Under the distant and deep azure, all things grow, each on its own path. We walk on this vast land, often harboring an infinite yearning for freedom, as if it were an unplowed pure land, waiting for us to bravely take steps to pursue and explore. However, when we turn our gaze to the birds soaring in the sky, have you ever thought that even they are not completely free? This may sound paradoxical, but please allow me, with a long narrative, to take you into a profound fable about freedom and constraint.

Imagine standing on an endless grassland, surrounded by waves of green swaying in the wind, the sky like a piece of blue silk washed by water, clean and pure. At this moment, an eagle, an eagle with strong wings and sharp vision, comes flying from the distant mountain peak, its flight path breaking the tranquility of the sky, leaving behind an elegant and free arc. We look up, and a longing arises in our hearts, desiring to break free from all constraints like that eagle, soaring into the clouds, enjoying that supreme freedom.

But please note, the eagle's flight is not without rules, nor is it unrestrained. Every flap of its wings must follow the laws of aerodynamics, and every circle it makes is a precise judgment of wind direction and airflow. The sky, this seemingly infinite stage, is actually filled with invisible grids, woven from the trajectories of the wind, the changes in climate, and the instincts of living beings combined with physical laws. The eagle's freedom dances gracefully within these frameworks, and each of its flights is a profound understanding and clever utilization of these constraints.

Just like that winding little river, it longs to rush towards the sea, yet must navigate around rocks and through forests. Every drop of water's leap is an adaptation to the terrain, and every bend in the river is a respect for the land's shape. The river's freedom lies in its ability to create ever-changing forms within the natural framework, rather than blindly rushing and ignoring all boundaries.

Are we humans not the same? "No one is completely free; even birds are constrained by the sky." We dream of flying but are limited by the gravity of our bodies; we yearn for the boundless ocean of knowledge but are constrained by the finiteness of life and the allocation of energy. In this world, no one is completely free, for freedom has never been unrestrained indulgence, but rather finding one's own way to soar based on understanding and accepting constraints.

Let us bring our perspective back to that eagle. When it glides over the grassland, looking down at the earth, perhaps in its eyes, every blade of grass, every flower, every running antelope on the grassland is an indispensable part of this world, together forming the harmony and balance of the ecosystem. The eagle's freedom lies in being both a predator and a member of the ecosystem; its survival and reproduction depend on the interdependence of countless lives on this land. Just as each of us, while pursuing personal freedom, is inevitably a node in the social network, our words and actions constantly influence others and are influenced by others.

This is akin to weaving a complex web, where each intersection represents a person's position, and each line represents the connections between people. In this web, everyone is free, but this freedom is not isolated; it is intertwined and mutually influential. We can choose our own paths, but this path does not exist in isolation; it will inevitably intersect with others' paths at some point, creating new possibilities. Therefore, true freedom is based on understanding and respecting this interdependence, bravely walking one's own path while leaving space for others, together weaving a more colorful world.

Now, let’s look at those seemingly carefree birds. They may feel the embrace of the wind while flying, experiencing the thrill of speed and freedom, but behind this freedom is a profound reverence for nature and the wise application of it. They know that while the sky is vast, it also has boundaries—those are the edges of storms, the routes of migration, the changes of seasons. Thus, they learn to adapt, to adjust their direction in the wind and rain, and to seek suitable habitats amid the changing seasons. This adaptation is not submission, but a higher level of freedom—finding opportunities within limitations and achieving oneself amid challenges.

Similarly, each of us will encounter various limitations and challenges on the journey of life. They may be the lack of material conditions, the constraints of social rules, or the limitations of personal abilities. In the face of these, some choose to complain, some choose to escape, but true warriors choose to confront them head-on, proving through action that even in the most difficult environments, they can shine with their own light. Just like those trees that continue to grow tenaciously in barren land, they may not choose the soil, but they can dig deep roots to absorb every drop of usable moisture and nutrients, ultimately growing into towering trees that provide shelter for surrounding life.

Therefore, when we talk about freedom, we might as well first ask ourselves if we truly understand the essence of freedom? Freedom is not escaping reality, nor ignoring rules, but rather, based on acknowledging and accepting reality, exerting the greatest subjective initiative to explore, create, love, and live. Just like that eagle, although it cannot change the shape of the sky, it can give life to the sky through its flight, making that azure more vivid and meaningful.

Let us return to that grassland; at this moment, the sunset is like blood, and the evening glow spreads across the sky. That eagle has long gone, leaving only a gradually fading silhouette. But its story is like a seed, planted in everyone's heart. It tells us that no matter where we are, no matter what difficulties we face, we should maintain a free heart, learn to find possibilities within constraints, and shine amid challenges. Because true freedom is not about escaping all constraints, but about inner strength and the awakening of wisdom; it is the ability to bravely soar after recognizing and accepting the complexity of this world, to pursue that sky that belongs to oneself.

Finally, let us embrace every constraint and challenge in this world with a grateful heart. For it is these seemingly obstructive existences that shape our resilience and wisdom, teaching us to grow in adversity and move forward amid challenges. Just as rivers become more winding and magnificent by navigating around rocks, life becomes richer and more colorful by overcoming numerous difficulties. In this sense, every constraint is a step towards a higher level of freedom, and every step we climb brings us closer to a more complete and freer self.

Thus, when we look up at the starry sky again, our hearts are no longer filled only with an infinite yearning for freedom, but with a profound understanding and reverence for this world. We know that whether it is the eagle soaring in the sky or us walking on the earth, we all have our own skies and our own constraints. But it is these constraints that make our flight more powerful, our steps more steadfast, and our journey of life a wonderful journey about freedom and constraint, challenge and growth.

This is precisely:

With wings soaring, we comprehend freedom,

Even in high winds and clear clouds, it is hard to stay.

The vast sky is not without boundaries,

Flowing freely with nature, we roam far and wide.

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