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I remember being little and asking my mom why all the girls seemed to sing about boys on the radio. She gave me a kind of *shrug answer that I can't honestly remember. But I remember her answer - later in life - when I asked her…

"How will I know when I find the person I will marry?"

She said…

“I can't tell you how. You will just know.

What an infuriating answer! But, I understand right now - and mom was right. This is how the moment that the Viking played for me.

I met Alex when I was just 15 years old. I was at my first high school party, where all the kids from different middle schools in the area came together for the first time. Honestly, I don't remember the exact moment when I first talked to Alex - there were so many new names and faces to learn all at once. But I know it went well, because I remember that night when he looked at me from down the hall, slowly walked over to me and kissed me.

That was it. Nothing else happened. I don't think I even gave him my phone number. We just hung out for a few minutes. I left after with my friends, knowing that I would see him at…

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