Before I turned 30, I felt that boys all had a "virgin complex," only liking "clean" people and things, so I always tried hard to be a "good" girl. I thought girls should be shy and reserved, as that would earn them respect and affection from the opposite sex. Those cheerful "bad" girls always went through fruitless relationships and would ultimately be abandoned.

But the reality is the opposite; there is a saying, "Good girls go to heaven, bad girls travel the world." Those obedient girls are not good at seizing opportunities and may miss out on people they like, potentially becoming targets for deceit and harm by bad people. In contrast, those girls who are unbothered by external opinions and bravely pursue what they love can find true happiness and have fulfilling families.

In fact, purity does not equate to being introverted. While purity is a unique charm of girls, to protect this beauty, one cannot be overly introverted; instead, one should let go of "reserve," participate more in social activities, understand different people, and enhance their knowledge and temperament.

Human nature is to bully the weak and fear the strong, especially in the realm of emotions. When we are overly reserved and confine ourselves to a small circle, others may easily misinterpret us as easy to bully, even developing a sense of contempt for us. However, when we bravely take that step, no longer overly restrained, but dare to show our true selves and communicate equally with others, our aura and charm will naturally radiate, attracting people who match us.

In those "borderline" industries, female streamers let go of their reserve to cater to men's preferences, and as a result, they are "protected" (which means making money), even earning a fortune. Why? Because they are not bound by traditional morals, have clear goals, are particularly good at seizing others' weaknesses, and dare to show themselves.

These are all insights I've gained from my work as a chat operator... I have an average appearance, an average figure, and I'm afraid of socializing. In the past, I always considered others' feelings, and I didn't dare to look strangers in the eye when talking to them. I had a lot to say, but I never got to the point... so I was not noticeable and remained single.

To break free from this state, I decided to become an online chat operator (serving male clients) to experience various greasy uncles and overcome my psychological fears.

Under the guidance of the HR from the part-time platform, I joined an online chat platform. Following their advice, I carefully crafted my personal homepage and then sent numerous flirty messages to male users on the platform (the HR designed ambiguous openers for me). In addition to flirting, I also posted singing videos and even started video chats to help users get to know me better.

My video was quite modest—I wore a shoulder-baring but non-revealing puff dress, with a white nylon lace top that looked a bit like shower gel bubbles, and the skirt was made of deep blue denim. After dressing up, I applied light makeup, paired it with a pre-recorded song, and filmed the video with my phone (I posed in front of the camera, made simple singing gestures, and sang along with the background music). After filming, I slightly edited the video with beauty software and then posted it on my personal homepage.

With the help of the video, more and more people responded to my flirty messages, and I also got to see the real and complex side of the opposite sex—turns out they are just ordinary people; I had underestimated myself...

A few "big brothers" left a deep impression on me...

The first one was always making lewd jokes.

To be honest, I really dislike such vulgar clichés. The company clearly states that chat operators are not allowed to engage in sexual content, but newcomers are told to post some "borderline" information. Those who responded were also annoying, as the chat content always revolved around "sex."

To cater to them, I put a lot of effort into weaving some suggestive elements into my daily conversations. Although this made them more willing to chat with me, I personally resisted this approach. First of all, I am a girl, a bit sensitive, and I hope to be respected. Talking about these things with big men made me feel like my gender was almost blurred. If I really became like a man, then why would I even be a chat operator? Opposites attract, and same-sex repels!

Moreover, if I keep discussing these topics, my image would become fixed, and more similar users would definitely come to chat with me later. This way, even if I had ten heads, I wouldn't be able to handle it. I originally didn't like talking about this, and forcing myself into such topics left me exhausted. Additionally, after receiving disgusting feedback, I would lose the motivation to move forward and wouldn't be able to socialize normally.

So, this brother who loves to make lewd jokes really came at the wrong time...

At that time, I was hesitating whether to change my original borderline chatting style. As a result, he immediately asked about my private parts, and seeing his message made me grit my teeth in anger. So I replied, "Isn't that disgusting? Don't you have anything else to say?" He saw it but didn't bother with me anymore and didn't cause me any trouble.

Think about it, users pay to chat on the platform to seek comfort; who would want such a service? This platform is cheap, mainly serving grassroots men with varying qualities. If I encountered a tough character, he could easily humiliate me for a small fee, which is understandable.

The second brother made me "socially die" with just one look.

He actively invited me to video chat. It was my first time using the video feature on this platform, and I quickly accepted the invitation, but I didn't know what to say. Video chatting is much more expensive than text chatting (about 2 yuan per minute), and after waiting so long, a big business finally came, so I could only hurry to take the order (I didn't even have time to look at the other person's homepage).

When the camera turned on, I saw a chubby guy with a big belly, wearing a blue shirt. He didn't look like a white-collar worker but more like a factory worker. Although he dressed simply, strangely, he stared at me the moment he saw me, his eyes fixed like sharp knives, not turning his head. I was scared and didn't dare to speak the whole time, wanting to lower my head several times.

But my pride got in the way, and I thought: what is he? Just a guy who twists screws! He keeps staring at me as if I did something wrong; I'm a decent person with nothing to criticize! So, I forced myself to lift my head and glare at him. Although I was trembling inside, I couldn't lose my momentum, and we held that stare for 2 minutes before he ended the call.

I thought he hated me, but the next morning, he sent a message saying, "You look quite pretty."

Receiving this message left me with mixed feelings—I felt he was willing to spend money, but I just didn't like him. I felt he was here for a beauty contest, and I was one of the beauties he had his eye on. I am the little princess of my family, have never done anything disgusting, and now for a few cents in tips (chat operators can only interact with users through text, voice, and video, and the income is very low, especially for newcomers), I have to be scrutinized by those people with strange eyes; it’s really frustrating.

But thinking about it, he has a good impression of me and potential spending power, so out of politeness and long-term consideration, I still replied, "Thank you for your compliment; it is my honor to satisfy you." But he never replied again; maybe it was because there were too many beauties on the platform, and my message got buried; or perhaps because I replied too late, and my wording was too stiff, which made him lose interest.

The online world and real life are truly vastly different! On the online chat platform, even an ordinary guy can have countless girlfriends as long as he is willing to spend money. However, in reality, I, a girl with dreams and self-respect, have to lower my stance and try to understand the complex hearts of those hiding behind the screen. Chatting is like a grand play; I am both the actor and the audience, witnessing the light and darkness of human nature and experiencing the myriad flavors of life at the bottom of society.

So, I have to deal with a bunch of boring and lecherous people every day. However, besides being lecherous, they all share a common goal—to find a wife, whether they are young or old.

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