The broken window effect comes from the story of an image. It is said that as long as someone smashed a window, and this window was not restored, more windows will be smashed for a long time. This has nothing to do with quality, although the quality can affect these behaviors. The effect of breaking the window is about a kind of follow -up behavior logic.

In fact, the winding window effect can be seen everywhere in the workplace. For example, a unit I participated in the work. The young people in it often played games. At the beginning, we thought that those who went to work to play games may have background relationships, but after understanding, they found that they did not have much background relationship. At this time, someone started to follow suit.

The reason why they dare to follow suit is that under the premise of the same status, this kind of behavior of others is not punished, which makes them think they are suffering. So they also played games on work, so that their psychology can be balanced.

However, with the implementation of no punishment measures, they began to be even more unscrupulous. For example, the leader came, and he still played for himself. In the end, even the interests of colleagues to satisfy their personal desires. In this case, those who comply with the rules become their bullying people, but as leaders, they use so -called all -time perfunctory, and do not give these rules a little benefit.

Later, the most diligent person could not stand this environment. He felt that he worked hard to work as a reward as those who worked with those who worked, which made them feel inexplicable and bitter. Finally, he filed a resignation one day.

This phenomenon makes me very worried that if the platform is only survived by these fish, then the development of the platform will be fatal. Because they will bring a group of people. Their arrogant behavior was finally punished by the rules of the rules. Of course, it was just that a few people had no good effect at first, and even played some opposite effects. Some people thought that they could fight against it and tried to return the change to the original appearance.

If in this case, the transformer does not have real power, it is likely that the law will not blame the public, and the reform will eventually collapse. When those who confront them are strictly punished, those who want to watch the situation will suppress the bad thoughts that are eager to move, and then gradually become the rules.

In this process, tolerant leaders may be crowded out. Because those who have seized the tolerance of leaders have gradually become unscrupulous, they still attempt to take this tolerance spirit and let everything return to the state of indulgence. At this time, as a leader of the change, it is not allowed to be allowed to happen, and they will find a relatively reasonable reason to arrange tolerant leaders to other places.

From this, we can conclude that in order to eliminate the effects of the window break in the workplace, we must work hard from the following aspects.

First, the window break effect is at the beginning of the observation period. When dealing with the occurrence of what happened in time within the wait -and -see period, the occurrence of the window break effect can be curved from the source.

For example, when someone destroys the rules and processes it as soon as possible. Although it feels very uncomfortable, it blocks the possibility of other people's imitation. Of course, the handling may be some important characters, and they may sue you as an old employee. If the leader of the leader cannot inspect the autumn at this time, the disadvantage may occur. The disadvantage here is that valuable employees are excluded, and employees with limited value of rules have held important positions.

Second, when the effect of breaking the window starts, it is difficult at this time, but it is not unable to deal with it. After the window breaks are generated, it is necessary to accurately grasp the initials, and then punish it with iron blood. Why do you want to seize the initials, rather than a casual punishment for a foul? This is because he casually caught a foul, not the initiator, which will make the other party unable to take it orally. He will feel that everything is just one of the one of him. He is a scapegoat.

However, grasping the original figurine is different, because all the followers will hate the initials, and gradually attract the precepts, playing a role in deterrent and transformation. This is quite a bit of capture of the thief to capture the king. In the past, as a manager, I always grabbed the original creator, and followed by the punishment follower. Therefore, you can deal with something well.

Third, when the effect of breaking the window is relatively serious. At this time, it is not a repair supplement, but a reconstruction. Imagine a total of one hundred glass, but it was destroyed ninety -nine. At this time, the punishment was not only effective, but also the contradictions that could not be reconciled. You may suddenly become the target of the criticism. You are obviously a kind of kindness, but in the end you have become a grievance.

At first, a friend's company had dug a lot of so -called masters from another company. As a result, their rigidity and slowing movement not only did not solve the problem of corporate development, but also made the company more and more losing money. Later, after the company's professional managers saw this situation, after careful thinking, she decided to reform a lot and dismissed all the original team. Then re -establish the team through various recruitment channels, and break the effect of breaking the window from the source. This approach of a friend is relatively clever, but it is a problem if she can stand up to the pressure and whether her boss can completely support it. She must successfully replace the company's mildew by the successful reform method, otherwise it may fall into the new window effect after a long time.

Fourth, the strategy of rewarding and penalties must be fiercely popular, otherwise it may trigger a crisis. For example, those who abide by the rules should be rewarded, and those who destroy the rules should be punished, and they must be reflected in action as soon as possible. If you want to reward someone, but drag it, the effect of the reward is gone. If you want to punish someone, hesitate, and the deterrence of punishment is gone.

The ancients said that this means that the reward is not over -time. Master the subtle timeliness and deal with related issues as soon as possible. This is a deep learning. Of course, you have to brighten your eyes, otherwise the reward is the person who should be punished, and the person who is punished is the person who reward. This chaos will cause many problems to be caught.

However, the reality is often punished by the offender, but there is no reward to the rules. This is to treat rules as health factors. In fact, the upper rules are incentives. If you do the management of human resources as a health care factor, then it will also cause the resentment of the rules, because they lose part of their interests because of their rules. Those who do not follow the rules have occupied their interests. Those who obey the rules are punished, but the losses of the rules are directly ignored, which naturally makes these people feel cold. Therefore, the correct approach should be to reward these loyal employees in a timely manner, and vigorously advocate their spiritual quality, so the company's culture will produce practical significance and subtly promote the company's forward development.

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