Simply put, greatness leads to simplicity and simplicity leads people to greatness. Everyone will realize this after experiencing some things or understanding some truths that the most beautiful things in the world come from the simplest and most direct places. In other words, if someone's mind is too complex and their approach is too extreme, they will find it difficult to achieve the desired results and answers. A truly strong person, instead of adding, knows how to subtract in their life.

If you have too many worries, practice subtraction

Humans cannot be without worries, but if you always have endless worries, you are probably living an unhealthy life. Those who like to think randomly, live too complex and contradictory lives are actually doing that to their own lives. Things not going as planned, unhappy moments are actually not a big deal. Remember that in this world, except for birth, old age, sickness, and death, everything else is trivial. When you understand this, you will know how to lower your expectations, treat yourself well, and everything will be fine.

The world is never perfect and not as bad as you think. If you always live too tired and have too many thoughts, your worries will naturally increase. On the contrary, if you can let go of it anytime, anywhere, no longer cling to it, no longer be obsessed, then even if the world ahead is imperfect, you will smile, face it, and overcome it. You know very well that the more you avoid and resist, the more you compete with yourself. In the end, the more internal conflicts, the more worries, negative emotions, and you will eventually fall into a deep pit of despair.

If you have too many desires, practice more subtraction

Humans cannot be without desires, but if you have too many desires, it is not a good thing. Many people always ask why when they grow up, they feel more unhappy. Some believe that people live tired and painful lives because they have too many desires, it is indeed like a person eating even when full, the capacity of the stomach is limited. If you constantly force yourself, your stomach will be fuller and more uncomfortable. It may even reach a point where it can't take it anymore. When it comes to having too many desires, many people truly do not know how much they want and what they can endure. Anyway, in their view, as long as they want, as long as they feel like it, they can pursue it without any limits.

The reality is that only those who know how to be content can live a peaceful, relaxed life, not creating unreasonable pressures for themselves. If a person has too many desires and anger, even if they are satisfied, it is only a fleeting joy, because in the future, they will have to pay more costs and efforts to solve these things, even if in their eyes it is a luxurious way of living. Only by purifying desires, reducing desires, and seeking from within, can you truly live meaningfully and happily. Last week, I helped a friend move, even though she lived alone there, but the things to move back and forth took up to three trucks.

Seeing that, I asked her if she had so many things, can she use them all. She replied: You still don't know how I am, I am a shopaholic, I buy whatever I like. If I don't use it, I just keep it in the warehouse. I looked around and it was true. There are many clothes still in packaging with tags as if they were just bought, some things like the delivery person just delivered recently, and some things were bought years ago. I asked her why she didn't get rid of all those old things? She answered that because she feels she may need them in the future, this friend of mine in life and work is a typical indecisive person, always redoing things three or four times. She also knows she is very indecisive, lives in a vague way, not knowing how to change these bad habits.

Through the move, I finally understood where her problem lies, because she is surrounded by too many people, too many things, too many unnecessary things. Moreover, she herself cannot distinguish what to remember and what to forget, does not understand what she needs, which is why she always lives in such a vague way. The simpler, the better, this life has too many troubles, too many messy and complex things, so don't try to complicate things, seeking simplicity is true happiness. I once watched a movie where the main female character's personality was similar to my friend, she liked to buy everything, the house was full of stuff, even guests couldn't find a place to sit. Then there was an earthquake where she lived, she hid in the house, safe but very thirsty. Unfortunately, the scattered items in the house fell and spilled everywhere, making it impossible for her to get the water she needed.

After the earthquake, she moved to another place and could only take a few things with her, looking at her small luggage bag, the main character's mother sighed, turns out what we need is so little. From then on, her house always pursued a simple life with the principles of "not buying unnecessary things, getting rid of unused things, giving up the habit of shopping excessively". That girl was very persistent in following this, throwing away unused items and keeping only the necessary ones. She also extended this rule to her work, things that are not important or relevant do not need to be solved, people who cause unnecessary trouble with her do not need to be concerned. Only pay attention to family and those around, such a simple life not only does not make the main character feel resistant but instead helps her feel happy and live more comfortably.

In the book "Alone in the Wilderness," there is a passage that goes like this. Every day we strive our best for life but do not realize that we have lost something unconsciously. Wealth only helps us buy more ordinary material things, but the essential things to nurture the soul do not require money to buy.

In addition to excess things, unnecessary relationships need to be subtracted

Mai is an employee working in an advertising company. She often participates in the company's extracurricular activities, every time she goes, she takes photos and posts them on social media to show off her pictures. Today eating with which director, tomorrow meeting which famous client, she is always posting on social media. All those good and famous people she adds as friends and asks for contact information, so everyone knows she has a lot of friends online. Her communication relationships are wide, there was a time when she made a mistake at work causing trouble for the company, her superiors were very angry and ordered her to come up with a plan to solve the problem within two days.

If not, she will be fired, too worried so when she returned to her desk, she immediately called those big-faced friends she knew before for help. The result She called many people but only a few answered, some said they didn't know her, some made excuses and quickly hung up. She was disappointed and cried loudly, it turns out that having so many friends, in the end when facing difficulties, she found that no one was truly a friend to help her.

In fact, making friends with famous people, those with a lot of money is not too difficult, but truly knowing and making friends with someone, you may have very few friends. They only have about two to three good friends, for them, subtracting within the circle of friends is also important, they need important people, not excess people. In today's society, everyone has countless new things appearing from goods, entertainment methods, workloads to daily social relationships that make you busier, make you work harder but also make you more stressed.

The human brain is like a spring being tightened every day and cannot stop, we constantly shop, constantly participate in entertainment games, but they make us spend too much time and effort and the results are not as valuable as we think. Cosmetics, no matter how many, will expire one day, clothes will eventually go out of style, using too many phone applications will fill up memory, loving too long can easily cause boredom. We always want so many things that what we truly need and use is very little. Truly intelligent people should know how to subtract in their lives, give up unnecessary things, give up excess work, give up people who don't need to care about whether it's life or relationships, only by subtracting can you truly achieve.

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