Chapter 10: Living, I just changed to work in a place

I heard an article about the bloggers who left at noon, and suddenly resonated with a bit of resonance. Recalling that for so many years of career, whether it is writing or selling things, it seems that the way to work without work is more suitable for you. But when I heard those who made the bonus of "resignation bloggers" made a lot of money, I couldn't help but have a little enviousness in my heart.

When I worked before, although I hadn't touched the fish, I felt tricky when I encountered the work outside the job. Almost every time I left, I did not handle interpersonal relationships. After receiving the project by myself, the friends who cooperated knew that I was not good at this, and the division of labor was clear. But I always have a doubt in my heart. Do you want to continue to bury the code or to learn with people? To be honest, the latter is really tired. Occasionally, I can't push it back to participate in some entertainment, and it takes several days to restore calmness. Recalling the previous workplace atmosphere, it even gave birth to a sense of "purgatory on earth".

Sometimes I also admire those who are exquisite and mixed in the workplace. But while envying, I felt a bit hypocritical. When watching some workplace dramas, seeing the result of evil news, there will be a sense of satisfaction in my heart. How good it would happen in reality! However, reality is reality, not any boss just look at strength and not. What's more, I have always felt that I have no strength. After being "made", the chickens flying and dogs jumped, or they would endure dumb losses. In short, dealing with people, exhausted physical and mental!

If "resignation blogger" is a new Internet celebrity vocabulary, then I think I should be the earliest batch, but I can learn how to market themselves, and I waste this bonus. In addition to not making money, I feel that it completely blurred the boundaries of work and life, but it is also a fact. Whether it was "996" or "007" before, there was a time specification. Now, although the action is very free, it is just a place to work.

Always comfort myself, how can I have a lot of beauty in my life. If you can make your wallet plump, it is even better.

During the time when I first left, I was fortunate to get rid of the mood of "going to work like a grave", and later found that I actually liked to go to the grave. Because people are more terrible than ghosts. So, let's not let yourself go back to that kind of living grave ground.

Later, I didn't know if I chose me in a freelance or my personality. Since I did n’t sit in the class, I felt that I could n’t live in the restaurant to work, go to the stalls, go to the stall, go to the clock to work, and send takeaway ... but more attitude with an experience. It wasn't when I couldn't live if I couldn't live, or I always felt that I didn't belong to it, and one day I would leave sooner or later. Sure enough, countless times was pulled back. If you use religious claims: God always pulls you back to your orbit that originally belonged to you. Therefore, there is nothing to improve in writing, but I have always insisted. Sometimes, I really feel that hard work is not as good as fate. In other words, the degree of effort cannot reach the stage of talent. So why should I envy others?

No matter where you are, in addition to eating, drinking and sleeping every day, there are three things: reading (maybe it may be chasing drama), code characters (not necessarily writing articles every day, or doing some life records or inspiration)) , Fitness (mostly visiting the vegetable market, walking in the community, or walking around alone). If it is said to enter the pension mode in advance, it is also appropriate. I really can't enjoy the joy of calling friends and friends.

I found that after blocking the circle of friends, I was so comfortable. I used to see that the company had a big move later, and I couldn't help resenting that I couldn't bear what they couldn't bear, why had to resign. I once saw that the acquaintances had done a big deal before, and I couldn't help resenting why I did not have a good relationship with others. Maybe I could pull myself. I once saw all kinds of relatives showing off, and I couldn't help but resent why I couldn't be as "ability" as people. In short, various self -pua. Now, the simply unknown approach is also a kind of self -consolation. He doesn't know that what is shown in the circle of friends is a halo, and the sense of self -worth is too low to feel injured.

There are more times, and I feel that I am more suitable for a person alone.

Occasionally, friends will send some news, knowing that I mostly envy this freedom after living. After looking at the circle of friends, I will also envy their merits or warm and happy. However, I envy their lives. Isn't it the same as those who make a lot of people who are making a lot of people who are doing the business card of the "blogger" business card? However, the word friend will feel the psychological distance.

It seems that he can accept this indifferent, or to do his best. After discovering forty years old, it is more and more trustworthy. Some things are not necessarily not working hard enough, or it may be determined by the number of fate.

Do you want to make excuses for your "not asking for progress" again? After thinking about it, if you really live as the "template" of others really want to live?

I forgot what I have recorded in this month of living, it is not important. I just watched it like this, no longer deliberately asked my heart to open, and I no longer forced myself to forget those bad things and people. Power.

According to your own habit, although you still can't relax, it seems not so important. Many articles are saying that nature has magical healing function. I think it's better to read books in the room. Some people say that when you are unhappy, find someone to chat and talk a lot. I don't think you should pass the negative energy to others. Some people say that it is impossible for people to live as an island, and I don't think I want to listen to those "some people say." Respect your inner feelings and make yourself more comfortable.

Finally, the reason why he couldn't relax, originated from the anxiety of survival at first. But this is good, what should I do after the mood, how can there be so many truths in life.

Sometimes I dream of dreamed of the little girl who has no money to eat on the street bench in Beijing. He also dreams of the little girl who was scolded by his parents hysterically. Watching her climb up from the abyss step by step, she can rent the house and fill her belly. Although she is still home, although she is still desolate, although she still moves forward, she never dares to stop.

Suddenly I didn't know what to write. It may be hungry, and you want to go out and walk. No matter where you are, the nightclub can bring more sense of security.


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