On February 24, 1986, the fierce news came from the distant Henan Kaifeng. Fan Deju, who was only 26 years old, could no longer go up the mountain or go down the mountain. Military merit and "disabled permits" are also unnecessary. As a result, a mortal with a special function and a magical story of the magical mountains and the death of the gods uploaded on the alpine mountains wrapped in ice. People believe. Presumably, the wife of Chen Yulian's chef and the fat boy who is in his arms that Fan Nannan's absent -year years of age can understand this story. Presumably, the father and fellows of Kaifeng, Henan can also understand the story.

If Fan Deju really has any special features, then every soldier on Mount Chasura has specific functions. As long as you come and see them, you believe it. Here, every footprint is a tragic story, and every snowflake is a magical story.

The soldiers usually like to extract the text of the newspapers and magazines. Each has its own good, each has its own emphasis, and there are many strange things on the practice book. Some prefers the category of "the death of the world celebrities". In fact, the death of celebrities does not make the emotions of the soldiers surge. It is worried for the ancients, and it is not necessary. However, there are various ways of death of celebrities to "admire": assassination, suicide, accidental car accidents, plane crashes, ship sinking sea ... After rendering by the author, they all sublimated into a wonderful chapter. Of course, the deaths of those comrades in the "Laoshan" front line also copied that once they were copied in the practice book, they became their own, as if they would die like that one day. There is only one kind of dead managers who have not seen it in newspapers and magazines. I am afraid that no one can copy it in the medical journal that it becomes a piercing word. Others may not copy because they do n’t believe it, and the soldiers do n’t copy because they copy them.

The "Old Tibet" that entered Tibet in the early 1950s is not much. Some continue to work in Tibet, some return to the Mainland due to the accumulation of hard work, and some of the hearts of the diseased heart. The impact suddenly passed away.

I remember my father returned from Tibet. He had to stay in the hospital throughout the winter. In the summer, the whole family took turns to carry two oxygen bags to the outpatient department every day.

Geng Quanli, the director of the Political Department of the Military Region, said heavyly at a meeting: According to incomplete statistics, in the past two years, 12 cadres who have returned to the Mainland's duties in the Mainland have died of 12 people. Just two years. Two years. This is the death record that the entire army does not have. These comrades returned to the Mainland to enjoy the blessings, and in the old age ...

The hair -free general choked and couldn't go on.

However, the soldiers here are not afraid and shrinking. Many people are reluctant when they are "going down the mountain", looking back step by step, and their faces are covered with tears. They can't help every mountain in Tibet, and each mountain is full of their military merits, and every mountain spreads their proud stories. Director Geng said anxiously that there are countless mountains here, and it is strange that you can't write a mountain. A mountain of others in the Mainland has been exerted by writers for several years ...

Director Luo of Chaguo Pattrassment said that I asked you not to write us so well, begging for the understanding of others, we have our own occupation and our own responsibilities.

The strong backbone supports the magnificent snowy mountains.

There is a star avatar cut from the pictorial on the wall of Chaguo Pattrassment. The soldiers said that for such a beautiful girl standing, it was worth it.

The words are all mountains.


This is a real "old mountain". A very old and old mountain. Like many other mountains in the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau, it is just a reef before the ancient land of Tarius. As long as you are interested, you can pick up a few biorest fossils in the primitive ancient sea from it.

Today, the corner of Bashan has a female soldier scenery. Perhaps after more than 100 million years, who would pick up a few female soldiers in unintentional. However, it is difficult for anyone who picks up and it is difficult to verify what is a man or a woman.

The woman's company leader was very severe, and even more than the male company commander. She should of course be severe. Lian, he led the soldiers to fight. The important thing is not that she is severe or not, but her hairstyle, wearing, language, and action, so that the texture of her skin seems to be "masculine". If there is any male soldier who wants to pour a few sips of wine in the drama and see her from the foreign appearance. Well, you have to drink how much she drinks. The soldiers served her.

Here, regardless of the male soldiers and women, each soldier's "Shan Ling" can be distinguished at a glance. Turtles break their "sea age" with the lines of turtle shells. The face of his face is definitely a recruit egg that just "up the mountain". "Green" and "tender" are the same meaning. The red face was red, and it was burned by ultraviolet rays to the initial results, and some "Shan Ling". But this is not qualified to call the veteran. The face of the real veteran should be purple -brown, and the most solid part of the color is condensed on the cheekbones. At first glance, like "monkey buttocks", commonly known as "Tibetan". This is the face of the female company. As for how to call her face, it was a matter of soldiers. She was too harsh, and the soldiers called "monkey ass"; she was not harsh, and the soldiers called "Tibetan".

The female company commander didn't care, and when she heard it, she didn't hear it. But she is a woman after all, and she should have a woman's face. She should wipe more high -end cosmetics on her face. Perhaps it was because of being a company commander that it was too particular about the soldiers. Promoting our arms' hard and simple traditions.

I remember my father said that one year he went to Beijing to meet to discuss when the "Yinyan" could fly to the Tibet Plateau to report to the Spring Festival. Before the meeting started, my father's old comrades in the capital of the Republic of the Republic started a fierce debate on my father's face. Expressing their own opinions, there are different opinions. Only one thing made a consistent opinion: the face has released "Tibetan" and the "Tibetan Guang" will never be released. When the "Yinyan" problem is temporarily a problem, you need to solve a box of "Baibi Spirit" for my father to make the face reunify.

When my father stepped into the conference room with a aroma in his life, he suddenly felt uncomfortable. Although this aroma is not unfamiliar, it was only appreciated by the palace that entered the landlord of the landlord that year. Moreover, it was not to smell the aroma, nor was it to smell the aroma, and it was not to be stained with the aroma. Who is worthy of "Baique Ling" and those old comrades who are worthy of sleeping underground or the ancestors who are suffering from suffering, why do you adopt incorrect opinions without analysis? President Mao's old man knocked on the analing ideas at the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Seventh Central Committee. The sharp criticism was like he was criticizing himself. Are you really unfortunately hit by the bourgeois? There was no shame in the war, and it was also not embarrassed in the peace era. Really.

After some ideological struggle, he resolutely withdrew from the conference room, walked into the bathroom, twisted the faucet, washed his face with his hands, and threw a box of "Baique Ling" into the sewer ...

When he finished talking to me, it seemed like it was still in front of my eyes to exclude the stagnation of the chest. Look at the woman's company commander, but Qin can admire, and has something in common with my father's thoughts ... No, the aroma on her face is very strong, the corners of her mouth are bright, and the general back of the general back of the head is Preparation of face oil. This kind of face rubbing soldiers must be necessary and use it at any time. The manual reads: this product contains wool fat, glycerin, salicylate, etc. Suitable for plateau troops to prevent skin burst and ultraviolet burns.

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