Those who consider themselves unfortunate often have negative psychology, pessimistic hesitation, lack of decisiveness when facing problems, fall into internal conflicts when complaining and blaming. Character, temperament creates a unique beauty that no luxury brand can match. In the eyes of most people, a person's fate is often determined by the wealth of a happy and harmonious family and an enviable job. But everyone knows that the deep reason for a smooth life can often be found not in material abundance but in a positive attitude towards the trivial things in daily life. Life is fleeting, if we cannot get rid of these three habits, we will be tormented by pain again and again and can only resign ourselves to fate.

The first mindset

In Buddhism, there is a saying that the world is mind-made. The world we see originates from the heart of each of us, the feelings towards a person will reflect on that person's appearance and it can also reflect the future trajectory. For example, people with well-groomed eyebrows always appear relaxed and have a peaceful soul, even if they do not become wealthy, they can still live a stable life. On the contrary, some people always appear sad and discouraged tend to endure a lot in life. Because a person's spiritual outlook accurately conceals his way of working and inner cultivation.

Chinese writer Zhang Duxian once went through a dark period, at middle age she resolutely gave up her job as a company executive and devoted all her time to taking care of her family. Unexpectedly, returning to family life was not as easy as she expected, coupled with pressure in parent-child relationships and the loss of self-worth. She fell into heavy negative emotions. During that time, Zhang Duxian became a person who often complained and frequently lost her temper over very trivial matters. In this entanglement, her appearance also changed as she often frowned and looked sad. Subsequently, her life became increasingly worse, she suffered from depression, failed investments, and strained relationships between parents and children. Her husband also demanded a divorce.

Fortunately, at her most desperate moment, a friend suggested Zhang Duxian try to find inner peace through Yoga and books. Gradually, she realized that what one believes will determine the life one will pursue, so she began to learn how to relieve internal pressure and courageously face the pain of the past. When her attitude became positive, a confident and radiant smile appeared on her face. Currently, Zhang Duxian no longer looks very sad but has become the best-selling author with unique research and understanding in the field of mental health. Her children also love her more than before and the parent-child relationship has become more harmonious.

Many times, just a very small change in the mind can change the current situation of life. So instead of complaining, focus inward to find inner peace, only when you raise your awareness can you truly rewrite your destiny. After all, the psychology we hold not only reflects the appearance of a person but also our best feng shui.

The second mindset

There is a story shared as follows. The owner of the article has a friend who lives not too hard but often very stingy with friends and likes to take advantage of others. Everyone knows this person's personality, when invited to eat, he always orders the most expensive dishes, but when treating others, he will find small restaurants and order cheap dishes. Sometimes when paying, he even loudly complains about the high prices and finds all kinds of reasons to get discounts, making those around him feel very embarrassed. There are many similar stories like borrowing money from friends and not repaying, splitting bills with colleagues to buy coffee. After drinking, forgetting to pay, these behaviors of his make those around him very uncomfortable.

Over time, people gradually distanced themselves from him. A writer named Tuong said that the poverty of a person does not come from the difficulties of life but from losing one's own dignity. If we hold the idea of poverty, we will only focus on others and wait for opportunities to find shortcuts. Ultimately, those who devote too much effort to greed for cheap things will have less time to improve themselves and will ultimately continue to sink into an unsatisfactory life. A woman in tattered clothes is shopping at a food court, she tastes many different foods and eats randomly with the reason of tasting to not spend a penny but still feel full.

A child, after seeing this scene, preempted this woman, but as soon as he reached out, his father next to him slapped his hand. The child did not understand why his father said that if he preempted her, he would always think of poverty, once having that thought, he would never be able to become better. It cannot be denied that material poverty makes people temporarily lose confidence, but spiritual poverty is the most frightening. If you are narrow-minded and calculating in life, then no matter how smart you are, you cannot make up for your shortcomings, and in the end, you will not be able to move forward. You must know that temporary difficulties and confusion are only temporary, only when you do not lose your motivation to move forward can you courageously move forward and welcome the light of yourself.

The third mindset

Warm words can bring comfort and infinite strength to people, while hurtful words can make people heartbroken. Ly Bao Le lived in a noisy market at the end of the city, daily exposed to people speaking vulgar words, she gradually became irritable and easily angered. She often got angry at her husband and son whenever she was in a bad mood, every day she either belittled or verbally abused her husband, or casually scolded her son. This made her husband uncomfortable and her son gradually became more afraid of her. After her husband found a house and the whole family was happily preparing to move.

Ly Bao Le scolded the moving company staff for charging too high a price to resolve the dispute, her husband stepped in to mediate. The end of the story when her husband deceived her, Ly Bao Le spread this story in anger, the frustrated woman jumped into the river out of frustration and helplessness. What's even more shameful is that when her son grew up at the age of 18 and received a university admission notice, he decided to completely cut off ties with his mother. There is a saying that the tongue is the source of profit and harm, the mouth is the gateway to misfortune and blessings.

Destiny is hidden in the words of each person, a pessimistic and negative soul and harsh angry words will hardly lead to a smooth life. Ly Bao Le herself led her marriage and family step by step into an irreparable abyss with curses, accusations, and anger, but what we must admit is that life is always full of ups and downs. Not being able to control one's words will only make the problem worse.

A person's words emit energy, if you use a positive and gentle tone, you will receive positive energy in return and no matter how difficult the situation is, everything will be resolved. In reality, regret, helplessness, disappointment are very normal in life, no matter who you are, difficulties in life are unavoidable, but more importantly, looking straight into the wound and accepting what has happened. The wheel of time will always roll forward, when you no longer cling to the past and lightly view everything, you will naturally overcome the internal turmoil and enjoy life blooming again.

Destiny is determined by oneself, to escape from suffering, the answer never lies in the outside world but requires us to start changing from within, to escape from narrow-minded thinking and expand the heart to embrace the future, only in this way can you be favored amidst the chaos of life and create endless possibilities.

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