After I joined a new company, I failed my first internal mock presentation due to personal factors, which led my boss to doubt my abilities. After discussing with my introducer, he decided to give me a chance, but my salary was reduced to the minimum. I called my wife to ask if I should accept such conditions, and she said it was fine. Although I was a bit reluctant, I still accepted.

The company's CEO sent me on a business trip, treating it as an opportunity for me to learn. In fact, I approached every place with a strong sense of responsibility, and I received sincere praise from the agents everywhere I went. When the company surveyed customer opinions, my overall evaluation was quite good.

After working for a month, I was able to independently handle the training of the agents' salespeople. From planning to guidance and execution, I gained the agents' recognition. Moreover, in actual work, the accompanying agents also benefited greatly and had a high regard for me.

After attending several presentations by the招商会 lecturers, I discovered some of their advantages, as well as some serious issues they had. From a professional perspective, they were veterans in the industry for over a decade, and their industry expertise was decent. However, from a marketing and sales perspective, they might not be able to perceive the audience's buying signals or seize sales opportunities effectively. This made me a bit anxious; the salespeople who followed me for a few days believed that my explanations were very effective in driving sales, and if I were to be a lecturer during the招商会, I could achieve good results.

So, at this time, I also wanted to seize the opportunity to make the招商会 even more successful. After more than a month of market experience, I had a deep understanding of the customers' underlying psychology and needs, and I knew what strategies could impress them and lead to cooperation.

Therefore, when I returned to the company, I hoped to make an outstanding contribution at the next招商会. However, after I returned, the company unexpectedly began to undergo changes, and my boss still assigned me to be responsible for the preliminary work of the招商会, which left me somewhat disappointed.

I had carefully studied the course materials and the strengths and weaknesses of the company's招商讲师, and more importantly, over the course of more than a month, I had interacted with over seven or eight hundred unfamiliar clients for negotiations, and I was well aware of their psychological demands and business aspirations.

So, based on this high level of understanding, I found that the current招商讲师's explanations were somewhat disconnected from reality, unable to resonate with the clients on site. During the lengthy four-hour presentation, the attention to the clients was evidently weak, and the driving force for closing deals was completely insufficient, lacking the right buildup for transactions, and there was a lack of adaptability to unexpected situations on site. I believed I could solve these issues well; I just needed a chance.

After returning to the company, it was decided to provide all employees with training in head therapy techniques, and to conduct order-promotion operations for the upcoming Guangzhou meeting. Before officially starting, the company decided to treat all employees and chose a nearby restaurant.

During the meal, the company provided a lot of wine. While we were eating, the boss deliberately praised me, probably because the agent clients had given me unanimous positive feedback. However, thinking that I was still only doing the most basic work made me a bit depressed, so after toasting with red wine, I started drinking on my own, and I ended up drinking quite a bit, feeling a bit dizzy by the end.

After the event, another director asked me if I could explain independently, saying it was a very difficult job. The salespeople who followed me knew me well and immediately answered for me, saying I could do it.

On the way home, I first rode a shared bike to the subway station, and after more than fifty minutes of travel, I finally exited the subway station, then chose a shared bike nearby to ride back home.

The journey was relatively normal, with no unexpected incidents. However, at one turn, my umbrella fell. At that moment, I didn't notice the umbrella had fallen and continued riding. Then someone behind shouted, "You dropped something!"

So I stopped the shared bike, turned around, and walked a short distance to pick up the umbrella from the ground. The young man riding next to me said, "Sorry, I have too many things, I can't help you pick it up."

I nodded to thank him for the reminder, and he then rode away. I walked back to the shared bike and continued riding.

This section of the road is Tongfu Middle Road, near Haizhuang Temple, where a fence is set up. The inner steel fence is relatively low, while the outer steel fence is quite high. At this moment, I clearly felt a bit numb from the alcohol, and it seemed that someone was coming from the opposite direction. I instinctively rode to the side to avoid it, and in that motion, my right pinky finger hit the oval steel bar heavily.

Then I seemed to hear someone behind me exclaim, "Damn!" At that time, I was riding vigorously under the influence of alcohol, so the impact must have been quite strong.

After the impact, I didn't feel pain at the moment, but I was very angry. Why was it that only this section of the road had such a high steel fence? I tried to pull on it with both hands, but it didn't budge at all; it seemed to be of very good quality. I guessed that even if a car crashed into it, it would only be deformed. This unnamed anger, perhaps mixed with a sense of disappointment in life, or perhaps frustration at my inability to showcase my talents, was transferred to this place.

I rode the shared bike again towards home, and when I reached downstairs, I immediately rushed upstairs. I thought my wife must be at home, and when I opened the door to see her, my heart would calm down. However, when I opened the door, it was pitch black inside, and I knew my wife was not here. After turning on the light, I felt a bit downcast; I had thought I could see my wife, but she wasn't here. This reminded me of a tragic story where the male protagonist exerted all his strength just to see his lover one last time before dying, only to find that his lover was not there after he climbed the cliff with all his might, and he no longer had the strength to search for her. He had originally thought his lover would be waiting for him here, but now he could only gaze at the sky, quietly waiting for death to arrive.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel sad and called my wife to say I was back. She said she was at her mother's house and would be back soon. After about half an hour, she finally returned, but during that half hour, I felt like decades had passed, and I suddenly wondered if I died, would everything just end like this?

So at that moment, I was quite sad, and at the same time, the intense pain in my hand began to hit me. My wife thought I was just drunk and was just saying some nonsense, so after comforting me a bit, she went to the bedroom to sleep. I don't even know how I fell asleep on the sofa, but in the middle of the night, I suddenly woke up, and my hand had swollen up, the piercing pain was almost unbearable. However, I did not cry out or shout.

At this time, the light in the bedroom was still on, and my wife was already asleep. I gently approached her, softly holding her as she slept. Although it hurt a lot, I was still very sleepy, and once I fell asleep, I wouldn't feel the pain anymore.

The next day, I went to work as usual, enduring the intense pain in my hand until I accidentally pressed on the metacarpal bone and found it misaligned. It turned out that it was broken, and I finally realized that my bone was indeed fractured.

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