In the past two weeks, I have been making clothes during the day, writing articles at night, and recently I also have to listen to the live broadcasts of the action camp and practice hands-on exercises. I can only go to bed around ten o'clock at night. Fortunately, I belong to the type that can fall asleep as soon as I touch the pillow, but I wake up earlier now, basically around four o'clock. Sometimes I force myself to sleep a little longer, but I usually can't.

This morning was the same. I simply scrolled through my phone and suddenly thought of going to the riverside to watch the sunrise. I checked the sunrise time in the weather forecast, and there were still more than twenty minutes to go, so I told my parents that I would head out first.

I quickly put on my blue cotton jumpsuit, wore my newly purchased Panama straw hat, put on my light golden fisherman shoes, and before leaving, I made myself a cup of coffee to take along because I might miss the sunrise time while walking. I specifically rode a shared bike and arrived at the riverside in just a few minutes.

After returning the bike, I walked to under the bridge and saw someone already setting up a DSLR to take photos. There weren't many people by the river, and it was quite cool. I thought to myself that I should come out earlier to the riverside in the future.

The direction of the sunrise was towards the Yellow Crane Tower. I opened my phone camera and easily captured the specific location of the sunrise. A clear arc was visibly brightening in that area on the screen.

I started a time-lapse video and spent about ten minutes recording the sunrise scene. After recording, I found that the video played back quickly, not even lasting a minute. No wonder many people use phone gimbals to shoot time-lapse videos for a whole day; my ten minutes of handheld time-lapse footage was simply not enough.

Focusing on capturing the moment the sun rose, I noticed that the person with the DSLR had already left. After I finished filming, I found a step that had been submerged in water by the river, which had recently receded, and sat down facing the sun, starting to enjoy my coffee time.

After taking a few sips, I noticed my dad behind me taking pictures of me with his phone, while my mom had gone to a nearby bench to sunbathe. I took my phone and asked my dad to take a few photos of me.

This morning, I agreed with my parents to handle our own breakfasts. They planned to go eat beef soup noodles, while I intended to go home and make breakfast myself. So I could stay by the river a little longer. I first sunbathed my face for half an hour, then ran to a nearby bench to sunbathe my back for twenty minutes, and I also completed the written assignments for the action camp.

As I prepared to head back from the riverside, it was almost eight o'clock. Considering I hadn't exercised much in the morning, I chose a longer route home, first walking along the main road by the river in the opposite direction of home. On the green belt of this road, I discovered a cicada shell that appeared in my line of sight. It was very intact and vividly "grasping" a leaf on the green belt. It's hard to imagine what that moment of "the golden cicada shedding its shell" was like.

Seeing this scene on the green leaves was amazing. I "cruelly" packed the cicada shell along with the branch and took it with me.

Because it made me think that my life is currently in a process of "transformation." At that moment, I felt a connection with the golden cicada shell. The cicada exhausts its life force just for that brief moment of flying and singing, and I am also using all my efforts to welcome every sunrise in my life. Although the road ahead is unknown, I am no longer afraid because I know that every transformation after action is a step towards a better self.

I tell myself to cherish every morning and every sunrise. They are not only miracles of nature but also reflections of my inner world. In those quiet and beautiful moments, I learn to listen to the voice of my heart and feel every detail of life. I have learned to seek spiritual abundance in economic scarcity and to experience every simple joy with a grateful heart.

My life has become more orderly. I have started to plan each day with action rather than just thoughts, not only in work and writing but also in self-growth and learning. I read, I meditate, I communicate with like-minded people, and I continuously absorb new knowledge and broaden my horizons. I have begun to understand that true abundance does not lie in material possession but in the fulfillment of the soul and the love for life.

Facing my limitations, I no longer evade but bravely confront and challenge them. I know that every breakthrough is a process of self-transcendence, just like the process of the golden cicada shedding its shell. I am willing to try new things and learn how to develop my personal career. Even if I sometimes encounter difficulties and failures, I will not easily give up. Because I believe that as long as I keep working hard, one day I will reach the height I desire.

In this process, I have also learned to let go. Letting go of unnecessary anxiety and worries, letting go of burdens that do not belong to me, while also becoming aware of the points where I easily generate internal friction, learning how to resolve them through action. At the same time, I have learned to live simply, enjoy the present, no longer regret the past, and not worry about the future. I know that only by living in the present can I truly experience the beauty of life.

Transformation is not just an external change but an internal awakening. It has made me realize that true power comes from inner peace and determination.

Standing by the river, watching the red sun slowly rise, it feels as if I can see the trajectory of life, the ups and downs, the laughter and tears, all of which weave together into each person's unique life.

We can give meaning to every moment of life, whether in busy work or in quiet contemplation, because life is not a race but a journey. What matters is the scenery along the way and the experiences within.

In this ever-changing world, we do not need to pursue perfection but to pursue authenticity; no longer seeking external recognition but pursuing inner satisfaction. The true meaning of transformation does not lie in how strong you become but in how real you become.

When we can sincerely face ourselves and bravely confront the world, we have already completed the most important transformation in life. Just like that cicada shell, although its life is short, every transformation it undergoes is filled with meaning and value.

Let us embrace every sunrise, every challenge, and every transformation. Because they are an indispensable part of our life journey, the driving force for our continuous growth and progress. Let us greet each new beginning with a grateful heart, for every beginning is the starting point of our transformation, a step towards a better self.

Wishing every friend on this journey to transform into a more authentic and beautiful self!

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