1. The rich always believe that "I create my own life, the poor believe that life is full of surprises that everything is predetermined by fate, no matter how hard I try, it will be the same." Just sitting there doing nothing and only praying, you will not be able to become wealthy; instead of taking responsibility for everything that happens, the poor see themselves as victims. In the face of any difficulty, their reaction is always to find reasons to justify themselves. Don't complain about fate, don't just focus on the troubles, but find ways to solve them.

2. The rich: Participate in the money game to win. The poor: Participate in the money game just to avoid losing. The purpose of making money for the rich and the poor is completely different. The rich accumulate a large amount of wealth to create prosperity, while the poor earn just enough to meet their monthly expenses. If you continue with that mindset, it will be hard for you to become wealthy. Set your life goals and strive to become rich to have a more prosperous and happy life.

3. The rich are determined to get rich. The poor want to become wealthy. The rich are determined to get rich, so they take action, while the poor just want to become wealthy, so they lie there and dream. The rich are determined to get rich, the poor want to become wealthy. We will see two different states, one is determination, the other is just desire. In life, we often wish to own something and quickly feel satisfied even when we don't have it. That is desire. The rich, on the other hand, see the money game as an interesting challenge; they know exactly what they want is wealth, and they remain steadfast in that desire, which is determination.

4. The rich think big, the poor think small. If you want to become wealthy, you need to get rid of your narrow-minded thinking; that petty mindset only leads to dissatisfaction and unfulfillment. Broad thinking and noble actions will bring you both wealth and the beautiful meaning of life. It is you, not someone else, who has the right to choose how to live your life.

5. The rich focus on opportunities, the poor focus on difficulties. The rich always pay attention to what they want, while the poor focus their thoughts on what they do not want. The rich see opportunities and immediately seize them to become wealthy, while the poor are still preparing. The poor always think of failure; they lack confidence in themselves and their abilities. They always see obstacles, so they are not ready to take risks. In the face of problems, the rich tend to think as positively as possible, taking an active stance in their lives, while the poor have a negative attitude towards every problem.

6. The rich admire successful and wealthy people. The poor envy those who are successful and wealthy. If you want to be happy, be happy with the happiness of others. If you want to be successful and wealthy, sincerely congratulate the success and wealth of others; people always have their own habits and prejudices. Envying others is also something hard to avoid in human nature. Instead of being frustrated with the rich, you should learn to admire, respect, and bless them, as well as learn to love them.

7. The rich associate with positive and successful people. The poor associate with negative or unsuccessful people. Successful people always look to those who are more successful than themselves to learn, while the poor tend to be skeptical, judgmental, and critical of the achievements of others. "Near ink, black; near light, bright," you should learn to choose who to associate with, especially associating with optimistic and successful people, while distancing yourself from those with negative thoughts and behaviors.

8. The rich are willing to honor themselves and their values, while the poor have negative thoughts about selling and promoting. Most wealthy people are good at promoting, eager to market any of their products or services with a strange passion and enthusiasm. At the same time, they know how to introduce their values skillfully and attractively; the key point here is whether you enjoy doing this or not, but more importantly, whether you believe in what you are saying. If you believe in your own values, you will be completely confident in promoting them.

9. The rich rise above problems, while the poor are lower than the problems they face. In life, there are always challenges. A person with a mindset knows how to assess the importance of a problem correctly, but what is more important is their position in relation to that problem. The rich calmly accept and want to conquer the difficulties ahead, while the poor always worry about the difficulties and seem confused about their problems. The secret to success is not to avoid or shrink from difficulties but to elevate yourself to stand above any challenges. Therefore, to become wealthy, you must cultivate your problem-solving abilities.

10. The rich know how to receive, while the poor do not know how to receive. If you say you deserve to receive something, it means you will deserve it. If you say you do not deserve it, it means you do not deserve it. No matter which way you choose, you will live with your life story. The rich are those who always know how to receive, while the poor are those who do not know how to seize opportunities. For them, everything still needs to wait and see; keep your heart open to receive opportunities and do not forget to say thank you for the things you receive in this life.

11. The rich choose to be paid based on results, while the poor choose to be paid based on time. This is a secret that comes up in many interviews. Many employers ask candidates whether they want a high fixed salary and a low commission percentage, or a low base salary and a high commission percentage. If you choose the first option, it shows you have a poor mindset; conversely, if you choose the second option, the employer will certainly evaluate you very highly.

12. The rich think both, while the poor think either/or. When an opportunity arises, the poor hesitate and think they cannot participate in too many things, but the rich will think, "Why not?" The rich tend to think both ways, while the poor only think of one. If you truly desire a life without limits, then no matter the circumstances, you should eliminate the either/or mindset and be determined to have both. Look at billionaires; they are all owners of numerous companies and manage them well. The secret lies in the ability to manage time.

13. The rich focus on total assets. The poor focus on salary. The rich focus on their assets. The poor focus on the salary they earn from their jobs. However, the measure of wealth is assets, not income from work; assets are the ultimate and most accurate measure of a person's wealth. Four factors that create assets are income, savings, investments, and simplification, which means saving money from unnecessary expenses.

14. The rich are good at managing money, while the poor do not know how to manage money well. The rich manage their money very well, while the poor do not know how to manage their money. The difference between the rich and the poor is not who is smarter, but that the rich have different habits regarding money compared to the poor, and these habits have a more positive effect. The four jars are a simple formula that helps you control your money very effectively. First, allocate 10% for long-term savings for spending. Second, 10% for an education account. Third, 50% for a necessities account. Fourth, 10% for a miscellaneous account.

15. The rich are masters of money, while the poor are slaves to money. The rich know how to master their money, while the poor let money control their lives. Many people misunderstand the meaning of this; they spend money freely and think that this is being in control, that the money is theirs, and they can do whatever they want. But in reality, this is just reckless spending that leaves you broke shortly after. And then you have to work hard to earn money. Instead, use money to invest so that it grows to serve you; remember that either you control money, or money will control you.

16. The rich act despite fear, while the poor let fear hold them back. The rich rise above fear to take action. The poor often let fear prevent them from acting. Action is the bridge between the inner and outer worlds, but action stems from thought; you do not necessarily have to overcome fears to achieve success. If you are only willing to do simple things, your life will be filled with difficulties, but if you are willing to do hard work, life seems simple and easy before you.

17. The rich always learn to grow, while the poor always say, "I already know." The rich always learn and enhance their knowledge, while the poor think they know everything. The purpose of becoming wealthy is not just to earn a lot of money but to help oneself develop into the best person they can be. Wealthy people are often experts in a particular field, while the poor are vague about all fields, even their own. A person still has the potential to grow as long as they are capable of learning; this is something you should not forget in any circumstance, especially when you want to become wealthy.

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