When the moon was bent into a sickle, a cloud of clouds was cut in blood. The author Xue took a fruit knife and cut apples while listening to his mother about the past. At that time, in 1950, her mother was still a document in the 62nd Army Ministry. She did not have weapons. The main work was to keep the documents of the Ministry of Political Department and fill in various reports. She also helped the unbelievable soldiers to write a family letter. Since she joined the army, she has no other weapons except she has carried two grenades, so she has always wanted a gun.

The old man said that she had participated in the cleaning field many times and took a lot of guns and bullets from the enemy's body, but she had to follow the discipline, and all seized should be returned to the public. She could not stay privately. When the troops held a celebration meeting, the head often rewarded the gun to such a ritual, which made her envy. Unfortunately, she was not a fighting hero and did not have this treatment. The highest reward she has received is several memorials. One day, she asked Lao Xue in a moody way to give her a pistol. Lao Xue didn't give it, and said, "If anyone cares about the gun, I will give it, then it’ s a mess? I ’m the Minister of Defense. If anyone violates the battlefield discipline, I can pay his gun. This right is still there. You have to gun, I have no right to this. "

"You don't have this right, why do you give the Grandine pistol to the guard Xiao Deng when you are in Taiyuan? Is the guards more important than your wife?"

"Don't be so ignorant, Broninein pistol is a reward given to me by my superiors, who is given to who is for me. Xiao Deng has followed me for so many years ..."

"How many years have been with you, even if 10,000 years, that is different. We are husband and wife. One day husband and wife are hundreds of days. Can't you be Xiao Deng?"

"Two things. Xiao Deng and me called birth and death. We played a battle with Japanese devils in Taihang Mountain. A row of artillery shells came over. It was broken and the skin was hurt. Where did you know me at that time? "

"If I was there at that time, I would also use my body to block the shells for you. As long as it was a comrade -in -arms, I would do that."

"Haha, do you block the shells for me? I'm afraid you dare not touch my hand."

"Of course I dare not touch it. At that time, I was still Huang Hua's daughter, and I dare not touch the man's hand. By the way, I have been married to you for almost a year. I really don’t know what your surname is now. People are from the north of the south. Talking about the accent and the north cavity.

Lao Xuele, took a brush, wrote the word "Xue" in the paper: "Do you know?"

"Know, this is Xue Pinggui's Xue."

"Well, it's not easy, knowing Xue Pinggui. There is also a celebrity in history named Xue Rengui. A widely circulated story is Xue Rengui Zhenggui, I am this surname."

"I know. How do you write your name?"

Lao Xue wrote his name: "Know these two words?" Xingbang ', this is my name.' State 'means the country, and my name means to revitalize the country. You see, our Corps, our Corps Comrade Hu Yaobang, director of the Political Department, means that the name is shining, but how good your name is. No matter how good the orchids are locked, it will be wilted if it is locked?

"I don't want to change my name, I just want a pistol."

"Okay, let's not change the name, the lock orchid is locked, it is good to lock the orchid, or the orchid is a good flower ..."

Lao Xue stretched out her arms and held her waist, and she shook away Lao Xue's arm: "Don't touch me, annoyed."

"Well, what's the matter? We are in the house, and no one can see it. Isn't there such a word? When you go out, there are comrades outside, and the door is closed. Hey ..."

"I don't care, it's okay to go out and close the door, anyway, I want a gun anyway. Can't you give it?"

"Good, give it, give me."

"Give it now."

"I can't give you my gun and the guard's gun? Let me think of a way."

"You find a way now."

"You ... you can't see it, it's really unreasonable."

In fact, it makes sense to support a gun. Although Xikang Province was liberated at that time, the surrounding situation was still tense. Attack the PLA and the Grain Squad, killing local government officials, and the means were very cruel. The enemy split the head of the captured person, put the oil, and then lit the fuel with fire, named "Sky Light". One day, the enemy actually organized a large number of armed personnel to impact the uprising troops, robbed more than two thousand uprising officers and soldiers, and tied the ten troops to the tree as a target.

One night, tens of thousands of gangsters suddenly surrounded the military department, and saw the torch full of gangsters in Ya'an City. The military agency immediately sent a pistol to all female soldiers, which means that the last bullet is left to themselves, and it will never be captive. When the large army arrived, he ran away, but sacrificed a head name of Zhou. Subsequently, the pistol sent to the female soldier was recovered.

In such a dangerous situation, she needs the protection of Lao Xue, but Lao Xue received an order to go to Dayi County to participate in the 24th Army of the Kuomintang, who was a reorganized uprising. Director Hu of the Corps, and then made arrangements for the uprising officer. Lao Xue and the guards left, she felt that she had no bottom at night, because she filled out the report every day to know the enemy's atrocities, so she was anxious to want a gun. Bandit's battle. But after a long time, she got a gun. It was a German small -caliber rifle bought by Lao Xue's silver dollar, and a thousand -round bullets. She is not very satisfied: "This is also a grab? Toys gun."

Lao Xue explained: "This gun is small, and the seat power is also small when the firing. The main thing is that it is not easy to get angry."

The old man regretted sighing, and the author Xue quickly handed her the cut apple: "Mom, you are not a soldier of the combat company at that time, it is a soldier, and the soldiers who have no guns are not you. Frozen face for the gun "

The old man was annoyed to put the apple on the coffee table: "What? You don't do ideological work like your dad. Your dad's level, it's really nothing ..."

Speaking of which, the old man's face had a soft expression. She said that in order to further soothe her, Lao Xue talked about his thrilling experience of shooting fire.

It was when Lao Xue was the captain of the student at the Yan'an Anti -Japanese Military and Political University. One day, the principal Lin Biao was lectured on the stage. Each student was sitting on the backpack with a long rifle with his right shoulder ring. Concentrate on listening to the lesson and take notes seriously. Suddenly, a gunfire shocked everyone, and he stretched his neck one by one and asked, "Who shot?" Lao Xue also asked, looking around to find, a student around him quietly leaned on him with his shoulders: " Captain, look at your barrel. "Lao Xue looked at it, and it was broken. His barrel was rising with white smoke. What can I do? It must be criticized, maybe it will be pulled out for review, and it is impossible to run away by a punishment. However, President Lin Biao was calm and calmly, and he continued to give lectures as if he did not hear the gunshot. After class, no one came to train him.

Listening to Lao Xue's talk, she never mentioned what to grab. In the future battle of bandits, she discovered a more important weapon than guns, that is, the party's national policy.

Because Xikang is a multi -ethnic area, the traffic is inconvenient, the information is blocked, and the work of our party here before liberation is relatively weak. The ethnic minorities do not understand the PLA and listen to the publicity of the Kuomintang. The Military Department requires that each company will organize a propaganda team to conduct a blackboard newspaper at each station to propagate the national policies and precautions in the bandit Sur. Through a large number of publicity work, there is finally a significant effect. One day, a Tibetan cottage of Tibetan cottage came to the 535th Regiment's resident with 4 people with four blooms: "My 4 babies killed your soldiers. Now I send them to Si translated the Tusi's words, and then lifted it to the warrior's body. The warrior's clothes have been picked off, and blood on his body. Refers to the warriors at a glance, angry. Tusi also said, "If you believe in us, please give me these baby. I must give them a felony and let them go to jail or kill." Tong Si translated this. The scene was silent.

Several leaders of the army discussed for a while and thought that they were handed over to the toast to handle themselves. This can use the facts of living lives to expose the rumors of the enemy, and it is also the most convincing publicity of the party's national policy. However, the comrades who sacrificed the soldiers did not agree and unanimously asked for the murderer on the spot. Because everyone knows that during the Kuomintang's rule, if the local ethnic minorities killed a Han, at least 5 to 10 people had to die, and they would have to pay a lot of silver. The leaders of the troops do their ideological work for the soldiers and make clear the truth: "We do this to better implement and publicize the party's national policy, that is, this sacrifice soldier will understand us."

The Youth League political commissar said: "We believe you, people who don't kill you, and don't want your silver. This is because you handle it yourself. For the dead soldiers, just find a suitable place to bury it in accordance with our habits." After listening to Tongshi's translation, Tusi fell to the ground, stood up to pat the chest, stretched out his thumbs, and organized the masses in the village to hold a grand funeral for sacrifice soldiers, buried him in the best place they thought.

This incident quickly spread throughout every ethnic village. They enthusiastically helped the PLA and actively provided and provided information for the bandit troops. In the process of the warrior, even if no one entered the house even if it rained, all of them went to the street eaves. The masses rushed to tell each other, saying that the PLA was the "Bodhisattva Army". Many residents of Zhaizi also set up tea on the side of the road and set off firecrackers. Welcome to the PLA. This scene made the commanders feel like returning to the revolutionary base.

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