The most interesting thing is that the son of the Yantan of Xiaoyan, the leader of the Yi people, carried the banner of the "Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army Division". Uncle Liu Bocheng, who was all aligned.

With the strong support of the people of Xikang, various bandits of the 62nd Army reported frequently, and the Kuomintang residues and bandits that wiped out more than 70,000 people were destroyed, providing a strong guarantee for the 18th Army's entry into Tibet.

A bird's greenery in the yard tweeting, using its singing to echo the memories of the elderly. The old man seemed to be immersed in the joy of the victory of the bandits. She smiled and said, "Son, at that time, I had a little feelings with your dad, but I do n’t know what to do. I was also married to him at the beginning, but there was no wedding, not even a dowry, and there was no candle in the cave room. Did you say what your dad is? Small diameter rifles, now the country has not been fully liberated, and it is not yet celebrated. That tone, go to Beijing to make a wedding haha ​​... "

The author Xue asked curiously: "After the liberation of Tibet, did you go to Beijing to make up for the wedding?"

The old man made his mouth different: "What do you make, that's the biscuits that your dad draws for me, you can see it, you can't eat it. Don't say that you don't go to Beijing to make a wedding. Unexpectedly, I have been transferred to your dad. Tibet.

However, the old man admitted that Lao Xue later took her to Beijing, but he did not go to make up for the wedding. Once the Tibet Military Region received a notice from the telegram, saying that Lao Xue went to Beijing to participate in the National Procuratorate. There is a provision on the notification that Premier Zhou Enlai is specially approved: "Cadres who come to Beijing in Beijing and Xinjiang can bring their families."

Lao Xue took her to Chengdu from Lhasa, and then took a train from Chengdu to Beijing. After getting off the train, she asked Lao Xue if there was a car to pick it up? Lao Xue laughed at her: "You think of weirdness, we are a big school, not a general, not a big official in Beijing, there are no cars to pick up, let's go." She had to follow Lao Xue Bian and asked Essence Both of them were wearing cotton coats, and Lao Xue still carried a large suitcase, sweating. Passers -by watched them curiously, because the weather in Beijing was not cold. Why do these two people walk in such a thick cotton coat?

I finally got to the Beijing West Hotel, and the receptionist couldn't cry and laugh: "There is a car to pick you up at the train station, who lets you walk? Just now the driver is also criticized by the leader. You are from Tibet. Leaders arrange you to stay in the Beijing Hotel, and you will send you a car immediately. "

She wanted to complain about Lao Xue, but looking at Lao Xue's solemn, she couldn't bear it. She only said, "I heard it, we are living in a high -end hotel. This time, we can really be beautiful."

During the day, Lao Xue went to the meeting. The family members could not enter the venue. The meeting group arranged for family members to visit the Forbidden City, Tiananmen, Summer Palace and other attractions, but they couldn't find her, and the car had to carry other family members. It turned out that she had never seen and had never been sitting in the elevator, and was playing with the elevator with great interest. She started to take the elevator from the first floor, and stopped every layer and went out for a while. She watched the foreigners of each male and female curiously. She just played repeatedly and felt too addicted.

After dinner, Lao Xue couldn't scold her, panicked and brought a cheongsam, saying that he had just bought it from the Wangfujing Store. He asked her to change it quickly and go to the Great Hall of the People to watch literary performances tonight. She never wore a cheongsam. She always thought that it was something that Miss Capital was worn, but she looked at the mirror after wearing it and found that she was so beautiful.

She did not expect that as soon as she was sitting in the performance hall, all people stood up and applauded warmly. At first glance, Premier Zhou came. She didn't expect that Premier Zhou was sitting on the seat in front of her. During the whole performance, she was excited and couldn't care about watching the show. Basically, she had been watching the side of Premier Zhou, because this was the only time she saw Premier Zhou in her life, and she was so close. After the performance, Premier Zhou applauded, turned around and smiled and said something to her, but the applause in the performance hall was thunderous. She did not hear it clearly. come out.

Back at the Beijing Hotel, Lao Xue said to her upset: "This is a mistake. My big mistake should really take you to Beijing. Thank you for the words of Prime Minister, I do n’t know politeness, so stupid and stupid, I lost my face.

She said unconvincedly, "Who wants to take me to Beijing? Who wants to buy me cheongsam? Isn't it me? I have been working in Tibet for so long, I can't see the world, of course, it will be ugly here. But you will be ugly here. But you will be ugly here. But you will be ugly here. Think about it, if we didn't go to Tibet at the beginning, it was here in Beijing, then ... "

Lao Xue hurriedly interrupted her: "Don't say ah. I told you early. We are the party of the party. That's a grudge to the party "."

She said, "I have complained to you, I do not pull it."

Lao Xue said, "Okay, you can be complained to me, it is okay, I like it. However, I can also tell you that there is a big world in Tibet. ,What do you think."

At this time, the author Xue saw that the moon bent into a sickle harvested a flower, and quietly listened to the moving humming of the elderly: "Chairman Mao's soldiers listened to the party most, where to go, where is the hard work ... "

Perhaps this song was the most meaningful dowry given to her that era.

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