There are two events in my life in recent years.

One: I recently bought Zojirushi Rice Cookers. The 5.5 -cup model of micro -computed fuzzy logic technology from Japan has a 5.5 -cup model with a capacity for white/mixed rice, sushi, porridge, sweet rice and brown rice.

And I recently learned a fatal bacteria for humans growing up in cooked rice called Bacillus cereus.

When I was 17 years old, I thought I was eligible to pack out and bus tables than 17 years old without a food safety course by taking a food safety course for the $ 9/hour work on the White Spot. My knowledge and actual experience are above average. But I take food safety seriously as I do. At home, there is a separate cutting board for the meat without putting raw meat on the top shelf of the refrigerator, and of course, if you can help, the food does not sit at room temperature. And 9 out of 10, when I doubt it, I throw it away.

But I am also despite the new Japanese rice cooker. Every moment of each other's existence is new and interesting. I saw her sweet form sitting at my counter and could not help but stay. A small song she sings when she presses the 'Cook' button. After dinner, I pick her and leave here at the counter with her glory. But now there are two cases that have forgotten the remaining rice in the pot overnight.

Fact: Bacillus cereus can kill you. The longer the rice sits, the faster the spores are, and the toxins are consumed in all fluffy corners.

But despite the newly acquired knowledge, eating rice a day still looks good. Open the lid of the rice cooker and see the room temperature sitting there. Maybe you will have a nice and long whipping. It doesn't smell. You are not ready to kill you. Instead, it looks at you for a long time and begs another opportunity for consumption. You know that it should be thrown for 15 hours at room temperature. Bacillus cereus must go there. But also-it was just overnight. It will not actually kill me…

Totally stops what to do, I make breakfast and leave the rice there until lunch. (Good!) Then the decision time comes. I heat the remaining curry from the stove, look straight and slowly look at the rice cooker. I know what I should do -Oh, if I have the power to do!

Visualize two options. I take my rice padds and boast a generous serving of soft jasmine grain. Abundant meals with imminent destiny-After 24 hours, I say goodbye to my family and friends at the hospital's quick end, and my sister said, 'But why did you eat rice? I go to the light. or! I take out the trash can and put all the rice neatly. complete.

I take a sharp inhalation. I spread the rice quickly in a bowl, poured the microwave for 30 seconds and eats it with curry. And spoiler-tastes really good. And another spoiler-I don't hurt.

Perhaps my body had enough good bacteria to kill Bacillus Cerus. Perhaps my intestines are in war all day, and that evening I have passed billions of dead organisms that have bravely fought on behalf of me. Or for any reason, this time there would have been no Bacillus cereus. Perhaps there is no Bacillus cereus in Japan's 'Fuji Logic' technology. (No, I don't know what it is, but I say it's as good as sound!)

I work hard with the thoughts of this waste. I like rice and I don't like to throw away food especially in this (strange and terrible) economy. I always seem to have something I can't do.

Also, I am late peer. Translation: I have no money in my late 20s.

My twenties were craving, passion, marriage, divorce, pain, just different jobs, slightly less soft jobs, and to apply to college. My twenties also healed the wounds that I didn't know there, with the warm sunlight that flowed through the stain glass window that sent pink, gold, and green light to my skin. I learned how free I am, my ego gives up my grip, my pain, and I just learned to oppress and change my curiosity in my body. The 20s 'waste' saved my life.

'Late Blue Mother' is also ultimate oximorone. Translation: 'waste of your life' is a concept that does not exist in the same way as the flowers are literally late. Whatever, it is a capitalism that reminds you that you should attend 'important work' and you are behind and you are in a bad order!

I feel late capitalism as a kind of pressure cooker that most of us explode. We have witnessed real -time in real time before the world leaders set priority of climate behavior and stop massacre, and that generations choose a career, buy a home and raise their families.

What happens if young people don't want to participate in it? I found much more in revolution than the similarity of participation. But in reality, the revolution is slow. A kind! Revolution is deployed while you are eating warm apple pie sculptures as you protest on the street.

So I'm still attending college classes, cleaning the toilet, walking and writing.

There is a big truth in my life. And the important diligence of my life must exist, and the moment is something that will always teach me .

So I give up the concept of 'gathering my shit' and I believe that there is still a space to become out. Cancel all my shit, the credit card debt is my name, and the revolution of the symbiosis I want.

To waste the moment is to forget that you are alive and living! To waste life is to miss the pleasure of the present moment in front of you. And to waste rice, it is driven out all night. it's okay.

PS: Everything is perfect and I love you.

If you are suspicious, throw the pPS.

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