Today I saw a tragic news story about three groups of young people who went to climb the Qinling Ice Crystal Peak, risking everything to see the sea of clouds. However, when they reached the Ice Crystal Peak, the weather changed; not only did the temperature drop suddenly, nearing zero degrees, but strong winds and heavy rain also began, plunging the entire world into what seemed like an apocalypse.

This rescue operation posed great challenges, but after the rescuers searched and rescued them, they were all saved. Unfortunately, another couple left this world forever.

It is said that when this couple was found, the man and woman were hundreds of meters apart, with their phones on the man's side, making communication impossible. In such terrible weather with strong winds, heavy rain, and low temperatures, they quickly fell into despair and ultimately lost all signs of life.

Some netizens commented that if they hadn't stayed that far apart and had huddled together for warmth, perhaps they wouldn't have died. But this is merely a hypothetical condition; the reality is that they were hundreds of meters apart, like kites with broken strings, unable to see or find each other. Of course, they were only in their twenties and had not yet experienced the hardships of life, making their willpower relatively weak. In a situation resembling the end of the world, their desire to survive was quickly overwhelmed by the forces of nature.

Now that autumn is coming to an end, temperatures in the north have dropped sharply, especially when climbing mountains, where low temperatures and strong winds are common at high altitudes. However, if heavy rain occurs along with this, without timely external rescue, it is almost equivalent to announcing death.

Many young people today seek so-called thrills, underestimating the risks of nature, often engaging in unimaginable risky behaviors. Once they find themselves in such dangerous situations, nature will not give them a chance to regret.

For example, in the first half of this year, due to heavy rains in the south, some teenagers ventured into the water to swim, resulting in drownings. There were also some adventurers who risked crossing rivers and ended up being swept away to their deaths. These incidents could have been avoided, but due to their lack of respect for nature, they ultimately paid with their lives.

Now that the north has become increasingly cold, there are still people who lack this respect for nature, recklessly putting their safety aside just to pursue the so-called sea of clouds scenery. In their process of growing up, perhaps their parents are very tolerant of their mistakes, but what they do not realize is that nature never tolerates those who make mistakes.

I remember a time back in my hometown when a pair of brothers went ice skating and ended up trapped in the ice. One brother put himself in danger to rescue the other, and although the older brother survived, the younger brother closed his eyes forever. Just think about it, in the dead of winter, being in cold water can quickly freeze a person, leading to loss of consciousness and ultimately death.

These tragedies occur because these individuals lack an understanding of the risks posed by nature, and in a moment of impulsiveness, they lose their rationality. Once faced with danger, they cannot truly escape, resulting in human tragedies.

We can analyze this matter from three aspects to discuss some necessary measures to avoid these tragedies.

First, schools and families should lock down safety education for children. These children, lacking social experience, are full of curiosity about many things and lack rational judgment about potential risks. Due to the existing education lacking necessary vivid materials and being merely verbal reminders, their rebellious nature often leads them not to listen. Once they have the opportunity to take risks, they will ignore the potential loss of life.

For example, this young couple clearly lacked foresight regarding potential risks. When faced with danger, they actually ran away in different directions to save themselves, which undoubtedly worsened the situation and reduced their chances of survival to zero. In strong winds and heavy rain, let alone hundreds of meters, even a few meters away makes it hard to distinguish people. This blind running undoubtedly pushes them toward death.

In addition to enhancing children's awareness of safety education, schools and families also need to teach them self-rescue methods in case of danger, so that when they face crises, they can take correct self-rescue actions instead of irrationally seeking their own demise.

Unfortunately, the current education system does not pay much attention to these aspects, and these areas seem to have insufficient connection to students' advancement, leading to a lack of emphasis on this in schools' KPIs.

Secondly, not only should we discourage others from going to places with potential dangers, but we also need to take necessary measures to prevent some people from taking risks. For example, recently in the Ailao Mountains, relevant departments quickly implemented a series of restrictions. Although many people took risks, no tragic incidents occurred.

This indicates that having advance plans or interventions for certain places or events with potential risks can deter those who harbor a fluke mentality. We cannot estimate how many people such measures can save, as the events did not actually happen, and many people cannot know the consequences. However, we can be sure that these measures can help some people avoid danger.

When we are in the wild, we often see signs prohibiting swimming by ponds, which is a good measure. At least it can prevent those who are willing to follow the rules from being tempted by others to take risks.

Many young people are filled with curiosity and impulsiveness towards the unknown, but deep down, they are also fragile. Once they realize there may be huge risks, they will also hesitate. These effective reminders can help them reassess their behavior and choose to follow the rules.

Therefore, if society could have more of these warm reminders, many tragedies could be avoided. Perhaps for many people, these reminders seem trivial, even lacking visible effects; in fact, this is just an illusion. You may have saved a person without realizing it due to your unintentional actions, or perhaps you harmed someone due to your negligence or indifference, but you just do not know the underlying principles.

The essence of these reminders is a respect for nature, a respect for objective laws, and a cherishing of life. Two thousand years ago, Liu Bei said, "Do not neglect small good deeds, and do not commit small evils." If this spirit is practiced, many tragedies can be avoided.

Finally, for the individuals involved, their insufficient risk assessment, lack of respect for nature, and violation of objective laws reflect a subjective self-illness. This reflects their own lack of knowledge and practice, substituting subjective consciousness for correct understanding, which will inevitably incur nature's punishment.

For those involved, enhancing their cognitive abilities and acting with a sense of responsibility towards themselves and others can help avoid many potential dangers. Although danger is everywhere in this world, because we cherish life and respect nature, we always act according to objective laws, thus keeping danger at bay and allowing life to be filled with more excitement.

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