The company sent a manager, and I originally thought they would assist for a while and then leave, but unexpectedly, just half a month later, they became a permanent employee, and the original manager was demoted.

As soon as the new manager took office, they immediately started buying drinks for the staff on duty and even went to the trouble of riding an electric bike to deliver them to our posts. This earned them a good reputation.

Today, another visitor came upstairs with a child and fell on the second floor, injuring their muscles and bones. The girl on the second floor shouted that a visitor had fallen and urged everyone to come up and help.

Since I was on duty at the time and couldn't be in two places at once, I informed the front desk girl and another security personnel about the situation. The front desk girl had just started working and was not familiar with many procedures, but there was no one else available, so the security personnel and the new front desk employee immediately grabbed a first aid kit and rushed to the second floor.

According to the usual protocol, the front desk girl would open the first aid kit and apply ointment to the injured visitor, while the security personnel would take photos and then send these photos to the company's large group chat.

After the security personnel completed this procedure, the new manager noticed the incident and immediately sent a message in the group, praising their actions and stating that a small gift would be given to both the front desk girl and the security personnel.

In the end, the manager gave each of them a red envelope worth thirty-eight yuan. Since such things had never happened before, the previous manager would never have done this, so it strongly motivated the front desk girl and the security personnel, and they were very excited all afternoon.

So, can this manager's method of using red envelopes as incentives encourage many people to actively follow suit?

For this question, we should analyze it specifically. First of all, incidents of visitors getting injured are low-probability events and not common. However, the manager's immediate affirmation of such behavior and the provision of material rewards indicate an attitude. That is, positive behaviors that have a positive impact should receive corresponding incentives. Therefore, the significance of this incident lies in activating a certain attitude.

Secondly, let's look at the responses of these two individuals. The security personnel responded by thanking the leader for their cultivation and recognition, while the front desk girl very officially stated that this was her job, adhering to the principle of prioritizing life and providing effective service, even though her response was somewhat awkward.

Both responses expressed gratitude to the manager but did not mention gratitude to the platform, and their reflections and insights on the incident were quite superficial, bordering on flattery. Since many people in the group were from the client side, who are generally very intelligent, they must have sensed this issue.

So why were their responses so lacking? The reason is simple: the front desk girl had just started working and was not familiar with the platform's culture or the relevant managers, so she could only respond as if reciting a script. The security personnel, on the other hand, was blatantly flattering, but their wording was still inappropriate, as saying the other party's cultivation was an attempt to build a relationship, while also expressing gratitude for recognition gave a sense of superiority, which does not align with the language system of subordinates towards leaders, but rather resembles the language of leaders towards subordinates.

After receiving the thirty-eight yuan red envelope, he couldn't help but take a screenshot to show off in the team chat, saying he would buy everyone fried noodles with extra eggs tomorrow. However, in reality, he was off tomorrow and would not be able to buy food for others, so this was a bit of cleverness. This indicates that the educational significance of this incident was not achieved; instead, it became a means to satisfy personal vanity and deceive others.

After receiving this red envelope, he told other colleagues that they should actively seek to perform in similar situations in the future because of such rewards.

From the manager's perspective, they hope to cultivate their subordinates' attitudes and abilities to serve others, but in reality, subordinates only see the benefits involved. Therefore, if there is a next time, the manager must at least provide a thirty-eight yuan red envelope; otherwise, it may have the opposite effect.

At the same time, the manager only rewarded the two individuals they deemed to have contributed, but in reality, the response was not sufficient. The first person to notice the incident was a female colleague in the second-floor lounge, who immediately called for help. At that time, the front desk girl and the relevant security personnel were unaware of the situation, and the security personnel on duty at the entrance immediately notified the front desk girl and the other security personnel, so at least four people were involved in handling this incident.

Therefore, based on these facts, although the front desk girl and the security personnel received rewards, they could only feel lucky rather than genuinely having discovered, handled the situation in a timely manner, and received positive feedback from the visitors.

Thus, the manager should restore the entire scene and expand the reward scope to at least four people, giving a thirty-eight yuan red envelope to the direct executors, while also rewarding the person who first discovered and notified others, and urged idle personnel to handle the situation, such as giving each of them a notebook as a reward. Although it may not be worth much, the symbolic significance is enormous.

However, the manager may not have realized this fact, or they may have understood it but overlooked the necessity of rewards, which led to the opportunistic mentality of the security personnel and the superficiality of the front desk girl's response. The actual incentive effect may have been greatly diminished.

If only red envelopes can be rewarded, I would suggest pulling the relevant personnel into a temporary group and letting them compete for the red envelopes, with the amount depending on their luck. This would likely yield better results than simply giving them to the two individuals who were present.

However, the manager did not do this. Therefore, for the person who first discovered and notified others, she may feel somewhat disappointed, and her enthusiasm may not be stimulated in similar situations in the future, nor will she proactively remind others to be careful of falls. She does not want anyone to fall, but if someone does, it doesn't matter; on the other hand, the two who received rewards would hope to encounter more such incidents. The reason is simple: there are red envelope rewards, and this money comes too easily.

Additionally, it is said that the security personnel who took the photos mentioned that the new front desk employee only knew how to open the first aid kit and did not know what to apply to the injured person, needing guidance. The reason for taking photos was entirely due to company requirements, to prove that the company's employees were genuinely doing their jobs and to create a favorable impression for the client.

From this perspective, their actions were not driven by goodwill but rather by institutional constraints, and at that time, only the two of them could respond, as others were on duty and unable to assist. Of course, this does not mean that the manager's rewards had no effect; at least it set a role model, and rewarding such behavior may objectively encourage more people to participate and enjoy taking photos.

As of now, this incident has occurred twice within the same month, indicating that there are indeed certain safety hazards on the second and third floors. In the first incident, the visiting guests suggested posting some reminder signs, but this suggestion was not taken seriously at the time, and no one was willing to act on it, which led to the second similar incident. However, in this second similar incident, the relevant personnel did not receive the preventive measures suggested by the visitors, or the visitors suggested them but they were not communicated effectively.

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