In the two-dimensional culture, skin is a very crucial element; it is an important means of constructing virtual fashion. I remember when I first played QQ Space, even this space could be dressed up in a style I liked, which was my initial encounter with skin online.

With the rise of the new generation, an important profit model in the gaming industry is also the sale of various virtual equipment and skins for equipment, as well as skins for game characters. Every time my niece excitedly shows me the various skins she has acquired for her favorite game characters, her excitement is no less than how we felt as children when we wore new clothes. However, she is a very rational consumer; most skins are obtained for free after completing levels.

Back to the point, what I want to talk about is the three layers of skin of a living person, and these three layers of skin will organically construct their unique image language, conveying a personal attitude towards beauty.

First layer of skin: The Creator's gift

Our body's largest organ—skin—accounts for about sixteen percent of an individual's body weight; it is the first line of defense for our health. The condition of our skin is also a barometer of our physical condition; when we are healthy and full of vitality, our skin will reflect the same state. Therefore, when we see such a situation, we say, "You look really good!" The health of the skin is not only reflected in its appearance but also in its functions, such as protecting us from external harm and regulating body temperature. This layer of skin is the first layer we come into contact with the world and the most intuitive self-presentation.

Our body, especially the skin, is a gift from the Creator; it is not only a guardian of our health but also a manifestation of our personality. In modern society, we have countless ways to care for and adorn this layer of skin, from daily skincare to professional makeup, and even advanced medical beauty techniques. The pursuit of beauty has never ceased.

Different types of skin have different characteristics; as long as we have enough understanding of our skin, we can take good care of it according to its characteristics, allowing it to showcase our best state.

Skincare: Basic care

Skincare is a part of everyone's daily life; it is not just about pursuing beauty but also about maintaining skin health. Correct basic skincare steps such as cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection can help our skin resist external environmental damage, maintaining its natural luster and elasticity. Skincare is also a form of self-care; it reminds us to pay attention to our health and well-being.

As I write this, I am reminded of my grandmother, who passed away many years ago. In the last few years of her life, she lost her ability to take care of herself due to glaucoma and was cared for at home by my parents. At that time, I was studying at a kindergarten teacher training school and could only go home on weekends, but every time I saw my grandmother, I marveled at how tidy she was, even though she had some wrinkles on her face, her skin was smooth and even.

At the same time, her clothing was very beautiful—according to today's aesthetic standards, it was in the Morandi color palette, with various light to medium gray solid color clothes, all with very simple cuts, enveloping her in a kind and serene atmosphere. My grandmother had a hobby of smoking, but she was very moderate about it; sometimes I would sit quietly with her, watching her enjoy a cigarette.

Regarding skin management, she used a cream called "Ya Cream" her whole life. When she was about to run out, I would bring her a new bottle. I still remember that Ya Cream was packaged in a small white porcelain jar, and if I remember correctly, the label had a yellow chrysanthemum on it. The scent of the cream was also very elegant; although it has lost its scent in my memory, the feeling of it "endorsed" by my grandmother has always remained in my mind.

Makeup: Artistic expression

Makeup is an art form that allows us to express ourselves in a more personalized and creative way. Through the use of colors and lines, we can emphasize our facial features, try different styles and images, or coordinate with our clothing to highlight the style we want to express. Makeup is not just about covering flaws; it is a tool for self-expression, giving us the opportunity to explore and showcase different aspects of ourselves.

In the past, I also wore smoky eye makeup, striving to be a "white bone spirit" in the workplace (I forgot why everyone used to describe working women this way), but this was indeed contrary to my love for freedom and my difficult-to-collaborate nature. I can only say that I was shaped by various external rules at that time, which gave me different life experiences, and looking back now, it was quite exciting. I think at that time, makeup added quite a bit to my appearance.

Medical beauty: Technological assistance

With the development of technology, medical beauty methods provide people with more possibilities. From minimally invasive procedures to laser therapies, these technologies can help us improve skin conditions and even change certain facial features. However, medical beauty is not omnipotent; it also has risks and limitations. In the pursuit of beauty, we should carefully consider and choose methods that suit us, always prioritizing health and safety.

In the past, I could not accept medical beauty at all; it took me half a lifetime to accept beauty, let alone such artificial and purposeful methods. I once visited a former colleague of a coworker who had become a vegetable due to an infection from a leg liposuction surgery. The impact of that visit was significant for me; seeing her still as a beautiful young girl, but with hollow and lifeless eyes, was shocking. My coworker had shown me her previous photos, and she was very vibrant, a stark contrast to the person I saw, and shortly after that visit, she left this world, leaving us all sighing.

Although this is a very small probability, it was enough to make me have a greater denial of beauty at that time, believing that the greed for beauty caused such consequences. However, later, when I met a person in my fellowship who had a congenital jaw deformity that caused severe protrusion of the teeth, seriously affecting her appearance, and due to her inability to close her mouth, she could only breathe through her mouth. In this situation, I now think that choosing orthodontics is perfectly reasonable; it concerns not only aesthetics but also quality of life.

Self-acceptance: The most beautiful posture

However, no matter how we adorn this first layer of skin, the most important thing is that we can genuinely like our true selves. Beauty is not just about appearance; it is also about inner confidence and self-acceptance. When we learn to appreciate our uniqueness and accept our imperfections, we can exude a unique charm. This charm is far more enduring and captivating than any external adornment. Think of Julia Roberts with her big mouth, Yao Chen, and Shu Qi with her distant gaze; they all embody a beautiful self-love and confidently and elegantly showcase the unique qualities that come with it.

On the journey of pursuing beauty, let us not forget our original intention, cherishing and caring for every inch of our skin, whether through skincare, makeup, or medical beauty, all based on health and self-acceptance. Because the truest self is the most beautiful.

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