July 17, 2024 Sunny

In recent years, a popular tourist hotspot, Weng Tang Town in Jiangxi, has attracted a large number of travel enthusiasts who focus on health and wellness. It is said that the selenium-rich hot spring water here contributes to the longevity of the local residents, who are free from cancer, eye diseases, and myopia, and are not prone to gaining weight. The scenery is beautiful, and there are many tempting delicacies. This summer, our group of eight friends and family came here out of curiosity.

Actually, I felt a bit anxious about this trip. In the sweltering summer heat of Guangzhou, with temperatures reaching 35 degrees, it was quite uncomfortable, and most of the time had to be spent in an air-conditioned room. I checked the weather forecast for Weng Tang, and it showed a high of 37 degrees for the next few days, with an even more shocking 38 degrees. It seemed like we were not going for enjoyment but rather for suffering. However, there was no way around it; my aunt wanted to take her grandson on vacation as soon as school was out, so we had to travel in the summer. Weather forecasts can sometimes be inaccurate, so I hoped this would be one of those times.

We took the high-speed train from Guangzhou South Station, and after three and a half hours, we arrived in Yichun City, Jiangxi. Upon exiting the train, it was not as hot as I had imagined; the temperature was similar to that of Guangzhou. Our customized tour had already arranged for a local driver, who was waiting for us. Half an hour later, we arrived at the legendary Weng Tang Town.

It was already past eight in the evening, and the sky was completely dark as the car drove into Weng Tang Town under the night sky. It turned out to be even more charming than I had imagined. Along the not-so-wide roads, the lights were dazzling, with shops selling mountain goods, foot massage parlors, cafes... and hotels named after selenium. Some shops had a row of red lanterns hanging in front, giving it a bit of Jiangnan charm.

The driver loudly introduced us, saying, "People say this place is like a small Hong Kong or small Shanghai!" Without looking at the red lanterns, it did have a bit of resemblance.

While chatting with the driver, we suddenly arrived at the entrance of the Weng Tang Grand Hotel on this bustling street.

This should be the highest-rated and best environment hotel in the town. The lobby is quite impressive, with a calligraphy corridor on the first floor and many intricately carved wooden sculptures.

In the hotel room, there was complimentary selenium mineral water. The staff said that the hot water from the tap also contains selenium, while the cold water does not; the hot water needs to be boiled before drinking.

To maintain health here, one must drink the selenium water and take selenium baths. I saw people on social media using plastic buckets to queue at the well to buy water for foot baths. It was already late, so we first went to a nearby restaurant for dinner, where we had chrysanthemum tea brewed with selenium water; this was my first encounter with selenium water. After dinner, we strolled for a while and returned to the hotel to enjoy a nice selenium bath, concluding the first day of our journey happily.

(To be continued)

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