It has been more than a week since I returned to Wuhan from another city. After experiencing this "family discord" mainly with my mother, I gradually accepted a shift in my mindset. Even if my parents remain unchanged, I accept this outcome, and I will not give up on the things I want to do and should do. I wonder if this counts as a manifestation of choosing to face difficulties even after recognizing the truth of life?

In the morning, I used my newly bought blender to make millet pumpkin yam porridge, then invited my parents to take a walk. At first, they were reluctant to go out because they thought it was too hot, but after I persuaded them by saying it was relatively cool in the morning, they finally agreed.

Walking on the road, I saw a sanitation worker setting up a breakfast table for herself on the steps by the roadside, with several kinds of food including fruit. She sat upright, not yet eating, seemingly listening to something on her phone. I guessed she was a woman like me who lives a spiritual life, fully immersed even by the roadside. This was my first touch of emotion in the morning.

What people need is inner peace and stability, but not many can realize this. My mother expressed sympathy for the sanitation worker, believing that they must endure the harshness of summer and winter while still holding their posts. I, however, think that everyone has their own lessons to learn.

I think she has forgotten the hardships she endured during the years when her workplace was performing poorly, when she had to save money and manage the household diligently. From this perspective, no one needs to be pitied. The ones who can truly feel and experience happiness are those who live in the present, not dwelling on the past or fearing the future, but doing what they should do.

After the walk, I returned home and had breakfast with my parents, took care of some work matters, and then went to the entrepreneurial park again to check out shared offices, but the door was still tightly locked. My main purpose was to inquire about a job advertisement I saw yesterday for a clothing anchor, thinking I could give it a try. So I first found the phone number from the ad, called to ask about it, but the other party seemed very busy and asked me to add them on WeChat before hanging up. I added them on WeChat using their phone number and then went to a café. A cup of Americano was only a little over ten yuan, which was a great deal. I can come here to write in the future.

I stayed in the café for over an hour, listening to a young man in the shop chatting with a female customer. Later, I realized they were good friends. There were hardly any other customers in the shop. At one point, a middle-aged man came in and ordered an Americano. I thought it was a miracle that this shop could still operate like this.

Later, a girl who runs a Pilates studio in the park came in and joined the conversation with the shop staff and the girl in the medical beauty industry. The three of them were full of business talk. Indeed, money tends to favor those who often discuss it. They all mentioned that their businesses were declining, attributing it to customers downgrading their consumption, but it seemed they didn’t feel threatened by this at all. They just joked with each other about working hard to make money. By the way, their working hours start in the afternoon.

The WeChat request I sent has still not been approved. Although my "business" did not materialize, it did not affect my mood. I still went home for lunch to eat the food my mother made. In the afternoon, I watched a movie about marriage, which was somewhat heavy and oppressive. Seeing that the floor at home was too dirty, I took out my special skill—cleaning the floor with a cloth by hand. I spent nearly two hours using Amway floor cleaner to wipe the floors clean, experiencing the joy of sweat soaking my T-shirt. This is the best exercise when doing nothing!

Even now, my WeChat request has not been approved. If they knew they missed out on a professional like me, it would be like missing a billion-dollar business opportunity. Would they regret it so much that they would get up overnight to review my WeChat request again? Haha, just kidding. But seriously, isn’t life just full of the unknown?

In the evening, my mother personally treated me, making me a bowl of lotus root powder with osmanthus as I requested. She used only half the amount of water I usually use, but she stirred it to a thick and even consistency. I must say, experience does count! I praised my mother and happily enjoyed this bowl of porridge full of love.

After dinner, I took a shower, hand-washed my clothes and hung them up, and started writing for the night. I told myself that everything was perfect. Life is like this; sometimes when we take action, the process may not go as we wish, but that does not mean we have failed. Every attempt, every effort, is a love for life and an expectation for the future.

I guess it’s because I was tired from cleaning the floor today that even while typing, I felt the onset of drowsiness. Well, I’ll stop writing here today. No matter how hot it is, I hope everyone can find inner peace and enjoy a good sleep. Good night!

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