When a person is born into this world, they will experience the bittersweetness of life. Some pains may make you sad, but ultimately, they will fade away with the passage of time. However, there is a kind of emotion that will be unforgettable for a lifetime, no matter how much time passes, it will still follow you like a shadow.

Some people, when they like you, seem to genuinely care a lot. But once they fall for someone else or stop liking you, they no longer consider the past feelings, not only speaking hurtful words but also cursing. Such people, even if they cause great psychological pain to the other party at that moment, will ultimately not be able to become a beautiful memory that can settle down.

A person may experience several relationships in their lifetime. These relationships may feel very beautiful at the time, but they can also help you see some truths. Some people are involved with multiple partners, busy and carefree, but when the other party misses them, the calls they make either go unanswered, are turned off, or become invalid numbers. Even worse, they might answer the call but be engaged in other sordid activities. Such a deceitful relationship can never nourish your soul, let alone bear fruit.

It is very rare in a person's life to encounter a sincere emotion that is reluctant to hurt you. Perhaps you think there are many, but in reality, this is just your fantasy, or perhaps you simply do not understand the truth; you are just living in your own world.

Although sincere emotions may not necessarily bear fruit, or may not come to fruition due to unexpected events or objective conditions, they are emotions that remain unchanged throughout a lifetime.

In old China, men went to war while women waited at home. This waiting could last a lifetime. What kind of belief made these women persist until old age? What belief made them maintain their feelings unchanged even as time passed mercilessly? Knowing that continuing to wait would put them in a disadvantageous position, they still held on until the end of their lives, driven by a kind-hearted reluctance to abandon their wait.

What if one day the person being waited for appears? Just a "what if." If they stop waiting, what if the other party comes? Wouldn't that person be very sad? She always imagines future scenarios from the other party's perspective, unwilling to let them feel even a bit of sadness because of her. Until she receives news that the other party has sacrificed their life far away, she still limps to their grave to cry. Even though the other party has been gone for a long time, at that moment, she still feels they are very close.

However, there are exceptions. An old soldier went to Taiwan after three years of war and started a new life there, while his wife in mainland China waited in anguish, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. As she neared her end, she finally saw the man she had been longing for every day. At this moment, he had a new family, a wife, children, and even grandchildren. And what about this old grandmother who had waited so long? She had nothing; she was just a lonely old woman. When she saw the person she had missed for so long appear in a wheelchair, she couldn't help but throw herself into his arms, but the old man could only silently block her closeness. Time had dulled the old man's memories and feelings, but it had not diminished the longing of the widow who had become an old woman, which was destined to be a one-sided emotional self-movement.

For the first old woman, her waiting husband died on the battlefield and became a martyr. Although her waiting ended tragically, she still felt a trace of happiness existed. Even though the person she cried for at the grave could no longer hear her, and even though her visit had no future, she still fantasized that after her death, her soul would find its way here to be with her husband forever. If they couldn't be together in life, they would never part in death.

However, for the second old woman, she may only feel endless coldness in her heart, and perhaps after that, she would let go. She loved him deeply, and after calming down, she could understand his difficulties. If he were also a lonely old man, she might feel even sadder and more heartbroken. However, his reaction was so indifferent that it made her question her life. Was it really worth it to wait and suffer so much?

Yet, for this old grandmother, although she lost her happy family, lost the companionship of her gentle husband in her memories, and even lost her thoughts, her steadfastness in love was precious. She could not become the beautiful memory of that man, and she didn't even want to make a perfunctory gesture. What does that matter?

In a person's life, it is possible to encounter a love that is reluctant to hurt you. Even if they cannot be together, it is not due to subjective emotional reasons but due to other uncontrollable factors. Such love will take root and sprout in the heart, and even when one grows old and dies, it will remain unforgettable. I do not know if there is an afterlife. If there is, I wish that those who cannot be together in this life will find happiness in the next.

Such emotions may have been misunderstood at the time, unable to appreciate their preciousness, but as time passes, people grow and gradually feel their value. Everyone hopes to obtain such love, yet ultimately cannot, because heaven is fair; those who are unworthy cannot have their lovers end up together. Although this statement may not be entirely true, it remains a hard rule for those who are fickle in love.

There was once a scumbag who not only juggled multiple relationships but also got one of the women who truly cared for him pregnant. After the woman became pregnant, the scumbag began to disappear, and his mother expressed doubts about the pregnancy, saying that if the child was confirmed to be theirs after birth, he would take responsibility; otherwise, he would not. The girl even lost her place to live because the scumbag's rented house was about to expire.

Therefore, not everyone is worthy of emotional investment. This girl was merely wishful thinking, believing that the sweet words of the other party were genuine, even insisting on having the child, thinking that giving birth would bring the other party back to her side. Little did she know, a leopard cannot change its spots, and in the end, she could only suffer.

Of course, it is not to say that only those who are together are worthy of praise, while those who are not together are not. In fact, when one party gets married, the other who loves them deeply does not make a scene but feels comforted; this may be a form of transcendent love.

Some people cannot accept that the one they love marries someone else, and they vent their anger by harming or even killing the other party. This is not love but a perverse possessiveness. They always see the other person as their own possession, not allowing anyone else to take them away, preferring to destroy them or to keep them by destroying them. Such people have a twisted mindset; they only care about their own feelings, not about anyone else, including their so-called love.

Life is short; do not deliberately cultivate hatred, nor should you toy with any feelings, because you might inadvertently become a cold-blooded person. For those emotions that do not wish to hurt you, do not let the other party continue to suffer. Seeing the other party happy is also a profound love.

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