Chapter 9: Chasing Stars

Yesterday afternoon I went to the second landlord to continue looking for a house, and many people sat in the gazebo in front of his door. Seeing that they talked about the lively, I couldn't rashly interrupted, and sat down in the empty position. After listening to a few words, I knew that I was sitting next to me a large UP master. Coincidentally, I was bored in the early morning to see him. However, at this time he happened to be sitting side by side, and I didn't recognize him for the first time.

In my impression, the star chase stopped in the sophomore. In fact, I am chasing stars now, but compared with the appearance, I value talent more, such as Wang Shuo, Higashino Keigo, Bovawa and other writers.

The two landlords and his wife have been asking this UP to teach how to publicize how to make their homestays more money. At this time, the small net red who helped the homestay promoted the promotion in the group also sent a climbing invitation to know that the UP master was in the group. She immediately changed her schedule to dress up. There were several other group friends who got her news one after another.

I really ca n’t understand what it ’s meaningful to take a friend circle with the celebrities, and I ca n’t understand the way of making friends with each other when I turn my face. Later, I wanted to understand that they did not need to have a deep communication. Sending a circle of friends to show off to satisfy their vanity. But the desire of this little net red does not stop here. In the process of chatting with the main master of the UP, if there are some ways to do some gestures, it seems that the two are very familiar. In addition, the team members of UP Lord obviously heard that they were not in the same position at all. A small net red with only thousands of fans to bring goods everywhere to teach the team to improve how the UP owner makes money. It is ridiculous to think about it. Maybe good teachers are just to shorten the distance between each other, but it is really low.

With the help of Xiao Wanghong, the two landlords felt that the UP master could help them propagate for free, and as far as they arranged. In fact, the UP owner had promoted several communities around this community, but it introduced the advantages and disadvantages in detail with a very willing attitude, including the house represented by the second landlord. The second landlord's purpose was to try to make up for more free resources while trying to make up.

For a moment, I think the two landlords and small net reds are actually one type of people.

I talked to the team members of the UP Lord a little deeper. I found that there are a lot of communication in our nature of work. If there are suitable opportunities in the future, you should consider what to do together. At the same time, I am also thinking about another problem. Even if I don't like the original industry anymore, every time I want to transform or be confused, I will always be pulled back. In addition, I feel that I have been inaction for so many years, not depression or native families. It is more likely that my own planning is not clear, the positioning is inaccurate, and then it presents a listening appointment. status.

For example, I really like cooking, but I ca n’t feed myself. Whether working in a restaurant or opening a restaurant before, it is not difficult to have a high -intensity workload of the back kitchen -in the past few years, it has been very strong and a little struggling. The difficulty is interpersonal relationships. Generally, the general cultural level of the restaurants is not high, and the cognition is relatively limited -it should not be too polite to work with the bottom people. This was what I later discovered. Sometimes you feel tolerated, even if you don't care about it, it is this compromise to become cowardly and bullied in their eyes, so it becomes intensified. Occasionally, some low -quality guests are encountered. They look high, as if to satisfy their superiority than eating. For me with glass heart, the stimulus will be stronger.

For code words, the text of writing money will inevitably be edited and revised by the responsible editor and the capital; if you write your favorite text, you don't make much money, and you must worry about life problems. Is it to satisfy the sense of accomplishment after the public, or make yourself more like? In fact, these two are not contradictory, first make a living and then develop. Is it because of poor fortune these years, but also for this reason?

In fact, I think there are many things I lack. Such as independence. Although I have been to many places alone and dealt with some problems alone, I always have some unconfident and do not believe that they do not rely on external forces to handle them well by themselves. Although the team members of the UP Lord this time were very short, I found that the other party did not have this problem at all. On the one hand, it is a strong economic strength compartment, and on the other hand, it is also the charm of the character itself.

In fact, I like the state of my previous lawsuit. The goal is clear that when the problem is solved, it is not indecisive at all. After the incident was handled, the whole person seemed to be angry. If my father did too much during the whole process, I think I still stay in my hometown and was abducted by morality.

I have also thought about why I have no desire to make money. Is there really no shortage of money? Obviously not. Deep in my heart, there is always a voice telling myself, not worthy. For example: Obviously ten dollars can fill the egg -fried rice, why should you eat 12 dollars of bacon egg fried rice? For example: Why don't you look at the discounts before buying things. For example: You want nothing yourself, why will you be loved by others. For example: I do n’t make much money, how dare you have such a expensive illness! Many, many specific cases are reminding me that I am worse than others.

The helplessness is a terrible thing.

From this point of view, that little net red is indeed better than me. At least the purpose of others is clear, and it is clear what they want, but it is too ugly to eat. However, in this era of "laughing poor and not laughing", it was not necessarily a bad sense of morality. I think self -cognition has begun to mess again. When I talked with friends who had known each other for many years, I was severely rejected.

My friend asked me, do you change yourself uncomfortable? I said that growth is not a very painful thing? Friends said, then you have to look at what you want to become! The result of excessive reflection is getting dazed. But things worth happy, I know what kind of person I don't want to be. For example, put away your desire to share. Sometimes placing yourself in the "weak" does not attract sympathy, but may be bullied with evil. Because bullying is afraid of evil is the disadvantage of human nature. For example, don't trust people, you must know that dogs are always dogs in this world, and people may not be humans. I know that I am easily affected by the outside world, and we must strive to give myself a positive atmosphere. People can actually not need so many friends.

I think I should redefine the word "friend". In fact, I am very grateful to live in this life. I saw some people, experienced some things, and cleared on the basis of expanding cognition to know what kind of person I wanted to be. Kindness is not wrong, and good temper is not a bad thing, but you need to meet someone worth it. If you can't meet for a while, loneliness is not terrible.

That is, when I was unable to see a small net red but admired her courage, the previous partners sent information to let me go to an adjacent city to connect a project to see if there is any possibility of cooperation. Feeling fate has been fell into a reincarnation again, will it be another new beginning?


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