The entire surgical phase was quite torturous for me, but I did not show any signs of irritation; instead, I quietly listened to them speak. Although I couldn't see the specific scene of the surgery, I only had a faint sensation from the bones, but I could imagine that a lot of blood must have been lost.

I heard the lead surgeon say, "Look, isn't this broken? It's this spot."

The intern doctor nodded, watching the lead surgeon's movements, seemingly learning very seriously.

Then they attached a steel plate to the bone and drilled screws into the bone from one side. I could clearly hear the sound of the electric drill. At that moment, I actually regretted having the surgery; drilling multiple holes into my bones was equivalent to fracturing them many times, right? But at this point, I could only resign myself to fate. Thinking about the hardships of the surgical process, I thought it would have been better to have external fixation; enduring this again, how could a person bear such suffering?

The lead surgeon and the intern doctor kept talking and studying; I just listened silently. Finally, when it was time to close the wound, it was surprisingly the intern doctor who took action. Perhaps the intern's hands were shaking, so the lead surgeon took over and began to demonstrate for him.

I felt no pain; my entire right arm seemed to no longer belong to me. Finally, the lead surgeon announced that the surgery was over. At that moment, the nurse began to push the bed to take me out, telling me that my family was waiting outside.

However, when the nurses pushed me out of the operating room, I did not see my wife, and I felt a bit disappointed. Didn't the nurse tell me she was here?

Then the nurses pushed me to a temporary observation room, where there were already a few people. After staying in the observation room for about twenty minutes, they finally pushed me to the ward. Throughout the process, I did not see my wife; a nurse told me she might have gone back to the ward.

However, when they pushed me to the ward, apart from the other patients, I still did not see my wife. At that time, a nurse hung an IV drip for me; my right arm couldn't move, and I couldn't get out of bed. The nurse said my wife had come in the morning and then went to the surgery area to see me. I said I didn't see her. Then she comforted me, saying she might come up later.

However, a whole day passed, and my wife did not appear. She came, but we missed each other. It seemed that everything had to rely on myself. I managed to drink water and eat bread with one hand. During this time, a doctor came by twice, asking if I needed a certain painkiller. It was said that after taking this painkiller, I wouldn't feel too much pain. However, I forced myself to remain calm and said no.

In the middle of the night, the effect of the anesthetic wore off, and suddenly, excruciating pain began to attack me. You have to know that five new holes had just been drilled into my bones, and the flesh was sealed with gauze; this raw pain was indescribable. My thought at that moment was, since I won't die, what does it matter how much it hurts?

And so I endured the pain all night. Later, my wife and father-in-law came once; by that time, I was already very haggard, but I did not show how much I was suffering. After they left, I could even drag my right arm downstairs to buy something to eat. However, compared to this self-sufficient state, the more miserable moment was when the anesthetic was about to wear off but hadn't yet; I often unconsciously tried to lift my arm but couldn't, and my entire arm would fall from a height onto the edge of the bed, and I wouldn't feel much pain, just a bit worried about damaging the wound.

My wife had also been unwell; after coming to the hospital once, she was so tired that she lay down on my hospital bed to rest. Later, after examination, it turned out she was pregnant, but that's another story.

I was discharged from the hospital on the third day after the surgery. Before being discharged, I had a scan, which revealed that the bone alignment was not perfect, but the doctor told me not to worry, saying it would grow together. Then I asked why the detached bone fragment wasn't removed; it felt so awkward inside the flesh. The doctor told me not to worry; it would be absorbed later.

After being discharged, we returned to our residence. My wife cooked very slowly, or rather, she didn't know how to cook, so I took on this heavy responsibility. She often started to lose her temper, and I would say, "Is your temper so bad because you're pregnant?" Unexpectedly, this turned out to be true; after testing, she was indeed pregnant. After my wife became pregnant, she returned to her mother's house. Every day before work, I would wake up early, make nutritious soup, and deliver it to her before going to work.

Since I couldn't use my right hand normally, I could only write with my left hand. Although it was slower, I still wrote carefully and diligently. After persistent practice, I could write with my left hand. However, after my wife became pregnant, she seemed to rely on me more and didn't want me to go on business trips. But the company leaders needed me to go on business trips; after all, I was quite familiar with communicating with unfamiliar agents and organizing investment promotion meetings, which had proven my actual abilities in the past.

When I got home, I started discussing with my wife. I said, "This time I have to go on a business trip to Ningbo, probably for about a week." Although my wife was a bit reluctant, she agreed. Some colleagues supported my decision, while others opposed it; female colleagues were mostly against it. One senior sister said, "What if something happens to your wife while you're away? You will regret it."

Since my wife became pregnant, after examination and diagnosis by the doctor, it was found that her progesterone was low, and the embryo was growing slowly, so we should just let things happen naturally.

After I arrived in Ningbo for the business trip, the agent's boss told me to rest in the afternoon, and the formal invitations would start tomorrow. I said, "Let's start right away," so the invitation actions began in the afternoon. After half a day of invitations, the results were quite good, and I received quite a few deposits from interested clients.

However, at noon the next day, something happened at home. My wife had an old problem that had not improved, which was constipation. For many years, she had been using a glycerin suppository, so she continued to use it during her pregnancy. At noon, she had some bleeding and seemed to have expelled something. On the phone, she sadly told me this news, and I could only comfort her. But after hanging up, I couldn't suppress my sadness and burst into tears. The agent's salesperson urged me to hurry back, but I felt it was a bit irresponsible to go back after just arriving for two days. So, I did not agree with the agent's salesperson's suggestion.

I don't know how I got through that day. In the evening, I started calling family members to seek their opinions. My mother-in-law and others agreed that I should finish my work here before returning. My wife did not oppose this opinion either. While summarizing the lessons from this miscarriage over the phone, I inadvertently mentioned that I would be more careful in the future if I got pregnant again, including not using glycerin suppositories. Unexpectedly, my wife got angry upon hearing this, thinking I was blaming her. After saying a lot, she hung up the phone. I called many times, but she didn't answer again, so I quickly contacted my mother-in-law, very worried about my wife's state. My mother-in-law said we would talk when I got back.

In fact, I had been reflecting on every aspect of the incident. I had searched and consulted on Baidu, and I didn't dare to send the doctor's screenshots but instead mentioned it indirectly. In the end, my wife answered the phone again, and I asked, "Do you want me to come back now or wait a few days?" My wife said, "You should come back immediately."

At the same time, my good friend Liu Ba also said to come back immediately. So I quickly bought a train ticket for the next day and didn't tell the agent that night. Instead, the next morning, I found an opportunity to explain the situation to the agent. The agent expressed understanding and said, "You should have told me right away; you can go back immediately."

Although the agent's company is located in Ningbo, it is actually in Cixi County, which is quite far from the county town to the train station. The agent's wife drove me to the train station, asking along the way if I would come back. I could only reply, "That depends on the company's arrangements."

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