In early December 1992, with the opening of the Set Shopping Center, Set at 22 of Jianguo Men Street became the Internet celebrity punch place at that time. Entrepreneurs and upstarts across the country liked to bring their families or family members to shop.

Many Beijing citizens and people from other places rushed to this one to see fresh. Employees of the Sett Shopping Center rushed to buy some discount products for their families ...

In February 1993, Jiang Hongbo, a reporter from the Economic Daily, compared the price of Ste products with the price of Tokyo. It was found that many miscellaneous products were three times more expensive than Japan.

As a result, a national discussion has set off a national discussion around the special high -price positioning model, and participants have more than 30 media across the country. Wang Xinmin, the general manager of the shopping center, said that the price of Set at that time was indeed out of the market reality, departed from Chinese consumer tolerance, and more importantly separated from the value of goods.

Even if the price is so expensive, the people who come to shop are endless.

In June 1993, at the moment when the shopping center opened, I resolutely decided to resign from Sett, which made leaders, colleagues and my family very incomprehensible.

This is also a coincidence opportunity and some factors that caused me to resign.

At that time, my son was born less than a year, and decided to resign from Sett to the new special zone to develop Hainan. How great this is needed.

I lived in a new dormitory building in my parents' unit. Not long ago, my neighbor Pu Fan found me and asked if I was interested in going to Hainan to develop with him.

I also said that because I have worked in Ste in the past few years, I know both the hotel and the management. It is the person he needs. The position given to me is the assistant manager of their new travel company, the legal person and general manager of the subordinate travel agency Essence

The salary he gave me was as high as Set, but what attracted me was created by the newly -built joint -stock company.

The chairman of the company is the old colleague of his parents and is familiar with me.

My neighbor Pu, President Pu, was sent to Hainan to establish a real estate company as a boss in 1988. This time, he founded a new tourism company to develop tourism real estate and related projects in Haikou.

Although my parents have retired, a company in the system was successfully listed a few years ago, so that people who once held primitive legal person stocks and personal stocks have received benefits. This also set off. The enthusiasm of the legal person and personal shares of tourism company.

The total share capital of this newly established joint -stock company is 84 million yuan, and the number of shares subscribed during the short preparation period exceeds expectations.

At the same time, Mr. Xiao Li, the secretary of the ministries and commissions of Pu and the head of the ministries and commissions, and Xiao Lu, the captain of the office team, also promised to go there to work there. If I agree, I will create a better future with him.

He also said that many excellent young people missed the opportunity to start a business in Shenzhen in the past few years. If they missed the opportunity to this time, they would regret it.

What a sensational encouragement. As a young man who has just turned 34, he has undergone the baptism of the construction of the Set Hotel and the Sett Shopping Center. As the youngest department manager, when he is ambitious, he encounters this. The situation will definitely be tempted.

Although it made me hot at the time, it was not blindly hastily.

There are two other factors that prompt me to resign.

First, in the second year of the shopping mall, some inside of the outside world hindered the normal operation of the shopping mall. Party A and B, the uniformity of the personnel authority causes the backbone personnel to have worries, and the instability has appeared. As Party A, the addition of the additional part of the business license from the actual management right of the shopping center also affects the business order of the shopping mall.

The three parties of China Innovation Corporation, Set Company, and China Innovation Commercial Corporation all knew the existence of these stalks. In May and June of 1993, they reached consensus: Party A merged.

I received the invitation of President Pan at this critical moment.

The merger of both parties and B, the business department of the shopping mall is still not affected, and all personnel are managed by the special company. However, the general manager's office, human resources department, finance department, and defense department will definitely be two -in -one. Party A's service department and Party B's administrative department merge. The merger of these departments, the arrangement of department managers is also a problem. The two upper positions can only leave one, and the other may have the possibility of surrender or change positions.

This is another reason why I resigned in pain.

The third reason was that you were young and vigorous at the time, and premature promotion made me unhappy.

Sett Building is the earliest foreign -related office building in Beijing. Some Chinese employees in some famous foreign companies are not satisfied with high salary conditions, but are working hard to realize self -worth and pursue their dreams of being the boss.

I know a few of them, admire and envy their courage and courage.

The most typical is that a well -known foreign company in the building is named Wang Yong. He is similar to me. He resolutely resigned from a high salary at the entrance of the Sett Shopping Center. A humble small restaurant, successful entrepreneurship, and rapid development. He was later the owner of the famous catering brand "Little Palace" in Beijing.

His entrepreneurial move at that time had a great impact on me.

In summary, I resolutely decided to formally submit the resignation report to the company's leaders.

President Yang stated to the company that his resignation was to use the young to go to the world and strive for greater development.

In addition to regret, I also understand and support me, and agree with my resignation request. I also said something to reassure me: I returned to Sett without a good break.

In this way, for the first time, I left Sett Company and went to Hainan to start a business.

Due to my work performance and ability for a few years, the leaders of President Yang of Sett were very recognized, and this laid a good foundation for me to return to Special workers in a few years.

I have worked in Stegong for fourteen years before and after, and I resigned for the first time for the first time. In 1997, he returned to Jett for ten years and worked for ten years.

I have a deep relationship with Set, and I know more about the situation than the average person. In these 21 episodes, I finished writing the past during the first work.

Set from 1990 to 1993 was to bid farewell to the spring of the cold winter.

After a period of time, I will successively launch the glory of the heyday of Sett Group from 1997 to 2007, which will be the period of the results of Sett summer and the harvest of the golden autumn season.

Thank you readers for watching and paying attention. The content of this issue will come to an end.

(End of the previous episode)

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