"Man Jiang Hong" by Yue Fei

With anger bristling, I lean on the railing, as the drizzling rain stops. I raise my eyes to the sky and let out a long howl, my heroic spirit surging. Thirty years of fame are but dust and dirt, eight thousand miles of road are clouds and moon. Do not wait idly, turning gray in youth, only to lament in vain! The shame of Jingkang has yet to be avenged; when will the hatred of the ministers be extinguished? Drive the long carriage, trample the Helan Mountain pass. My lofty ambition is to feast on the flesh of the Hu invaders, to laugh and drink the blood of the Xiongnu. Let us start anew, reclaim the old mountains and rivers, and face the imperial palace!

"Man Jiang Hong" is a renowned work by Yue Fei, full of passionate emotions and magnificent momentum, expressing his firm will and belief in victory to sweep away the enemies and reclaim the homeland. The opening line, "With anger bristling, I lean on the railing, as the drizzling rain stops", introduces the entire poem with strong emotions, revealing the surging tide of his heart as he gazes longingly at the lost lands of the Central Plains. Next, the lines "Thirty years of fame are but dust and dirt, eight thousand miles of road are clouds and moon" reflect both his disdain for fame and his long journey of battles across the north and south. The latter part further expresses Yue Fei's ambition for revenge and to restore the world, especially the lines "My lofty ambition is to feast on the flesh of the Hu invaders, to laugh and drink the blood of the Xiongnu", which elevate his anger to a climax. The concluding line, "Let us start anew, reclaim the old mountains and rivers, and face the imperial palace", expresses his determination to recover lost territories and serve the emperor again.

In the long history of China, Yue Fei, like countless heroes, wrote a magnificent chapter with his extraordinary courage and steadfast belief. Among them, Yue Fei's name shines particularly bright; he was not only an outstanding military leader during the Southern Song period but also an embodiment of loyalty and patriotism. Yue Fei's life is a vivid interpretation of the spirit of "serving the country with loyalty" and an example of the profound impact of ancient Chinese education on personal growth. However, his ultimate fate ended tragically with the unfounded charge of "false accusations," which is thought-provoking.

Ancient Chinese Education as the Foundation for Loyalty and Responsibility

In ancient Chinese society, children's education was seen as a key link in shaping the pillars of future society. Unlike modern society's emphasis on comprehensive development, ancient education focused more on moral education and the cultivation of patriotism. Yue Fei's story was born in such an educational context.

Yue Fei's growth was inseparable from the careful guidance of his mother, Yao. Yao understood the ways of education deeply; she not only emphasized her son's studies but also valued the cultivation of his character. When Yue Fei was young, Yao took it upon herself to instill the responsibility of "serving the country with loyalty" deeply in her son's heart. To inspire him to serve the nation, she tattooed the four characters "Serve the country with loyalty" on his back. Through teaching by example and other methods, she passed on qualities such as loyalty, bravery, and integrity to Yue Fei, laying a solid foundation for his future growth.

In fact, Yue Fei could not see the characters on his back. The act of tattooing was more symbolic and ceremonial, representing his mother's expectations and teachings. What Yue Fei felt was his mother's love and determination, rather than directly seeing the words on his back.

Although Yue Fei could not directly see the four characters "Serve the country with loyalty", they profoundly influenced his life with an invisible power, becoming a strong motivation and spiritual support for his service to the country. This spirit not only inspired Yue Fei himself but also motivated countless future generations to bravely strive for the prosperity and strength of the nation.

In addition to family education, the social environment also had a profound impact on Yue Fei's growth. During the Southern Song period, at a time of national crisis, countless righteous men and women stood up, taking it upon themselves to protect their homes and country. This strong atmosphere of patriotism and intense national consciousness invisibly inspired the younger generation, including Yue Fei, to closely link their personal destinies with the rise and fall of the nation. It was in such a social environment that Yue Fei gradually formed the grand ambition of "taking the world as his responsibility."

From an Ordinary Youth to a Renowned General Against the Jin

Yue Fei's path to growth was not smooth; he underwent countless trials and tribulations before ultimately becoming an outstanding general against the Jin. Throughout this process, he demonstrated extraordinary military talent and unwavering belief, becoming a pillar of the Southern Song army.

From a young age, Yue Fei showed a strong interest and talent for military affairs. He was well-versed in military books and strategies, adept at using wisdom, and often achieved remarkable victories against larger forces on the battlefield. In key battles such as the Battle of Yancheng and the Battle of Yingchang, Yue Fei successfully repelled the Jin army's attacks with his excellent command abilities and courageous fighting spirit, securing valuable victories for the Southern Song.

Yue Fei's repeated achievements on the battlefield were not only due to his exceptional military talent but also to his steadfast belief and relentless perseverance. He always remembered his mother's teachings, taking "serving the country with loyalty" as his highest pursuit. In the struggle against the Jin, no matter how great the difficulties and challenges he faced, he never abandoned his beliefs and mission. It was this unwavering belief and relentless perseverance that made him a hero and model in the hearts of the Southern Song soldiers and civilians.

The Glory of "Serving the Country with Loyalty" and the Tragic Song of "False Accusations"

Yue Fei's life is a vivid portrayal of the spirit of "serving the country with loyalty." However, his ultimate fate tragically ended with the unfounded charge of "false accusations," which is not only a personal tragedy but also a sorrow for the entire era.

The Glorious Achievements of "Serving the Country with Loyalty"

Yue Fei's outstanding contributions and glorious achievements in the struggle against the Jin are undoubtedly the best interpretation of the spirit of "serving the country with loyalty." The army he led, the Yue Family Army, not only defeated the Jin army multiple times but also reclaimed a large amount of lost territory, greatly enhancing the Southern Song's national defense strength and national confidence. Yue Fei's loyalty and bravery became a celebrated tale, inspiring countless Chinese people to strive for the prosperity and strength of the nation.

The Charge of "False Accusations" and Tragic Fate

However, Yue Fei's glorious achievements did not change his tragic fate. After being captured, he suffered extremely cruel punishments. He endured tortures such as "being dressed in hemp and tortured" and "the rack." These punishments were not only extremely brutal but also greatly tormented the spirit and body of the victim. However, Yue Fei remained steadfast and unyielding, never succumbing to the tyranny of Qin Hui and others. Ultimately, Yue Fei was executed on the charge of "false accusations." This incident was not only a great injustice to Yue Fei personally but also a tremendous loss for the Southern Song court and the entire nation. Yue Fei's death not only deprived the Southern Song of an outstanding general and national hero but also cast a shadow over the spirit of "serving the country with loyalty."

Deep Reflections on Yue Fei's Fate

Yue Fei's tragic fate is not only a personal misfortune but also a reflection of the political ecology and social environment of ancient China. It reveals the fierce struggle between loyalty and betrayal, justice and evil, and provokes profound reflections on history, politics, and human nature. At the moment of his execution, Yue Fei may have been filled with grief, anger, and regret. He was loyal to the country throughout his life, making tremendous efforts and sacrifices for the struggle against the Jin, yet ultimately met such an end. He might have felt regret for not being able to realize his ambition of a northern expedition and reclaim lost territories; he might have felt anger at the treachery of the court's corrupt officials and the suffering of loyal ministers; he might also have felt worry and helplessness for the suffering of the people and the future of the nation. However, Yue Fei's life was glorious, and his spirit and deeds will forever be remembered and celebrated by future generations.

The Complexity and Multiplicity of Human Nature

Yue Fei's story tells us that loyalty and betrayal are eternal themes. In the struggles for power and interests, loyalty often appears particularly precious and fragile. Yue Fei took "serving the country with loyalty" as his duty, yet ultimately faced betrayal and framing by powerful officials. This inevitably raises the question: in a complex and ever-changing political environment, how can one uphold their beliefs and principles? How can one identify and guard against potential betrayers?

Although Yue Fei died wrongfully, his loyalty and bravery are forever etched in people's hearts. This tells us: justice may be delayed, but it will never be absent; however, delayed justice can never save Yue Fei's life.

When contemporary people see Yue Fei's tragic experiences and fate, they often feel a mix of emotions and indignation. They are moved by Yue Fei's loyalty and bravery, saddened by his unfortunate fate; they are also angered by the vile actions of traitors like Qin Hui and sigh at the many injustices in reality.

Yue Fei's story reveals the complexity and multiplicity of human nature. In the struggle between loyalty and betrayal, justice and evil, everyone is constantly making choices and sacrifices. Yue Fei chose loyalty and justice, paying the price of his life; while figures like Qin Hui chose betrayal and evil, gaining temporary power but ultimately leaving a stench for eternity. This teaches us: on the road of life, we must always maintain a clear mind and firm beliefs, not be swayed by external temptations and pressures.

This is precisely:

The loyal soul forever shines in the blue sky,

The heart of serving the country illuminates the world.

Do not say that heroes end in misfortune,

For thousands of generations, they are revered as the wise.

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