I created an action outline for myself, which consists of four sentences. Every day, I summarize my work after leaving early and returning late. These four simple sentences surprisingly provided me with great energy support.

I firmly believe that the products I sell are the best.

I firmly believe that I have the ability to promote good products to everyone.

I firmly believe that those who buy my products can enjoy top-notch service.

I firmly believe that by surpassing myself every day, the future will be better.

Few people may think these four sentences have any power; anyone who knows how to write can put these four sentences down. However, writing them down and understanding them are two different things, and understanding them and absorbing them as one's own energy are yet another matter.

When I was promoting at a certain agricultural company back then, I also encountered huge resistance. They didn't believe that a few simple sentences could change anything. Even the boss expressed doubt. As a result, I talked with the boss for a long time, and in the end, the boss could only accept that today's value became a required course for morning reading, but did not agree with the practicality of these four sentences, telling me that you think it's important because it only suits you.

The experiences I summarized from practice were not recognized, which made me feel very distressed. Similar things will happen in the future. Last year, I summarized some experiences in inviting beauty industry clients, thinking that it would be a small contribution of mine before I left the company. However, after I sent it out, it instead attracted criticism. The company's leadership said, this is all what you think; you will influence others' assumptions. Although I did not refute the leader's words, hearing such words from the leader made me feel very cold.

Given that I had a similar experience ten years ago, I dare to affirm that it is also very difficult for that company to achieve breakthrough development because the leaders do not understand the importance of advanced experience, but instead let everyone play autonomously, just like a group of rabble fighting their own battles; how could they possibly achieve market success?

If a person cannot believe in their own products and always thinks others' products are better, how can they introduce their own products well? They cannot convey the correct understanding to customers, so how can they get customers to buy? They hate learning about product knowledge, thinking that these are not important, and always push the customer relationship as the most important thing. However, no matter how good the relationship is, it still needs the product as a carrier.

These salespeople do not dare to promote their own products when they see customers, always humbly begging customers to buy their products. So why would customers buy? Some salespeople even abandon the product and say to customers, give me a little face, just come in a bit. This is truly ridiculous. I once observed salespeople in the market inviting customers to attend a meeting. I had already negotiated, but then they humbly said, give me a face, come over then. What a fool. As a result, the other party was particularly disgusted; why should they give you face? In the end, they refused to attend the meeting.

Many people find self-motivation laughable, thinking that making money is enough and everything else is nonsense. In fact, there are a lot of problems in the company, and salespeople doubt their own products, thinking that others' products are better. They doubt their own abilities, do not dare to argue professional issues with customers, and when something goes wrong, they are like a mute eating bitter herbs. They do not help when they go to customers, let alone organize the warehouse or clean the shelves. More seriously, they think sales is just deceiving, do not want to learn, and have pitifully little professional knowledge. Even if they learn, they do not dare to use it for fear of being laughed at, preferring to believe a farmer's words rather than the company's experts.

They lack confidence in market development, lack motivation in market maintenance, and their communication with customers is just flattery. Helping out only makes them cheap labor, with no motivation to urge themselves. The market is chaotic, performance is poor, and they have lost the drive to work hard on their own.

In this situation, who still dares to say that self-motivation is nonsense? My success comes from insisting on self-motivation; my failure comes from giving up self-motivation. When a person or a group of people loses self-motivation and completes tasks like a machine, I cannot say that such a company will go bankrupt, but its development is truly uncertain.

In the busy workplace, I deeply understand the importance of motivation and persistence. These four concise and powerful sentences form the foundation; they not only become my spiritual support for leaving early and returning late every day but also serve as the source of my continuous progress. Although these four simple sentences seem ordinary, they contain boundless energy in my heart.

First, I firmly believe that the products I sell are the highest quality in the market. This belief is not unfounded but stems from my in-depth understanding and personal experience with the products. I know that each product embodies the hard work and wisdom of the R&D team, and they have undergone strict control in design, manufacturing, testing, and other aspects to ensure the product's excellent quality. I not only need to master the theoretical knowledge of the product but also need to engage in practical experience, continuously improving my understanding of the product through actual operation and feedback. Only in this way can I confidently recommend my products to customers, allowing them to feel my professionalism and enthusiasm.

Second, I firmly believe that I have the ability to promote the best products to everyone. This ability is not a special talent but comes from my love for sales work and my attitude of continuous learning. I know that sales is not only a technical job but also an art. It requires us to sincerely understand the needs and pain points of customers and to use professional knowledge and skills to address their doubts and concerns. Therefore, I always maintain a learning mindset, continuously absorbing new knowledge and mastering new skills to better serve customers. It is this spirit of continuous learning and self-improvement that makes me more confident in my ability to promote the best products to everyone.

Third, I firmly believe that customers who purchase my products can enjoy top-notch service. This service is not only reflected in the quality and performance of the products but also in our attitude and actions towards customers. I know that customers are our most valuable resource, and their satisfaction is the key to our success. Therefore, I always put customers first, listening carefully to their needs and feedback, and promptly solving problems and providing assistance. Whether it is a product usage issue or a need for after-sales service, I will do my utmost to meet the customers' needs. This wholehearted service attitude has earned me the trust and respect of customers and facilitated our deep cooperation.

Finally, I firmly believe that by surpassing myself every day, the future will be better. This belief keeps me in a proactive mindset, constantly pursuing higher goals and a better self. I know that only by continuously challenging and surpassing myself can I remain invincible in the workplace. Therefore, I reflect on and summarize my work every day, identifying my shortcomings and areas for improvement, and then formulate specific plans and measures to improve and enhance myself. At the same time, I actively learn new knowledge and skills, continuously enriching my knowledge reserves and improving my overall quality. This spirit of continuous progress allows me to achieve new accomplishments and advancements in my work and lays a solid foundation for my future development.

When I shared my action outline with my colleagues, some thought I was just talking nonsense about success. But only I know how significant these four sentences are to me. They are not only the guidelines for my daily work but also the source of my continuous motivation. It is because of the support of these four sentences that I can maintain high morale and firm belief in my work, continuously overcoming various difficulties and challenges to achieve self-surpassing and growth.

However, I also found that many colleagues lack self-motivation and drive in their work. They lack confidence in their products and hold doubts about their abilities. When communicating with customers, they often lack confidence and professionalism, unable to provide quality service. In market development and maintenance, they also lack initiative and creativity, mechanically completing tasks without truly managing the market with care. This lack of self-motivation and drive makes it difficult for them to achieve good results and progress in their work, and it also causes them to lose opportunities for career development.

In contrast, I firmly believe that the power of self-motivation is infinite. Only when we truly believe in ourselves, believe in our products, and believe in our abilities can we maintain high morale and firm belief in our work, continuously pursuing higher goals and a better self. Therefore, I encourage my colleagues to also formulate their own action outlines, clarify their goals and beliefs, and stimulate their motivation and potential to achieve self-surpassing and growth.

In my career, I have always adhered to the belief in self-motivation. I believe that only by continuously challenging and surpassing myself can I remain invincible in the workplace. My success comes from insisting on self-motivation, and my failure also comes from giving up self-motivation. Therefore, I call on all professionals to value the power of self-motivation, unleash their potential and creativity, and create a better future in the workplace!

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