After a short nap this afternoon, I invited my parents to have tea together and learned a new tea brewing technique called "gentle heat" from my sister in Zhejiang, until it became natural. Fortunately, I have developed a skill in handling heat through years of household chores—I'm not afraid of getting burned, so it was relatively easy to get started. After having tea with my parents a few times, my technique has gradually improved.

Isn't life constantly training me! However, I didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly. During this afternoon's tea time, the three of us began to open up to each other and resolved previous conflicts.

My mom told me that the reason she didn't want to talk to me during this time was that I was too nagging, and there were many things she didn't know how to respond to, so she simply chose to remain silent.

Hearing the reason pointed out by my mom made me quite happy. I apologized to her and told her that if she felt I was nagging, she could directly express her feelings, and I would change my approach. At the same time, I emphasized that my nagging is about the issues, not about her as a person, and we both need to learn how to communicate better.

Since returning home to rely on my parents, I have always felt that I was causing them trouble. No matter how much they contributed, whenever there was a conflict, I would feel that I was being looked down upon by them because of the difficulties I faced. I expressed this thought during the conflict with my mom, and my dad was surprised that I had such feelings. He said that only parents truly wish for their children's well-being. In the years I have returned to them, they think it is normal to provide help, but deep down, they still hope that I can gradually build a stable career for myself, as they will eventually leave first.

Thinking about how they are indeed accompanying and waiting for me to "stand up," I feel very blessed. I often get trapped by my own thoughts, but what my dad said today greatly healed my sense of unworthiness.

After finishing tea, we discussed what birthday gift to give my brother's little daughter. I remembered that my brother mentioned he would take her to Japan during the summer vacation, so I suggested making a "dao robe" for her, which is very Japanese and can be worn when she goes to Japan. My parents thought this suggestion was great, but there was no suitable fabric at home, so we planned to go to the market together to buy some.

I recalled a seller on Xianyu from whom I had previously bought fabric; her fabric store is in our district. So, I asked her through Xianyu, and to my surprise, she quickly replied and sent me the specific address. I then called a Didi and set off with my parents.

This seller had previously studied fashion design. After five years of classes, she started running a fabric business. Many of her goods are either exported or imported fabrics, likely leftovers from clothing factories, and the quality is excellent, which is very friendly for a customer like me who is new to making clothes and pays great attention to fabric.

Soon, I found the fabric for making clothes for my little niece. Seeing so many good fabrics, we all decided to buy some. I also encouraged my parents to pick fabrics they liked, and I found some fabrics I liked as well. My dad encouraged me to look at a few more pieces.

My mom found an incredibly vibrant floral fabric, an Italian-imported fabric containing silk. When we got to the checkout, that piece of fabric, which was less than two meters, cost 200 yuan. Upon hearing the price, my mom immediately said she didn't want it. Both my dad and I could tell she thought it was too expensive. My dad insisted on buying it, saying it was rare for her to like something. I also suggested that this fabric would look good made into a Chinese-style robe, and my mom agreed.

In the end, we bought seven pieces of fabric of various sizes, so everyone could have new clothes. We were very happy. Although the cost of the fabric was more expensive than buying many discounted ready-made clothes, the quality of these fabrics is incomparable to ordinary ready-made garments. At the same time, my craftsmanship adds value, and there will be warmth from handmade love.

I am very happy to express my love for my family in this way. This is my natural advantage. After all, if I had followed my dad's wishes to study medicine, it would have been better if I didn't use it. However, my studying fashion does not prevent me from providing support to my parents in health matters.

I am grateful that over the years, even though I have been in a state of mental chaos, I have relied on my instincts to live well. I am thankful for my straightforward nature; although I haven't made many friends, I have learned very valuable lessons from the few friends I do have. I am grateful for my self-discipline and restraint, which have kept me from being controlled by desires. I am also thankful for my sense of pride, which allows me to pursue relative dignity even in difficult situations.

These qualities have shaped the unique me. Although these traits are not perfect, and I am learning how to change to enhance and develop my talents, I firmly believe that accepting and loving oneself is an indispensable part of everyone's growth process. On the path of self-growth, we must not only face external challenges but also confront our inner struggles and insecurities.

None of us are perfect, but it is these imperfections that make up our unique personalities and charm. Just like the floral fabric my mom likes, although the price made her hesitate, its brilliance and beauty are one of a kind. We should also learn to appreciate our imperfections because they are part of our individuality and the reason we stand out.

Loving oneself is not just about appreciating one's external appearance but also about caring for and understanding one's inner self. Just as my dad encouraged me to look at more fabrics, we should also encourage ourselves to try more, explore more, and find what truly suits us. Whether in career, hobbies, or lifestyle, we should bravely pursue and realize our goals.

Life is always full of uncertainties, and we cannot predict what will happen in the future. But it is these uncertainties that fill our lives with surprises and challenges. Just like when we select fabrics in the market, we may encounter various situations, but as long as we maintain an open mindset and accept these situations, we can find solutions to the problems.

Every challenge is an opportunity for our growth. Just like the communication between my mom and me, although it was a bit difficult at first, through honest dialogue, we not only solved the problem but also deepened our understanding of each other. Every challenge in life is an opportunity for us to learn how to better interact with others and how to better understand ourselves.

No matter what life brings us, we should maintain a grateful heart. Just as I am grateful for my self-discipline and restraint, and for my sense of pride, we should also be thankful for every gift and every experience in life. These experiences, whether good or bad, are valuable treasures for our growth.

On the path of self-help and growth, we must not only accept and love ourselves but also allow various situations to occur. Only in this way can we continue to grow and progress amidst life's challenges. Just like the "dao robe" I am making for my little niece, although it is just a small gift, it carries my love for her, my love for my family, and my love for life.

May each of us face challenges bravely on the path of self-growth, sincerely accept ourselves, deeply love ourselves, and allow various situations to occur. In this way, we can live out our true selves and lead a wonderful life.

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