In the long river of life, everyone is a sailing person, driving his own boat, and exploring the turbulent or calm sea. Sometimes, we rely on the guidance direction of seniors' lighthouses and try to avoid risks through the truths they taught; but more often, we find that what can really understand and master the true meaning of life is often not those pre -set routes. It is the storm and rain that you have experienced. As the profound philosophy says: "What can persuade someone is often not justified, but that they hit the south wall by themselves. What can awaken a person is often not teaching, but experience."

1. Personal experience is the only way to grow up

1. The comparison of the truth and experience is like swimming in the same shore

In the ocean of life, the truth is like the skills taught by the swimming coach on the shore. They are detailed and systematic, but after all, they are just talking on paper. Without trying to get into the water, we can never really grasp the essentials of swimming. As Jobs said in a speech at Stanford University: "You can't connect a bit by bit in advance; only when you look back, you will understand how they are together." Jobs's life is full of exploration and unknown exploration and Try, many of his innovation concepts do not originate from the teachings of books or others, but from his continuous practice and reflection after failure. If Jobs only stays at the level of truth, there may not be the later Apple Empire and a series of products that change the world.

2. Edison's revelation of "hitting the south wall"

"Hit into the South Wall" is not just a literally touching wall, it also symbolizes the setbacks and failures encountered in the process of pursuing the goal. The story of Thomas Edison's invention of the lights is a vivid interpretation of this statement. Before the invention of the electric light, Edison conducted thousands of experiments, and every failure seemed to hit an invisible wall. However, it was these seemingly incubation obstacles that inspired his unremitting spirit. Edison once said: "I have no failure, I just found 10,000 ways to do it." It is the persistence and reflection after this "hitting the south wall" that made him eventually light up a cup in human history Light.

3. Rowling's adversity rebirth

Rowling's growth story of the "Harry Potter" series is another example of personal experience to promote personal transformation. Before creating "Harry Potter", Rowling experienced the breakdown of marriage, the embarrassment of the economy, and the difficulty of single mothers. However, it is the hardships of these lives that provide a rich material and profound emotional foundation for the fantasy world in her writing. After countless rejection, Rowling did not give up. She insisted on writing, and finally made the "Harry Potter" series popular all over the world, becoming the classic in the hearts of countless people. Rowling's story tells us that it is the seemingly unbearable pain and suffering that has created her extraordinary achievements and tough character.

2. Experience suffering is the key to wake up the inner strength

(1) The transformation of broken cocoons and butterflies ushered in hardships

Fresh is like a double -edged sword, which can not only make people fall into the abyss of despair, but also become the key to awakening the internal power. As the process of butterfly broke the cocoon, although it was painful and challenging, it was this hardship that made it complete the gorgeous transformation from the ugly pupae to the beautiful butterfly. Mandela, a South African anti -racial isolation fighter, his life was full of suffering and struggle. However, it was these experience that made him more firm in the belief of fighting for freedom and equality. He used his actions to interpret the power of suffering, and awakened countless awakening and struggle deep in the hearts of the South African people.

(2) Stephen Hawking's self -reflection and awakening cosmic view

The self -reflection after experiencing suffering is an indispensable part of personal growth. Stephen Hawking, this great physicist and cosmologist, his life is difficult to wear because of gradual frost. However, it was this hardship that gave him more time to think more about the mystery of the universe and the meaning of life. Hawking spent most of his life on a wheelchair, but his thoughts flew to the endless universe. His book "Simple History of Time" not only popularized the esoteric physics knowledge, but also stimulated the curiosity and exploration of global readers of the universe. Hawking's story tells us that the suffering is suffering, but it can promote our deep self -reflection, thereby achieving the awakening of the soul and the sublimation of wisdom.

(3) Toughness and maturity shape the light of Helen Keller's light

In the face of suffering, the spirit of toughness is our most precious wealth. Helen Keller, the deaf -dumb blind female writer and educator, her growth process is a tough and mature epic. Keller, who lost his vision and hearing because of illness since he was a child, learned to read, write and speak with amazing perseverance and unremitting efforts, and eventually became an outstanding writer and speaker. Keller's life is full of challenges and suffering, but she has never given up her love of life and the pursuit of knowledge. Her story inspires countless people to maintain a tough spirit when facing difficulties, courage to challenge herself, and realize the value of life.

3. Respect the growth path of others

(1) The growth path is like the diversity of trees in the forest

In the vast forest, each tree has its unique way of growth and form, and some tower into the clouds and point directly to the blue sky; some are low and dense, and coexist with the surrounding vegetation. Similarly, everyone's growth path is also unique, without fixed templates or standards. Just as we can't expect all trees to grow into towering trees, we should not force others to grow up in accordance with our expectations or the established path.

(2) Plato's "cave fable" reveals the limitations of persuasion and change

Plato's "cave fable" provides us with a profound revelation: people are often bound by the illusions they see, and it is difficult to see the real world. When trying to persuade or change others, we often seem to describe the outside world in the cave, but they are difficult to believe because they are used to the illusion of the cave. This does not mean that we should not try to influence or help others, but remind us to realize that everyone has its own cognitive limitations and growth rhythm. We should respect the choices and decisions of others, and give them enough space and time to explore, experience, and grow.

(3) The power of encouraging and supporting becomes the "bright road" of Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey, this media queen and charity, her growth story is the best interpretation of encouragement and support forces. Winterrey was born in a poor single -parent family and experienced all kinds of misfortunes during his childhood. However, it was the encouragement and support of the people around her. She gradually got out of the haze and found her own stage. Winterrey not only became a successful media person through his own efforts, but also actively devoted himself to charity, helping countless people who need help. Her story tells us that encouraging and supporting can inspire people's inner potential and strength, and lead them to a more bright and better future.

In summary, the growth journey from "hitting into the south wall" to "self -awakening" is a path full of challenges and opportunities. On this road, we need to experience, experience suffering, and deep self -reflection and awakening; at the same time, we should also respect the growth path and choice of others, giving them sufficient encouragement and support. Only in this way can we continue to move forward and grow on the journey of life, and finally realize the dual leap in self -worth and social value.

This is exactly:

The south wall hit the road to know the road,

The suffering was found to be clear.

Hundreds of life are different,

Respect for growth.

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