I was a homebody a long time ago, dedicated to various studies. Those were the years that should not be wasted, and they are also beautiful memories of life.

Later, I went into sales. The reason is simple: before doing this sales job, many organizations heard that I had never done sales, and I looked refined and cultured, so I couldn't even pass the interview.

Later, someone commented that I was not suitable for sales. In their impression, salespeople are all those who are eloquent and charming.

I consider myself an internally talented person, which is hard to prove externally, so I resolutely applied for a sales position. By chance, I entered an agricultural materials company. Because I love learning, researching, and practicing, I grew quickly and created many commendable sales cases in just three months.

I am still a columnist for 191 agricultural materials people, but I mostly write suggestions and insights about agricultural materials marketing or operations.

Later, the unstoppable wave of mobile internet came. Being sensitive to new things, I decided to explore the charm of mobile internet.

From WeChat public account technology, website construction, to viral marketing software... I went through one misunderstanding after another. Although I am a layman in technology, through relentless effort, I surprisingly learned to create websites, decorate public accounts, and do simple development.

But is this mobile internet? Without operations and marketing, any product seems meaningless.

It wasn't until I met Teacher Shuangxiong in 2015 that I worked while learning and felt the magical charm of micro-marketing. Although I had done operations or marketing before, it was on a traditional level. Like everyone else, I was full of doubts before experiencing the results brought by new things.

Over the years, I have focused on micro-marketing, sometimes teaching, sometimes retreating to study, and I have helped many brands, even using company models to do some forward-looking explorations.

Later, I suddenly thought that the past teaching in WeChat groups or other ways seemed to have never truly settled down; at least, once it left the current moment, later people could not learn.

So in March and April of 2018, I self-studied various knowledge of modern enterprise management and took exams while quickly recording some courses. The purpose of recording courses was not to sell or to show off. In fact, video courses cannot be too long; a class is about twenty minutes. I didn't spend much time, basically recording about 13 classes a day.

I recorded a total of 5 sets of 13 classes, actually taking 5 days. Then I uploaded them to some third-party platforms. Of course, most of these third-party platforms were ones I joined in my personal capacity. All qualifications were unified as internet marketing lecturer.

Now, not many of these third-party platforms have survived to this day. For example, the original YY Education, suitable for teacher desktop real-time video + PPT whiteboard, has now declined.

Others, like Baidu Chuan Ke, lack stability, and Baidu Chuan Ke has been completely scrapped. Duobei's mobile platform is outdated and unsuitable for mobile dissemination. As for Taobao Education, it should be better if paired with a store, as it can still be found through Taobao search; otherwise, there is basically no traffic. Today's Taobao Education is no longer the same as before. JD Education, Taobao University, and others focused on institutional entry and support have also vanished.

In addition, there are the customized platform services of third-party platforms. Basically, anyone doing knowledge sharing and training should have received such inquiries via phone or WeChat, right? Currently, third-party platforms that are customized or semi-customized also support the embedding of their own mini-programs, and most platforms offer free one-click application for mini-programs.

At the same time, you may have noticed that Weiyuan is also using a customized platform with mini-programs, as it is more suitable for the WeChat ecosystem and many other factors. Courses like the Gold Mining System are continuously optimized and practiced, providing a lot of help to micro-business practitioners.

My short-term positioning is as an internet marketing lecturer. For me, an internet marketing lecturer needs to have three functions: teaching communication skills, marketing planning, and brand consulting.

This is one of the main things I will do from now on. Of course, during this process, I have never given up on learning. I believe that a teacher is first and foremost a model of learning, and only then a teacher.

My long-term positioning is as an internet operations master. In my view, having no conditions is not scary; creating or integrating conditions is what matters.

In my opinion, when the necessary conditions are met, the project should be able to succeed. Otherwise, there must be a problem with the operational design.

In my view, if a brand encounters a bottleneck that is hard to break through, there must be a marketing problem. There is no winter for projects, only the twelfth month of marketing.

In my view, if something cannot grow, there must be a problem with personnel. Liu Bang knew how to use people and gained the world; Xiang Yu did not know how to use people and lost the world.

What do you think?

Talking more is useless; whether it’s a mule or a horse, you’ll know once you take it out for a walk.

In the wave of the internet, I have always maintained a heart of learning and exploration. I know that only by continuously learning can I keep up with the pace of the times and remain invincible in a fiercely competitive market.

I began to study various internet marketing tools and strategies in depth, from SEO to SEM, from content marketing to social media promotion. I tried to master every method. I understand that to become a true internet operations master, I must be well-versed in these tools and strategies.

I started sharing my knowledge and experience on various online platforms, from Zhihu to Jian Shu, from Weibo to Douyin. I used text, images, videos, and various forms to spread my marketing concepts to more people. I firmly believe that sharing knowledge can help others and also allow myself to grow.

At the same time, I also began to try to turn my knowledge into products. I developed a series of online courses and e-books to help those eager to learn internet marketing. I always believe that knowledge is valuable, and I am willing to pass this value on to more people.

In practice, I also continuously summarize my experiences. I began writing column articles about internet marketing, sharing my success stories and lessons learned. I hope to help those who are confused on the path of internet marketing find direction through these articles.

I know that the road to becoming an internet operations master is not easy, but I am willing to accept the challenge. I am willing to use my knowledge and experience to help more businesses and individuals achieve their internet dreams.

I always believe that as long as we keep learning, practicing, and summarizing, we will definitely find our place in the world of the internet. And I will continue to move forward on this path.

In this process, I gradually realized that internet marketing is not isolated; it needs to be combined with traditional marketing to achieve the greatest effect. Therefore, I began to study how to integrate online and offline marketing strategies to create a set of marketing solutions suitable for different enterprises.

I deeply analyzed the characteristics and needs of various industries, from e-commerce to physical retail, from service industries to manufacturing. I tried to find their common marketing pain points and provide targeted strategies. I firmly believe that only by deeply understanding customers can we provide truly valuable services.

At the same time, I also began to pay attention to the importance of data analysis. In internet marketing, data is the key to measuring effectiveness. I learned how to use various data analysis tools, from Google Analytics to Baidu Statistics, from user behavior analysis to market trend forecasting. I strive to become an expert in data-driven marketing.

Through continuous learning and practice, I gradually built my own knowledge system and began to gain some fame in the industry. I was invited to participate in various industry conferences and seminars, exchanging insights and sharing experiences with peers. I realized that sharing and communication are effective ways to quickly improve oneself.

I began to write professional books to systematize my experiences and insights, hoping to help more people. At the same time, I also launched online and offline training courses to help those eager to make achievements in the field of internet marketing.

I know that the field of internet marketing is constantly changing, with new tools and strategies emerging one after another. Therefore, I always maintain curiosity and an exploratory spirit, continuously seeking new learning resources and updating my knowledge base.

I firmly believe that only by continuously adapting to changes can we remain invincible in the wave of internet marketing. I am willing to continue passing on my knowledge and experience to more people, helping them find their place in the world of the internet.

The road ahead is still long, but I believe that as long as we maintain our enthusiasm for learning and curiosity about new things, we will definitely find our own path to success in this rapidly developing era. And I will continue to explore and move forward on this path.

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