Something frustrating happened today.

This matter is quite simple to explain, but the whole process was very unpleasant. After finishing my exam in the morning, I immediately ordered food through Meituan. I set my location to No. 24 Dongsha Street, which corresponds to the Southwest Gate.

After placing the order, I went to the entrance at No. 24 Dongsha Street to wait. I saw that the delivery person on the map was about to arrive, and I was quite happy. However, I felt something was off because the delivery person seemed to be heading in the wrong direction. In the end, they indeed did not arrive at this entrance but went to the South Gate and took a photo next to it to send to me.

I was stunned at that moment. How could it be the entrance over there? The two entrances are completely different. I thought about complaining to the seller, but then I realized it wouldn't be very nice to do so, so I ultimately did not complain.

I then checked the display on Tencent Maps, which showed the entrance at No. 24 Dongsha Street. I found it strange that the delivery person would deliver to the entrance at No. 501 Zhongkai Road. Was it a mistake on the map or a mistake by the delivery person?

No. 24 Dongsha Street belongs to the North Gate; to be precise, it should be like that. However, the address marked on the map has issues, so it is highly likely that this is due to the map's labeling error.

Who is responsible for this poor experience? Fortunately, the school is relatively small, so I could walk back and forth from the North Gate to the South Gate and then back to the cafeteria, as the cafeteria is located at the North Gate. Although it was a bit tiring, it wasn't a big deal. If the university campus were very large, traveling from the South Gate to the North Gate, wouldn't this issue become serious?

This incident taught me a lesson, which is that any software can be trusted or not trusted; they can have errors. It is unclear who caused these errors, so when encountering such situations, we can repeat the address in the address field, like "certain road, certain number," which is likely to avoid mistakes.

From the takeaway order printed out, there is no address field; it only shows "certain school's certain gate," so the corresponding address is hidden or marked with asterisks, making it invisible to us. In this case, it is understandable that the delivery person made a mistake.

However, if the map has such labeling issues, that is unacceptable and unforgivable. Just think about it; this is Tencent Maps. Whose fault is it that Tencent Maps has such problems? Moreover, this issue has likely existed for a long time, not just a day or two.

This issue also made me think of many things in life. The reference points we completely trust in life may have fatal errors. If that is the case, it could lead to irreversible and quite bad results, and the one who suffers the disaster may be the one who placed their trust.

For example, if you trust a friend who recommends a product, and you end up buying a garbage product, what do you do then? Your friend deceived you, right? But the result of the deception has already occurred, and the emotional harm has already been done.

We think that what we believe in must be reliable, but often, because of such situations, we pay a painful price. Before paying that painful price, if we are just a little more careful and "do a little extra," these potential harms could be eliminated in their infancy. However, although the reasoning is like this, we still cannot avoid it in life.

For instance, in a group, a certain tool is a well-established consensus. At this time, if I, as a party involved, have doubts and verify again, I will definitely face opposition, ridicule, and obstruction from others. They believe that this is the correct and natural thing. There is no need for you to doubt; doubting will only provoke the resentment of many people, and they will unite to exclude you.

Indeed, in our lives, it is precisely based on trust in tools and the repeated use of certain things that we let our guard down. Our brains may lose their judgment ability and assume that it should be very reliable. However, in fact, there will always be some deviations and unexpected situations. Once such unexpected situations occur, disaster becomes inevitable. Therefore, our trust in technological products or other tools can indeed solve many problems, but it also brings us unexpected disasters.

For example, the currently hottest technologies like smart systems and AI belong to cutting-edge technology and indeed bring great convenience to our lives. But the question is, when we trust them 100%, will they present some situations we did not anticipate?

Take smart driving, for example. If an unexpected situation occurs and a disaster happens, does that mean the death rate is 100%? Another example is AI's self-evolution; will the ultimate evolution mean it has developed a consciousness to respond to human consciousness?

Our trust in this external relationship drives our progress while also tying a time bomb to our progress. Therefore, I believe that as a party involved, even questioning what we trust is a way to avoid hidden dangers and is worth advocating. However, this questioning should have certain limits and should not be magnified indefinitely, as that would be counterproductive.

Returning to the beginning of this topic, I will not correct the error on the map. Many people are too lazy to put in that effort to correct it, which means this phenomenon will exist for a long time. So how should individuals address this? I suggest that in your remarks or additional address fields, you clearly state the situation. If the situation is clearly stated and the other party still makes such a mistake, then the responsibility can be clarified, and it will definitely be the delivery person's responsibility.

Of course, I think it is best not to write North Gate and South Gate; just write the name of the school directly. The name of the school is the default, and then provide a detailed explanation in the remarks or detailed address field, such as writing the road number. This way, mistakes can be avoided, and this is currently the best solution to this issue.

However, if we only resolve this matter and consider it a perfect ending, that would be too insignificant. I believe the greater significance lies in the inspiration for our lives, our use of technological tools, and our exploration and creation for the future. That is the most meaningful part.

Remember, at any time and in any place, never give up on the thinking of your smart brain. In this world, your brain is the most trustworthy friend.

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