I must be the most useless person in this world. No job, no savings, no abilities. I cower every day, helping my mom run the store and scrolling through Xiaohongshu for entertainment, doing the same repetitive things every day! Taking care of the kids and doing housework, if I don't do it well, I get verbally abused. I might even be kicked out of the house to scavenge for a living! Someone a year older than me can already live independently without relying on their parents, working hard to accomplish everything. Yet I cry for an hour before sleeping every night due to depression. My ex-husband also looks down on me; he thinks he is smart and loves what he does. He believes that excellence can be found in every profession, while he sees me as someone who is useless and still asking for my parents' money. He despises my stupidity and says hateful things like, "Why don't you jump off the fifth floor and die?" It's so ridiculous that no one wants to hire someone so stupid. Before dying, parents and friends tell you to live well; after you die, they will love you. How can a useless person think about doing something useful! Parents scold their children, but deep down, they love them. How do parents and children communicate? I plan to deliver food to support this family, but my parents worry about my safety while traveling and want to give their child a better future. I am trying my best to do everything. I don't want to be hindered by petty people who make it hard for me to move forward. I want to take good care of the kids and find a job to support myself and my children. It breaks my heart to see my child playing alone at home with their toy car, without their parents by their side.

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