Last night, through writing, my anger was somewhat calmed. After finishing, I went straight to sleep, and this morning I woke up, meditated in bed, and didn't get up until after six.

Compared to usual, I got up late today. I ran to my parents' room, and they were surprisingly still lying down. I told them the whole process of my anger from last night and informed them that I had thrown away the clutter by the door. They remained quite calm, and then I invited them for a walk.

On the way, I talked about my views on the home environment, expressing my wish to organize it well together with my parents. I also once again mentioned the need for moderation in online shopping, and my parents nodded in agreement. I still held no expectations; this kind of communication had happened many times before. It always felt good for a while, then reverted to the old patterns. My state fluctuated along with it, but overall, I was becoming more aware of the environment, so I wasn't discouraged. If the situation doesn't change, as long as I live with them, I will keep communicating.

When we got home, after breakfast, I returned to my room to scroll through my phone, checking information about clothing and styling. After a while, my dad came to ask me how to handle the coat rack at the door. It turned out he had already started organizing the environment and had tidied up by the door, clearing the coat rack.

I was quite surprised by my dad's swift action. Seeing his T-shirt soaked with sweat, I felt touched. I asked him to turn on the air conditioning in the living room, and then we moved the coat rack to the balcony for temporary drying of clothes when it rains. My dad returned to his study and began tidying up and organizing.

My niece came over in the morning while my dad was still cleaning up, and I was busy with some sewing. Recently, I planned to make some clothes suitable for going out to meet clients, teach, or provide consulting services. My mom prepared lunch for us, and I made some soup with amaranth. After the meal, I took care of cleaning the kitchen, letting my dad, the dishwasher, take a break.

After tidying up, my niece showed little interest in making mango jelly but hoped I could make focaccia with her. I agreed, so we decided to make both. While I made the mango jelly, I had her prepare the ingredients for the focaccia. I listed the ingredients for her, and she weighed them and prepared the dough, letting it rise outdoors while I quickly finished the "mango milk soup," mixed in the gelatin, and waited for it to cool before putting it in the fridge to set.

In the afternoon, my niece and I baked the focaccia together, and I also took the time to brew Da Hong Pao tea using the tea ceremony I had just learned. After enjoying it, I even broke a slight sweat in the air-conditioned environment, which felt very comfortable. For dinner, we simply ate some of the food we had at home. Before my niece left, I completed making a white linen Chinese-style outer garment, quickly put it on, and accompanied my parents to see her off. After that, the three of us took a short walk before heading home.

Because the coat rack by the door was cleared, the living room looked very spacious. Although I did quite a bit of work today, I felt very happy. This seemed to stem from a good start today, but more so because I was continuously learning how to handle conflicts. It was neither about giving up nor deliberately pushing forward; it was a lesson in dynamic balance. I was exploring how to move forward little by little, and I saw my family changing and dancing with me in this process. At the same time, I noticed that I no longer repeatedly questioned whether what I was doing was right or wrong. I realized how energy-efficient it is not to engage in internal conflict.

Today, my throat felt uncomfortable, largely due to yesterday's loud shouting. My body accompanied me, supporting me, burdened by my destructive behavior, but I know I love it deeply and am willing to grow little by little to treat it better. My daily discipline in diet and lifestyle is also a form of protection for it.

In the future, during this period, I will continue to improve in the field of image styling while exploring the possibility of developing a business in clothing production. Everything is uncertain, but I will stay grounded in the present, live each day well, and patiently await the future.

I gradually feel that when I no longer get entangled in how things will turn out, everything will come as expected. I am grateful for these experiences, which allow me to fully experience my life, existing in my feelings, my emotions, my responses, and letting go to live each day.

What reason do I have not to look forward to tomorrow's arrival? Good night, my friends! I wish you all a good night's sleep, helping us to better embrace tomorrow!

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