The process of our job regularization goes through two procedures. One procedure is the supervisor's assessment, which usually involves some routine evaluations. The other procedure is to write a self-recommendation for the job, which serves as proof of application approval.

After the previous incident, I always thought that the missing regularization salary was something the supervisor should fill out, but this morning the supervisor suddenly came to me with a blank A4 paper and said that the self-recommendation paper I wrote before was lost by General Zhu, and I needed to write another one.

Hearing this news, I was very surprised and directly refused, saying that I couldn't write it, as losing it was your responsibility and had nothing to do with me. Besides, I am currently working and have no time to write.

The supervisor said, just take some time to write it today. I replied that I had no time today and would write it tomorrow. The supervisor anxiously said that it was required to be submitted today and could not be done tomorrow.

Hearing this, I found it unbelievable and said that I wouldn't write it and that this matter should be discussed with General Li.

The supervisor then stopped insisting and turned to say that he would go find General Li.

After the supervisor left, I told my colleague to take over the duty for a moment while I went to their office to communicate.

When I arrived at the property office, General Li was teaching the supervisor Yude something in plain language, and Yude probably didn't mention anything about asking me to write a self-recommendation. General Li said, please wait a moment, I will finish talking with Yude first.

Once they were almost done talking, General Li asked me what was the matter and told me to speak.

So I explained the issue of not receiving the regularization salary last month. At this point, General Li opened a file on the computer, found my record, and confirmed the amount that was underpaid. Then he mentioned the matter of writing a self-recommendation.

I said I didn't need to write it again, as I had taken a photo of it, and I had the photo here.

At this moment, General Li immediately said that I could forward it to Yude, let him print it out, and I could just sign it.

I searched through my phone and said I would look for it and send it to you later. Then I left the office.

Not long after I returned, I found the photo of the self-recommendation and sent it to both General Li and Supervisor Yude. General Li immediately replied, saying that Yude could print it and I could just sign it.

However, Supervisor Yude did not reply to any messages after receiving it, and I didn't know if he had seen the WeChat message. While I was at my work station, General Li came over to ask if there was anything else.

I replied that there was nothing else. General Li said that having no issues was a good thing.

At 2:33 PM, the team leader unexpectedly sent me a message saying that the office had lost my self-recommendation form and asked me to write another one.

At this time, I checked WeChat and found that Supervisor Yude still had not replied to me. I felt strange about the sudden inquiry from the team leader and guessed it was a message conveyed by the supervisor. So I replied to the team leader that I had already sent the photo to Supervisor Yude, and he could print it and let me sign it. The team leader replied OK.

Until 4 PM, Supervisor Yude still had not replied to me, so I took the initiative to ask if the paper had been printed. He replied that it had been printed. I asked if I needed to sign it, and he replied to wait a moment as he was busy interviewing new hires.

As a result, I waited until the end of the workday, and he still hadn't brought the printed paper for me to sign. Although he came by close to the end of the day, he seemed to have forgotten about it, chatted with others for a while, and then left work.

Of course, this unreliability of his is not the first time nor the last. As early as May 10, I had inquired about transferring my social security to the current company. On May 15, I asked whether the social security had been successfully added. If it couldn't be added successfully, it would mean that my previous company had not processed the reduction. I could handle it that day. At noon, he replied that it had been successfully added and that I could buy it in May.

Since the addition here was successful, it meant that the previous company had successfully processed the reduction. According to social security regulations, a person can only be added to one company. If the previous company has not processed the reduction, the other company cannot successfully add them.

However, on the afternoon of May 23, with five minutes left until 5 PM, Manager Tang suddenly called me on WeChat. Manager Tang said that if your social security hasn't stopped, the company here cannot buy it, and it can only be bought next month.

So I recounted what Supervisor Yude had said about the successful addition on the 15th, and Manager Tang said that it was successfully added, but they had not processed the reduction, so we couldn't buy it here. In Manager Tang's understanding, he believed that the so-called addition meant that the company was willing to buy social security for you, which was equivalent to being added. It seems that both Yude and Manager Tang have misunderstandings about the addition process. This might be the reason for the distorted message transmission.

So I quickly contacted the boss of my previous company and directly said that I was told before that my social security had been reduced. If it can't be paid here, then you haven't successfully processed the reduction on your side.

The boss was also very surprised to hear this and immediately went to find their finance department to verify the matter. Soon, they successfully processed the reduction and immediately informed me that it had been successfully reduced.

After receiving this confirmation, I contacted Manager Tang again to inform him of the successful reduction. However, he seemed a bit skeptical, as he felt that the reduction shouldn't be so easily processed and that there should be various troubles with the social security bureau.

The next afternoon, around 2 PM, General Zhu came to find me. He also expressed skepticism about my successful reduction, meaning that from yesterday until now, they had not provided feedback to the company about my situation and asked me to send over the screenshot of the successful reduction from that company. I then contacted the boss of my previous company, and soon they sent over the screenshot of the successful reduction. I forwarded it to General Zhu, and this matter came to a temporary conclusion.

However, I was a bit worried that my situation would be forgotten, so on the 27th, I inquired separately with the supervisor and General Zhu. General Zhu replied at noon that the colleague in charge of social security had a computer malfunction in the morning and could only help check in the afternoon. After that, there was no further news. The next day, I asked whether the social security had been sorted out, and at that time, I finally received a clear reply that it had been purchased.

We conducted a simple review of this matter. First, there was the issue of distorted message transmission. For example, regarding addition and reduction, the relevant parties may have unprofessional issues, interpreting addition as the company's willingness to buy as being added. For me, a successful addition in one company means that the previous company has successfully processed the reduction. However, after the incident, the relevant parties still did not reflect on the misunderstanding and continued to believe that their understanding was correct. In fact, this issue could be clarified with a simple search on Baidu.

Secondly, the communication cost is very high, requiring repeated inquiries and follow-ups to facilitate a simple matter. If communication is not strengthened, and repeated emphasis and follow-ups are not made, unexpected problems may arise, such as the later unexpected timing of the housing fund and the unexpected incident regarding the regularization salary, etc.

Ultimately, I believe the root cause lies in the lack of standardized processes and response mechanisms, which is also related to the sense of responsibility of the relevant parties.

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