Let's discuss the hot topic in the world of internet celebrities. San Zhi Yang and Xin Xuan are the leading figures of the second batch of internet celebrities, inheriting the influence of their predecessors.

In recent years, live streaming sales have become a popular trend, attracting people from all walks of life to participate. In the field of live streaming sales, some have made substantial profits, while others face losses, and some attract viewers through song and dance. Currently, it is the season for hairy crabs, and internet celebrities are targeting this business opportunity, preparing to showcase their sales skills. To succeed in live streaming sales, prices must be competitive, traffic must be sufficient, and product quality must also be excellent. Even if the prices are low, without fan support, it is difficult to attract buyers.

Those internet celebrities with a large number of fans are different; they have many enthusiastic fans waiting to make purchases. When several top internet celebrities meet, price wars are inevitable. In the competition for the same products, those with lower prices often attract more traffic. If strategies are not adopted, disadvantaged internet celebrities may lose fans and even damage their reputation. It is reported that San Zhi Yang and Xin Xuan had a fierce dispute over pricing issues.

San Zhi Yang is mainly active on the Douyin platform, while Xin Xuan focuses on Kuaishou, but their fan bases overlap. This is not only a competition between internet celebrities but also a contest between the two platforms. Currently, San Zhi Yang's situation is more difficult, as their after-sales service has been cut back, focusing solely on sales. Both sides blame each other, but Xin Xuan clearly has the upper hand. If San Zhi Yang fails to handle this matter properly, they may face serious consequences.

This incident reveals that live streaming sales seem to be gradually monopolized by internet celebrities. They can source products directly from manufacturers at lower prices, bypassing intermediaries. However, if the quality of the products sold is problematic, the situation becomes complicated. For ordinary sellers, they have neither price advantages nor a fan base, and they lack financial support, making it difficult to guarantee after-sales service; achieving short-term popularity is already a rarity. In an environment where resources are concentrated upwards, there are not many who are genuinely serious about live streaming sales.

Some believe that live streaming sales have impacted the offline实体经济, but even without live streaming sales, the offline实体经济 would not suddenly thrive. Live streaming sales are just one of many sales channels, along with various other e-commerce platforms. However, it is certain that the means of enterprise development are becoming more diversified, making it arguably the easiest time in history to achieve success. But at the same time, if the correct intentions are lacking, enterprises may also disappear quickly.

In this environment, competition within the live streaming sales industry is becoming increasingly fierce, and every internet celebrity must continuously innovate and enhance their capabilities to maintain an advantage. Meanwhile, consumers' demands for product quality are gradually increasing, no longer satisfied with just low-price strategies. Therefore, how to improve user experience while ensuring quality has become an urgent issue for internet celebrities to solve. Faced with such challenges, both San Zhi Yang and Xin Xuan realize that in addition to price wars, they need to differentiate themselves in product selection and service quality to win more fans' trust and support.

Currently, San Zhi Yang has to process refunds for problematic products, such as the issue with the braised pork belly, which has been a year since it occurred, and only now due to the recent incident's escalation are they forced to refund. However, they still will not fulfill their promise of a threefold refund for a fake product.

In response, Xin Xuan's Xin Ba has adopted an overwhelming strategy, stating that he is willing to pay 100 million yuan to compensate San Zhi Yang's consumers. This move by Xin Ba is indeed ruthless, and San Zhi Yang is almost powerless to counter it.

At the same time, the negative information released by San Zhi Yang is shocking; the president and co-founder of San Zhi Yang is actually involved in a scandal, and due to issues of hidden rules, a certain anchor under them was sent to a detention center. Regarding such matters, San Zhi Yang has no evidence to support these claims other than outright denial.

Earlier, San Zhi Yang opened a branch in Hong Kong, and the head of the Hong Kong branch is the controversial star Zeng Zhiwei. It is estimated that due to this incident, Zeng Zhiwei has currently hidden information related to San Zhi Yang on Douyin.

The two top internet celebrities in the mainland's live streaming sales ultimately had an inevitable clash due to conflicting interests, indicating that the live streaming industry will face stricter regulations. Addressing the chaos within the live streaming sales industry and protecting consumer rights has become an urgent issue to resolve.

The competition between San Zhi Yang and Xin Xuan has, to some extent, promoted the healthy development of the industry, leading more internet celebrities to focus on product quality and service. In future competition, only those live streamers who genuinely care about consumers and adhere to principles of integrity will stand out in this red ocean and gain market recognition and consumer trust.

In this broader industry context, the cases of San Zhi Yang and Xin Xuan have become the focus of attention within the industry. Every move they make is seen as a barometer for the industry, and the challenges they face reflect the transformation path of the entire live streaming sales industry.

As time goes on, this quality-based and service-first philosophy will undoubtedly lead the live streaming sales industry toward a more mature and healthy development track.

In this trend, the live streaming rooms of San Zhi Yang and Xin Xuan are no longer just places for selling products but have transformed into a new type of interactive communication platform, allowing consumers to enjoy shopping while also experiencing the charm of brand culture. Their success proves that in the live streaming sales industry, only continuous innovation can consistently attract fans and achieve a win-win situation. This model also sets a benchmark for peers, inspiring more practitioners to prioritize integrity and jointly promote the prosperity and development of the industry.

This incident is currently escalating, and issues regarding industry hidden rules, product pricing, and consumer demand satisfaction will become hot topics.

Although San Zhi Yang has faced criticism due to the braised pork belly issue, after verification by relevant departments, it was found that the payee was unrelated to San Zhi Yang, and no financial transactions were discovered; San Zhi Yang was classified as an advertiser rather than a beneficiary. In response, many netizens joked that San Zhi Yang's actions were actually charitable work. In fact, this is a strategy San Zhi Yang adopted to avoid risks and thus evade penalties. Although this strategy temporarily alleviated the crisis for San Zhi Yang, it also reflects the weak legal and regulatory aspects of the live streaming sales industry. Industry insiders generally believe that such incidents should serve as an opportunity for self-reflection within the industry, forcing enterprises to strengthen self-discipline and improve internal management. At the same time, regulatory agencies need to increase efforts to combat chaos in the industry, ensuring that market order is standardized and consumer rights are effectively protected.

Compared to San Zhi Yang's various deceptive strategies, Xin Xuan has shown a more positive side. During the pandemic, they donated 100 million yuan to Wuhan, standing out among all donation internet celebrities. Although Xin Xuan also faced a bird's nest crisis later, founder Xin Ba still fulfilled the promise of a threefold refund for a fake product, forming a stark contrast with San Zhi Yang's refusal to honor the same promise. In this battle between the two sides, San Zhi Yang seems unable to find any flaws in Xin Xuan, remaining in a passive position. This also highlights the importance of valuing brand reputation.

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