In this complex and chaotic world, home, the place we are most familiar with, is often overlooked by us. However, it is in this space filled with daily trivialities and emotional entanglements that we can cultivate ourselves, transcend limitations, and embark on a journey of awareness.

Home is not just a place to live; it is the starting point of spiritual practice, the most genuine and unpretentious dojo. Here, we do not need to adorn our path of practice with flowery language, nor do we need to deliberately flaunt our spiritual pursuits. Because all our reactions are laid bare in front of our family. Home, in its simplest form, provides us with a platform to practice awareness and transcend ourselves.

True practice is not a verbal declaration but the accumulation of daily practices. When we begin to consciously observe our emotions and reactions, transcending our likes and dislikes, we step onto the spiritual path. This practice is silent yet can have a profound impact.

What I have written these days is all about family matters, fully proving that family life is filled with challenges and opportunities. Our interactions with family members, whether harmonious or conflicted, are excellent opportunities to train our awareness. In the family, we will learn how to find consensus amidst differing opinions and how to seek balance in conflicts.

This morning during my walk, I upset my mom again because I "criticized" her for breathing through her mouth. She silently resisted my preaching, frowning and remaining unresponsive. I have long been accustomed to her mood swings; seeing her unresponsive, I had a sudden idea and changed my "preaching" approach. I said that research shows breathing through the mouth can alter one's appearance and make one less attractive. This had an immediate effect; my mom closed her mouth. To strengthen this suggestion, I searched for a related article and sent it to her.

I realized how difficult it is to live with my parents. Although my intentions are good, my mom's dry mouth syndrome is largely due to breathing through her mouth. I repeatedly remind her hoping to draw her attention, but this is just one of many issues that need attention, and addressing too many at once makes me seem overly nagging.

I could choose to ignore it and live under the same roof, pretending to be deaf and mute, but I cannot do that. I know that in the future, when financially feasible, I will choose to live separately from my parents, just in close proximity. So the current situation is challenging my comfort zone and promoting my personal growth. Although this situation is difficult, it can bring unexpected miracles.

When faced with people and things we dislike, we can choose to complain and evade, or we can choose to accept and transform. When we learn to find opportunities for learning and growth in these challenges, we can create our own brilliance.

Conflict is an inevitable part of the practice process. In the face of chaos at home, my anger and helplessness are challenges to my self-awareness. Through interactions with my parents, I learn how to observe my emotions and how to find a way to reconcile amidst anger.

Becoming aware of my emotions is the first step in practice. Realizing that my anger is not just a reaction to my parents' behavior but also dissatisfaction with my current situation. This self-awareness teaches me to surrender, respecting my parents' way of life while also seeking a way out.

Becoming an observer of my own emotions deepens my practice. Amidst emotional fluctuations, I learn how not to be controlled by my emotions, how to remain calm in anger, and how to harmoniously coexist with my parents after conflicts. This ability will make us more steadfast on the path of practice.

Gratitude is the fruit of practice. When facing family challenges, I learn to be grateful for every blessing in life. This sense of gratitude makes you cherish every moment in life, bringing us back to the present, valuing our relationships with family, and learning how to better balance interactions.

In short, home is the starting point of our practice and the ultimate dojo of our practice. Here, we learn how to face conflicts, how to grow through reconciliation, and how to find wisdom in awareness. May we all continue to practice and grow in this best dojo of home, ultimately finding inner peace and freedom.

Home is the best dojo. Here, we experience the ups and downs of life with our closest ones and face the challenges of the soul together. May we all find our own path of practice in this dojo and live out our truest selves. Let’s encourage each other!

Here, we do not need grand rituals or complicated rules. What we need is just a heart willing to transcend itself and pursue awareness. Let us continuously cultivate and transcend in the daily life of our family, ultimately achieving inner peace and freedom.

Here, we learn how to live, how to love, and how to become a better version of ourselves. Let us cherish this journey and illuminate the path ahead with the light of awareness.

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