Every region, every country, every nation in the world has a different style of dress. We have talked a lot about women's fashion today, but now we will discuss men's clothing. The Scots have a special outfit that looks like unique skirts, while the traditional outfit for Vietnamese men is the "áo giải nam".

Currently, the trend of wearing traditional costumes on special occasions is flourishing, and for me, it is a very beautiful and very Vietnamese outfit. What about the Arabs? The term Arab here is broad, not just Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates; it includes countries in the Middle East and some North African countries. For those who regularly explore, we are probably familiar with Arab men wearing outfits that resemble a long tunic down to their feet, usually in white, accompanied by a headscarf. Why do Arab men wear this special outfit? That will be the topic of today's story.

Why do Arab men wear white robes?

First of all, it must be said that the tradition of wearing white robes in Arab countries has a history of thousands of years, not just now that they are famous. No one knows the exact time this outfit was created, and of course, if we don't know the time, we also don't know who invented it. Therefore, it is not recorded who created it or who was the first to wear it. It is only known that in Arab countries, from the nobility to commoners, everyone wears a spotless white robe.

Even now, in modern times, this outfit remains popular and shows no signs of going out of style. In fact, from the perspective of Westerners, as Arab countries have become wealthy from oil and service industries, this outfit has become a symbol of wealth. It has a very high identification value; for example, in the world of football, the wealthy Arab owners of Man City, Paris Saint-Germain, and Newcastle are often associated with such immaculate white clothing, and many fans often cosplay this style to showcase the wealth their team possesses. The Newcastle club in the English Premier League once advised fans to limit wearing such outfits, including the Arab-style headscarf, to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary troubles.

Going back to history, everything that people wear has its reasons and stories. Before talking about beauty, we must talk about practicality. Practicality here refers to being suitable for the climate and lifestyle. In terms of weather, Arab countries have harsh conditions that require people to adapt with clothing that is different from other places. Usually, summer temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius are common, and in such hot weather, a long and covered outfit helps limit the body's exposure to sunlight. From there, we feel more comfortable, similar to wearing sun-protective clothing.

And indeed, we don't need to go far to Arab countries; right in Vietnam during summer, when we go outside, we see women wearing long sun-protective clothing that covers them from head to toe, leaving only their eyes exposed, and we can gradually imagine what kind of clothing is most suitable. And Arab men, like women, also have such clothing. Men have similar reasons; long robes help protect against the sun, and among colors, white is the color that gives the coolest feeling, and it is also the best color for sun protection.

With the climate in the desert, it is hot during the day and cool at night, the long robe also serves another purpose: to keep the body warm. In winter, this outfit can be made from cotton and other materials to withstand the harsh cold. Don't joke around; the nighttime temperature in the desert can be as cold as a refrigerator. The desert is associated with sand, sandstorms, and dust storms, and such long clothing helps men here cope with being blown by sand; sand does not get inside the body, and if it does, it can be very uncomfortable. Just imagine the discomfort of sweating and having sand stick to you.

The large outer robe absorbs a little heat from the inside, as it is like a ventilation tube that allows air to circulate, making people feel comfortable and cool. Men here can own up to 50 such outfits, and these 50 outfits are called 50 Kandura, which can be changed frequently throughout the day, season, and year to always appear fresh and fragrant.

In addition to such an outfit, Arab men's clothing is also associated with a headscarf.

The headscarf is also something that should be present. In fact, it is not exactly a hat but a cloth wrapped into the shape of a hat; in summer, it protects from the sun, and in winter, it protects against wind and cold. The story of the scarf also has its history; this square scarf is usually made of cotton and is tied with a cord called Agal. Besides the traditional white, in some other areas, the scarf may have a checkered pattern. A very famous figure with a black and white checkered scarf is Yasser Arafat, the leader of Palestine. Later, such a scarf became a traditional symbol of the Palestinian people and of Arafat, and he was rarely seen without wearing such a scarf. Occasionally, he would wear a military hat.

According to Palestinian tradition, this scarf is called Keffiyeh and is used by Palestinian men at any level, becoming a symbol of Palestinian nationalism during the Arab uprising against the Jews. Its popularity increased in the 1960s with the beginning of the Palestinian resistance movement under the leadership of Yasser Arafat, and Arafat elevated the image of this scarf to a symbol.

When coming to Arab countries, are there any notes about dressing, or can we just dress like we do in our own country? There are many Arab countries, but when it comes to strictness, Saudi Arabia is number one. Therefore, these notes are recommendations for everyone when visiting Saudi Arabia or at least planning to go there. If foreign women are still required to wear outer garments to cover their entire bodies, men do not need to wear traditional Islamic clothing but can keep their own outfits when visiting Saudi Arabia.

However, that does not mean we can wear any type of clothing on the street. Male tourists still need to pay attention to their clothing, which should cover their legs and shoulders, and especially men should avoid tight pants and shorts when going out. If you have planned to buy a plane ticket to Saudi Arabia, it is indeed necessary to pay attention to these things. Regarding jewelry, similar to women, men should not wear too much jewelry except for wristwatches and wedding rings, which is a recommendation. Finally, a note about clothing that male tourists should pay special attention to is not to wear too much perfume. A little can be used to smell pleasant, but not too much.

In the public decency law issued in September 2019, men in Saudi Arabia are advised not to wear shorts and to dress modestly. Since then, the U.S. State Department has advised its male citizens to dress appropriately and not wear revealing clothing when visiting Saudi Arabia. However, this country is also moving towards more relaxed clothing regulations. Recently, Arab officials announced that female tourists will not have to wear a long robe called an abaya, but it is still best to be cautious.

It is especially important to note that Saudi Arabians do not hold hands, do not link arms, or express affection publicly. Therefore, it is better to maintain a certain distance even when going out with friends or spouses; same-sex relationships are also prohibited in this country. Therefore, such couples should be very cautious when traveling in Saudi Arabia. The possession or sale of alcohol is also prohibited in Saudi Arabia, and tourists to this country must be very careful because just having the smell of alcohol on them can lead to serious issues.

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