In the early morning, waking up from a dark room, I get out of bed and pull aside the thick curtains. Outside the balcony, it is still pitch black. For someone who wakes up earlier than the rooster, this is a normal occurrence.

I turn on the desk lamp and glance at my vintage brown round alarm clock; the time is not yet five o'clock. I turn off the light and lie back down in bed.

The shadows from my dreams have not completely dissipated, and those negative emotions linger like morning fog, making my heart feel heavy. I have missed another opportunity to change the dream, but next time, if there is a next time, I hope to completely alter my response in the dream.

Recalling myself in the dream, after experiencing a fierce argument, I stood alone in a desolate field, not crying but filled with despair, surrounded by endless darkness. The negative words and emotions blew through my soul like a cold wind, chilling to the bone. The indescribable heaviness I felt upon waking has not yet faded. I know I need to do something to dispel these shadows.

I choose to face my inner self, to feel the aftermath of that despair and sorrow, to mourn the past that has occurred, to dive into the pain caused within myself. Although it is presented in a dream, the best healing is to accept my feelings in the dream while choosing to forgive myself for not handling the pain I brought to myself and others correctly in the past, and also to forgive those who once caused me pain.

Fortunately, I do not feel the need to force myself to do anything just because I forgive. In the past, after dealing with my repressed emotions, I would often feel the urge to reconcile with those I had conflicts with, and these thoughts would create pressure for me. I have deliberately done such things; some I could truly let go of, while others still felt forced. Now, I let go of these thoughts and go with the flow.

After adjusting my breathing and completing a breathing meditation, I feel myself recovering. The curtains I pulled aside have let in the morning light; it’s time for me to get up.

I stand up and walk towards the wardrobe. Today, I choose a white linen sailor-collared dress. It is simple and pure, just like the early summer morning. I know this dress will give me a refreshing feeling, helping me shake off the gloom from my dreams. White has the quality of returning external energy; when we do not wish to be influenced by the outside world, we can choose to wear white to preserve our energy.

While getting dressed, I specifically select an anchor-shaped brooch. This brooch is not only my favorite accessory but also represents the anchor of my soul. It symbolizes stability and strength, reminding me that no matter how the outside world changes, I can maintain inner peace and determination. I pin it to the collar of my dress, making it the source of my strength today.

I carefully adjust the position of the brooch, placing it at the nape of my left shoulder, which is a rather traditional way to wear a brooch. In many photos of the late Queen Elizabeth, we can see her wearing it this way. I don’t always follow such rules, as rules are meant to be broken, but today, this traditional way of wearing it adds a sense of ritual to my outfit, making me feel like a queen. I need to remind myself that my shoulders are strong, and my core is stable.

I feel the intimate contact of the linen fabric against my skin, sensing its embrace of my body. These feelings tell me: you deserve to be loved, you deserve to be respected. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and feel the comfort and strength that the clothing brings me.

As I finish getting dressed, I feel a wonderful change. Those negative emotions, like morning fog dispersed by sunlight, have vanished. My mood becomes clear, as if re-energized. I stand in front of the mirror, looking at myself, feeling an unprecedented confidence and strength.

I gaze again at the antique anchor-shaped brooch made of enamel. I know it is not just an accessory; it also plays the role of a guardian of my soul. It reminds me that no matter what storms I encounter in life, I can remain firmly rooted in the ocean of life like an anchor, unshaken by any storm.

As I step out of the house, the sunlight falls on me. On this summer morning, the sun is not yet scorching, but the bright rays on my white linen dress create a halo effect. I feel as if I am glowing, and this sensation captivates me. At the same time, I smell the faint fragrance of camphor trees in the air, making me feel relaxed and joyful. I know that today, I will face every challenge in life bravely with the strength of this anchor brooch. This is not just a choice of clothing but an attitude towards life.

Through the process of getting dressed, I have transformed my mood and started my day with a new appearance. This is not just an external adornment but an inner strength. I will carry this strength to embrace every new challenge and enjoy every new beginning.

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