Today marks the beginning of the dog days of summer. Although the humidity and heat today are not much different from the past two days, I believe we should still eat dumplings on the first day. I didn't have time to make dumplings myself during the day, so I bought two types of dumplings, vegetarian and pork, at the Little Elephant supermarket to prepare dinner for my parents and me.

Happiness is that simple. Since it was dinner time, we didn't eat much. I had six vegetarian dumplings, mixed a small plate of bell pepper and cilantro as a cold dish, and made myself a bowl of osmanthus lotus root powder. I felt very satisfied.

After dinner, even though it was drizzling, I decided to go out for a walk to digest and also to get some exercise. I walked casually and chose a less-traveled route. When I passed by a small creative park I visited a year ago, I walked in to see what had changed.

To my surprise, I found many delightful surprises during my visit. First, as soon as I entered the courtyard, I noticed a small café opened at the right corner, with two large rosemary plants at the entrance. One of them was even partially blocking the door, and when it opened, a rich aroma wafted out.

I peeked inside and asked a man and a woman if I could take a look around. They nodded in agreement, and I added that I had already missed my coffee time. I looked at the decorations and decor inside the café; it was small but had a great atmosphere, with many handmade decorations. I was particularly fond of a Christmas tree made of coffee beans and thought I would definitely replicate it when I got home.

At the same time, I saw photos on the wall of the café hosting salon events and inquired about it. I learned that I could hold events here as long as I made a normal purchase. This felt great; if I wanted to gather friends for an event in the future, I would have a venue.

After visiting the café, I walked deeper into the creative park and found that two of the shops I saw last year were still there, while others had changed owners. There was a new shared office, which was good news. If I needed a place for my startup, I could consider working here, but unfortunately, they had closed for the day, so I couldn't check it out.

Today in the park, I discovered a newly opened woodworking workshop, which made me very happy because this was something I had wanted to learn for years. I went in without hesitation to take a look.

Inside the shop, there were three people: one older and two younger, who seemed to be staff, along with two customer service cats. One of the cats was lazily lying next to a man who was pondering over tools. The male staff member introduced me to the services of the woodworking workshop and then let me explore on my own. I looked at the scattered wood, large tools, and completed and unfinished woodworking projects. Another customer service cat intercepted me on a workbench, meowing at me. When I petted it, it meowed even louder and kept rubbing against my hand, wanting me to pet its fur. Wow! This time, I had become the guest who was now serving the customer service!

When I left, I saw a type of fern I had never seen before outside the woodworking shop. It looked like a deer horn fern, but the horns seemed to grow on a hat. This fern was hanging on a very artistic wooden board, with a small steel plate on the front engraved with its name, which was also beautiful—Queen Fern, just like a hat worn by a queen.

Life is like a thick book, with every page filled with the unknown and surprises. Curiosity is the key to exploring this world. It drives us to try new things, learn new knowledge, and experience different states of life. It is this curiosity that makes our lives richer and more colorful.

I remember when I was a child, I was always full of curiosity about everything around me. I would squat in front of an ant nest, observing their busy figures; I would lie on a bamboo bed outdoors on summer nights, looking up at the starry sky and imagining the mysteries of the universe. At that time, I was filled with infinite longing and yearning for the world.

However, as we grow older, we seem to gradually lose that pure curiosity. The pressures and responsibilities of life make us pragmatic, even somewhat numb. We begin to overlook the small details that once moved us and forget to discover the joys in life.

But life shouldn't be like this. We need to reignite our passion for life and regain that curiosity. Whether during busy work or on leisurely weekends, we can find our own little happiness. It could be a spontaneous trip, an in-depth reading experience, or a deep conversation with family and friends.

Maintaining a passion for life means we are willing to try, explore, and experience. We shouldn't be afraid of failure because every failure is an opportunity for learning and growth. We should bravely step out of our comfort zones and embrace new challenges.

Life is an endless adventure. Let us carry our curiosity to discover the extraordinary hidden in ordinary life. Let us embrace every sunrise and sunset with passion, feeling every breath and heartbeat. Because life itself is an art, and we are all creators of this art.

So, don't be afraid to pursue those seemingly unattainable dreams. Don't be afraid to love, to hate, to feel. Because only when we truly immerse ourselves in life can we experience its true meaning.

On such a refreshing evening, I seem to have regained my love and curiosity for life. The dumplings on the first day of the dog days, though simple, carry the warmth of home and the taste of tradition. Six vegetarian dumplings, paired with the freshness of bell pepper and cilantro, along with that bowl of osmanthus lotus root powder's sweetness, simple yet satisfying—this is the little happiness in life.

Walking in the light rain, although it was a bit stuffy and humid, it also brought fresh air and a peaceful mood. Choosing a less-traveled route gave me the opportunity to rediscover the corners of this city and feel the beauty that had been overlooked.

This is my life, simple yet fulfilling, ordinary yet wonderful. I will cherish every discovery and every experience because these are an indispensable part of my life. Let us together, with curiosity and passion, create a beautiful life that belongs to us.

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