Each of us seems to carry a bag filled with opportunities for wealth, yet why are there significant differences in the accumulation of wealth? This is mainly because individuals differ in their ability to grasp and utilize wealth opportunities. Some people can firmly seize these opportunities, while others may inadvertently miss them.

Regarding wealth opportunities, for the general public, there is indeed a certain level of uncertainty and unpredictability. When faced with poor wealth opportunities or desiring more wealth opportunities, many people pray to the heavens to express their wishes. However, we must be clear that acquiring wealth opportunities cannot be achieved merely through prayer; it requires us to actively strive for them and capture and grasp them through practical actions.

In our feudal society, people often mentioned a saying: "What is destined to be will surely be, what is not destined should not be forced." However, this saying is often misunderstood as a passive waiting attitude. Many believe that if wealth is destined, then even if they do nothing, wealth will automatically come. This viewpoint is actually a brainwashing thought instilled by feudal rulers.

In fact, the correct understanding should be: if you are destined to have wealth, then you should actively strive for it; and if you are destined not to have wealth, then even if you work hard to strive for it, there is nothing to regret. This proactive attitude is what we should pursue.

In feudal society, agriculture dominated and was seen as the foundation of the nation. Rulers often did not want to see ordinary people invest their energy in commerce or other business activities because they firmly believed that agriculture was the cornerstone of national stability and prosperity. Therefore, rulers throughout the ages deliberately distorted and guided people's cognition in various fields such as politics, economy, and culture to ensure social stability and the emphasis on agriculture.

They formulated various policies and laws to restrict the development of commercial activities, emphasize the importance of agriculture, and instill this thought through education and cultural propaganda. This practice gradually took root over generations, leading to the transmission of some negative cultural phenomena. These phenomena include the undervaluation of commercial activities, the excessive glorification of the peasant identity, and the resistance to innovation and change. These cultural phenomena have hindered social progress and development to a certain extent, making it difficult for feudal society to break free from its inherent patterns and limitations for a long time.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, the two peasant uprising leaders, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, famously shouted the shocking slogan, "Are the kings and nobles born with their status?" This phrase means that those high-ranking kings and nobles are not born to be so? Are they destined to rule the world? This statement profoundly reveals social injustice and expresses doubt and resistance to fate. Rulers certainly hoped to distort the true meaning of this phrase and turn it into a tool beneficial to themselves, but those who yearned for power and wished to change the status quo were unwilling to accept this distortion. Because in their view, this phrase is the true truth and a powerful weapon for them to resist oppression and strive for equality.

Therefore, what I want to express is that in today's society, whether large enterprises or small enterprises, there are opportunities for success, just at different times of catching the era's dividends. Large enterprises may find it easier to seize opportunities due to their scale and resource advantages, but small enterprises also have their flexibility and innovation, able to find breakthroughs in certain areas. Similarly, there are differences in fortune between the rich and the poor, but this difference is not absolute. Some people can seize opportunities and accumulate wealth and elevate their social status through their efforts and wisdom, while others may miss good opportunities for various reasons. Therefore, the key lies in whether one can grasp the opportunities of the times and make the right choices at critical moments.

So, in the new era and new economy, how do we seize our fortune? The rich will not tell you how they make money because they do not want to attract more competitors. Some kind-hearted individuals may offer you a job opportunity, but whether this job opportunity is your fortune is still uncertain.

Letting some people get rich first and then driving everyone to prosperity is quite difficult. On one hand, those who get rich first have greater desires and are more willing to develop towards greater wealth; on the other hand, they do not want to attract more competitors. Moreover, market rules do not stipulate that those who get rich first must help others.

People who have not been educated in business may have cognitive issues. They may feel insecure, always considering the worst possibilities, and ultimately may lean towards a more stable life.

Therefore, we must understand that seizing fortune has two directions. If you want to do business, you need to enhance your knowledge and quality, learn to see the essence through phenomena; help like-minded business people succeed and form mutual aid alliances with them; help capable people find jobs; learn to share profits, you don't necessarily have to earn the most, but you should have the leading power; do more good deeds and help others within your capacity; avoid excessive greed and vanity.

If you only want to live a stable life with a stable income, then you need to work hard in your position and achieve results; improve your skills; provide suggestions for the company's development; have a sense of ownership and propose suggestions for problems; integrate into the company culture and help each other; choose a path that suits you and try bravely.

In summary, choose a path based on your aspirations and abilities, follow these rules, and in 2024, your fortune will surely flourish! Of course, in addition to the strategies mentioned above, there are some additional suggestions that can help you better seize your fortune in the new era and new economy.

First, maintaining an open mindset and a continuous learning attitude is crucial. The world is rapidly developing, with new technologies and industries emerging one after another. Only by continuously learning can you keep up with the pace of the times and seize new opportunities. Reading books, attending training, and keeping up with industry trends are all good ways to improve yourself.

Second, establish a good interpersonal network. Connections are part of wealth; sometimes, a key contact can open a new door for you. By participating in social activities, joining industry associations, and engaging in volunteer services, you can meet more like-minded people and expand your social circle.

Furthermore, cultivate your innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities. In a fiercely competitive market, being able to carve out a niche and solve problems that others cannot often brings unexpected wealth. Try to think about problems from different angles and be brave enough to try new methods; you may discover a new world.

At the same time, maintaining a healthy physical and mental state is also very important. Health is the foundation of revolution; only with a healthy body can you have enough energy to pursue wealth. Additionally, a good mental state can help you better cope with stress and challenges, maintaining a positive and upward mindset.

Finally, remember to plan your finances reasonably. Whether doing business or working for others, you need to plan your income, expenses, savings, and investments reasonably. Developing a practical financial plan and sticking to it can help you better manage your wealth and avoid unnecessary waste and losses.

In summary, seizing fortune in the new era and new economy is not an easy task, but as long as you maintain an open mindset, continue learning, establish good interpersonal relationships, cultivate innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities, maintain a healthy physical and mental state, and plan your finances reasonably, you will have the opportunity to realize your wealth dreams in 2024 and beyond. Keep it up!

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