Watching a movie almost cost me the price of two tickets

Wednesday, July 3, 2024. It has been a long time since I went out to watch a movie. Recently, I found a film called "There is a Small Shop at the Edge of the Cloud." I listened to its audiobook on WeChat Reading and was captivated by the plot. First of all, the title is well-chosen, evoking endless imagination, making it feel like a place far from human traces, carefree and at ease, with mountains, clouds, and people. Secondly, the protagonist is very simple, one might say quite foolish, with great ambitions but no real abilities, just an overlooked individual. Since I hadn't finished listening, I was still in the mood and initially planned to wait a while before watching it, but when I checked the ticket schedule, I found that it wouldn't be showing nearby after a few days.

So, I decided to go today and chose a screening at 21:21, so I could go with my wife. She went to take care of my daughter-in-law and little grandson today. I messaged her on WeChat, but she didn't reply for a long time, which made me unreliable; she might be busy with something. So, I went alone, and there happened to be a screening at 16:10. I arrived 40 minutes early and saw the bus, so I hurriedly ran to catch it and managed to board this 911. When I got off, I felt something was off, so I asked the security guard, "Is the next stop Hualian?" The guard said, "Yes, this is the stop; you need to walk a bit further." The driver stopped the bus and let me off. It had been a long time since I came here, and I wasn't familiar with the route anymore.

When I arrived at the entrance of Hualian, it was almost four o'clock. While taking the elevator, I clicked to book tickets, feeling an urgent need, so I went to the restroom. When I came out, I realized it seemed I hadn't booked successfully, as there was a prompt: "Continue clicking to pay." So, I clicked again. By the time I got to the cinema, it was already 4:01, and the ticket seller told me to wait a moment. Taking this opportunity, I checked my tickets again and found something was wrong; there were two electronic tickets showing up on my phone. I asked the staff, and they said it was a "Maoyan" issue; they handle ticket sales. I saw the time had already passed, so I thought I would wait until after the movie to address it.

After watching the movie, it was already 6:30. I asked the staff, and he pointed to the "Maoyan" customer service number posted on the floor. I called, and a young man answered. He checked the order and found mine, but he said the order showed it was a normal ticket purchase and he was powerless to help. What he could do was to compensate me with three discount coupons worth a total of 15 yuan. He consulted his superior, who also said there was nothing they could do. I said I wanted to file a complaint, and he provided a complaint link, stating I should wait for a response after 24 hours. It turned out that such issues are usually resolved quickly after customer feedback is received by their customer service, but I didn't expect it to be so troublesome this time. I thought I really just bought two tickets to watch a movie.

When I got back, I couldn't help but tell my wife about this matter, and she helped me upload the proof of the two electronic movie tickets. That night, I went to bed relatively late, and I couldn't help but think about this incident. The more I thought about it, the harder it was to sleep. In the end, I prayed a little and finally managed to fall asleep.

The next day, at noon, 11:38, my phone rang. When I answered, it was Meituan, regarding the movie ticket issue, and it was a young woman's voice. At first, she thought I had just bought an extra ticket, so I continued to explain the process of the incident, pointing out that there was an error in their procedure. She expressed understanding, and after their investigation, they confirmed that I indeed bought an extra ticket, and she decided to apply for a refund. This resolution was what I had hoped for, and it finally came. I repeatedly thanked this staff member, and I wanted her employee number. She told me, but it was too complicated for me to remember. She said it didn't matter; it wasn't important. I felt her serious and responsible attitude, eager to help consumers, was commendable and rare. The male staff member from yesterday clearly did not do this; he simply brushed it off without genuinely considering the customer's needs or trying to solve the problem the customer faced.

If this issue is not resolved in a timely and proper manner, how frustrated the customer would be! How long would it take to add to their stress! It could very likely affect many other aspects as well. Especially for the elderly, who may not operate their phones well, have unclear memories, and struggle to narrate their issues concisely... Although customer service work is simple, it cannot be overlooked. Resolving conflicts at the first moment is the most important. This is contributing bit by bit to social harmony from an ordinary position.

Once again, I would like to thank this unnamed female customer service representative!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

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