Sometimes in a relationship, you can become so close that the spark starts to fade. The best way to reignite that spark is to make him miss you and remember what made him fall in love with you. Sometimes, relationships can end before they need to. You can make your ex-boyfriend miss you and remember what it was like when you were in a good relationship. To make him miss you, create some space regardless of the specific details, control communication, and use subtle hints like scents, spontaneity, and deliberately "forgotten" items to remind him of you when you're not around. Soon, your man will crave you and long for that passion again.

Things You Should Know

  • Cut off or limit communication to make him miss you.
  • Leave something at his place to make him think of you in a subtle way.
  • Show your independence to remind him of what he is missing.
  • Use these strategies to show a man your value—not to manipulate him.

Stop Communicating

Don't call or text him anymore. If you frequently call or text him, he won't have time to think about you. Take time out of your daily call schedule and wait for him to call or text you. When you stop calling or texting, he will wonder why, which will make him start to miss you.

  • Continue living your life when you're not talking to him. Go to class or work, spend some time on hobbies, or watch TV. Do something to prevent yourself from checking your phone so that if he texts or calls you, you're less likely to respond.

Wait a while before returning his calls or texts. When we like someone, we often seize the opportunity to return their calls and texts because we are excited. If you want to make a man miss you, you need to create that moment of longing for a response.

  • When he calls you, don't answer; let it go to voicemail. Wait a few minutes, then call back and tell him you were busy and couldn't answer.
  • After receiving a text, wait 5 to 10 minutes before replying. This will give him time to start longing for your response and make him think about what you would do without him.
  • You don't have to do this all the time, but occasionally when you text or call him, keep it brief and to the point.

Limit social media posts. If you frequently update your activities on social media, try to limit the number of posts you make. Social media posts are an easy way for people to stay connected and will never make them feel like they miss you. When you reduce your posting, your boyfriend will start to miss your life.

  • Limit communication with your boyfriend on social media. If you chat with him on social media when you're not together, please stop this mode of communication for a while. He will want to hear from you and hope that when he starts to miss you, he will reach out to you.

End the conversation first. Hang up or end the text conversation before he does, especially if you are usually the last one to say goodbye. Ending the conversation first will make him want more and keep thinking about you until he talks to you again. This desire for more communication will make him start to crave talking to you.

Use Subtlety

Find a signature scent. Every time you are with your boyfriend, wear a light scent. He will start to associate that scent with you, giving him another feeling of missing you. When you are not with your boyfriend, he will start to miss your smell and long to smell your signature scent.

  • Don't apply too much, or he might be put off by a strong scent. Just apply enough so that he can smell it when someone is close to you.
  • To create this effect through scent, you must emit the same fragrance every time you are with him.
  • This method also works when you want to make your ex-boyfriend miss you. If you show up where he is with the scent you used to wear, he will immediately think of the times he spent with you.

Maintain an air of mystery and surprise. If you open up completely when you first meet a man, he won't be surprised. Instead, you should share interesting facts about yourself each time you meet. This will make your man want to hear more from you and look forward to what new things he will learn next. Be spontaneous with him. If you usually have dinner together, invite him on an adventure one day, like rock climbing. This spontaneity will excite him and keep him guessing about what you want to do next.

  • Don't always tell him your feelings and thoughts; keep him curious about you. Make him guess!

Leave things in his car or home. If you accidentally leave something at his house or in his car, it will make him think of you constantly. When he thinks of you, he will start to miss you and reminisce about the time spent together. Some small items that you don't need daily are best for subtly reminding him.

  • A comb
  • Jewelry
  • Cosmetics
  • A pen or notebook
  • A small picture

Make him want more. Whenever you go out with your boyfriend, you should make him want more. More kisses, more laughter, more fun, more conversation; you just want him to want more. You can take it slow and set clear time limits for your time together.

  • Shorten the conversation time because you have to go home at a specific time.
  • Just give him a sweet kiss at the end of the night to make him dream of wanting more kisses.
  • Have self-control regarding personal curfews. You may want to spend more time with him, but if you leave as planned, he will want to spend more time with you.

Leave some distance between you and him. If you are always around him, he won't miss you. A good way to make him miss you is to create some distance between you. If you spend every minute of the weekend with him, start taking time away from him. Spend Friday night alone at home or with friends instead of going out with your man. At first, he may enjoy the alone time, but if you start doing this often, he will begin to miss having you in his arms.

Go out with friends and tell him about it. Start going out with friends instead of dating, and then tell your boyfriend how much fun you had. He may be happy for you, but he will also feel a bit jealous that you can have so much fun without him. If you spend several weekends with friends, your boyfriend will soon start to miss the time spent with you.

  • This also works for ex-boyfriends. When an ex-boyfriend sees you having a great time and enjoying life without him, he will start to miss your life.

Use social media to highlight the fun of living your life alone. Start posting photos and status updates that show how much fun you have living your life alone. This is very effective in making an ex miss you. Show him how much you enjoy living alone, and your boyfriend will beg to go out with you because he misses you so much.

  • Don't fake it on social media; just emphasize the fun of going out with friends and participating in activities alone.

Give yourself a makeover and then meet him. Get a new hairstyle, wear new clothes, and make yourself look amazing. Dress up and then go meet your boyfriend. He will be surprised by your new look and want to see you more.

  • If you want to make your ex-boyfriend miss you, show up with a new look in places you know he will be. Walk by him looking great and as confident as before. This will make him wish he was still with you and reminisce about the time he spent in your life.

When should you try this?

Try to make him miss you and let him know how special you are. Dressing up nicely, spraying some perfume, and showing him how vibrant your social life is can help him see that you are interesting and fun. As long as you don't focus too much on attracting his attention, playing a little hard to get isn't a bad thing.

When you're ready for more communication, switch to direct communication. At first, making him miss you may bring him back, but if you wait too long to reply to his texts or avoid him for too long between dates, he will eventually get annoyed. If you spend too much time bragging about how happy you are without him, he may also catch on to your scheme to make him miss you. Don't try to make him miss you; instead, try to tell him your true feelings.

Don't make him miss you to manipulate him. It's normal to hope your ex misses you when you leave, especially if you were the one who was dumped. However, focusing too much on making him miss you can backfire. You will become too obsessed with his thoughts when you should be moving on. Give yourself and him a break, and don't try to manipulate him after your breakup.

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