My wife really needs friends.

Seriously. She feels like a fish out of water here. The winter in Chicago and the lack of sunlight are new to her, but the hardest part is making friends. I feel a little guilty because I know she would go back home if it weren't for me, so I'm trying to help.

Eventually, we googled the easiest ways to meet people in Chicago, and the top suggestion was to take an improv class. I immediately thought: no way am I doing improv.

I mean, have you ever been to an improv show? It's like an episode of Dora the Explorer. They ask the audience what to do, then stare at them like creeps until they get an answer. And after the show, they take all the credit.

I shared this joke with a bunch of improvisers once, and they laughed at it. Then, believe it or not, they asked me to join their improv group.

The next suggestion we found was a dance class, so we chose Salsa. It made sense because she is a Latina who loves to dance, and although I am a Black guy with a bit of inherent rhythm, Salsa is a different story. I can keep up with an average white guy, but that doesn't say much. However, even though I was reluctant, we signed up for a Salsa class.

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