in train and bus, unless my ring finger is slightly raised, I cannot hold the metal rod with my left hand. I am also afraid of strong magnets, and deal with anything I suspect may contain a rolling of a finger.

In the gym, the weight of the weight compress the magnet to the bone, which is very uncomfortable. This is a bit like a stone in the shoes, except for the stones sitting under the skin of the skin. When I make a trada, I have to entangle hand towels on the ring finger to increase the additional buffer.

All these things have seriously affected my left hand grip. So it is time to delete it.

I asked GP if she could take out the magnet by herself.

"No," she said without hesitation. "You need to see a hand surgeon, I will give you a recommendation."

I don't think this will be cheap.

A few months ago, I returned to the radio documentary. Hearing it with fresh ears, I was sure of one thing-it was completely shit. This story is completely messy, and there is no narrative topic. The only good part is when I was completely painful. If they have carried out the right exploration, there may be some ideas that are very interesting, but I have not reduced the key points. I think something will not change.

However, even if I know this story is bad, the deletion of magnets may be expensive and painful, and I still can't regret it.

When people asked the magnets, I told them that it was a story. It puts the most acceptable veneer on a crazy behavior. But really? I do this because I can. I want to see what will happen. Know how it feels. By away from my usual nature. Magnetic reminds you that in a rational world, my behavior is completely incorrect.

I am glad that I did it. I would rather live an interesting life and do not want to live a wise life.

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