Recently, I saw a news report about a woman who wanted to end her life. She threw things from her high-rise apartment, including bottles, flower pots, and various other items. Why did she do this? Was it to kill others? In fact, there was a reason behind it.

After the court's examination, it was revealed that the real reason was that this woman indeed did not want to live anymore, but she lacked the courage to commit suicide, especially to jump from a high-rise building. She was very afraid of that method of dying; she had no courage to take her own life, yet she truly did not want to live. She hoped to be sentenced to death by the court by killing others. In the end, the court fulfilled her wish, and the death penalty was executed immediately. Logically, if someone wants to die, they can choose any method to do so, but she was fixated on this one way of dying from a height. After this method failed, her solution was to kill others, letting society decide her death penalty. Isn't that quite perverse?

This tragedy could have been avoided because she did not kill someone on her first attempt; it happened after five or six times. This means that during the first five times of throwing things recklessly, no one paid attention, especially the property management. Logically, throwing objects from a height is illegal, but everyone's attitude of "it's none of my business" condoned such behavior. Moreover, the property management, as the safety assurance department of the community, failed to notice this phenomenon in a timely manner, or if they did notice, they did not take it seriously. Therefore, the property management also bears some responsibility.

If the property management had been able to notice this in time or had taken it seriously after discovering it, perhaps this tragedy could have been avoided. Not only could it have saved this suicidal person, but it also could have prevented the subsequent tragedy. This suicidal person must have had psychological issues. No matter what kind of obstacles one encounters in life, if they cannot get past them, psychological problems will arise. Under the pressure of various factors, these psychological issues may distort her thoughts, and her behavior becomes very peculiar.

From another perspective, this woman attempted to use the method of killing others to have society sentence her to death. She lacked the courage to commit suicide but wanted to die, which is a very contradictory phenomenon. It should be said that she wanted to attract others' attention through this method to save herself; that was her true inner self. However, this society seems to be too indifferent. Through this illegal method, others actually turned a blind eye, meaning that as long as no one died, they could ignore her insane behavior.

Of course, this woman will have to pay the inevitable price for her illegal actions and the lives lost. According to her reasoning, she seems to have won, but in reality, she has lost. From a deeper psychological analysis, she did not truly want to die; she just hoped someone would save her because she was very disappointed with the people around her. The people around her viewed her as just a crazy person. In this sense, the people around her also bear some responsibility. They noticed her abnormal behavior but did not stop it, which is also a form of emotional indifference. Various factors contributed to the inevitable occurrence of this tragedy. As for the woman who was killed by the falling object, she was even more wronged. She could not have anticipated that something would fall from the sky and kill her; it was truly an unforeseen disaster.

Logically, such a case should be considered very bizarre, but unfortunately, a similar incident occurred this year, in fact, this month. This time, it involved a man who also threw objects from a high-rise building, specifically from the 32nd floor, attempting to kill someone in the same way to have society sentence him to death. However, his actions were discovered in time, and now his illegal behavior is being dealt with.

So now, when young people want to die, they also want to take someone down with them. This idea is very bizarre, which also indicates that many people have psychological issues and are not mentally healthy. Why should they drag someone else down with them when they want to commit suicide? Because they are cowardly and afraid of death, yet they do not want to live, which indicates a serious psychological disorder.

Currently, from a societal perspective, mental illness has not received the attention it deserves. Hospitals have mental health departments, but they are often ineffective. Many people have mental health issues but do not acknowledge them and certainly do not seek help from so-called psychologists. They feel awkward about having such thoughts; is it a disease? In the Chinese mindset, mental illness is often equated with being insane. Once people around them learn that someone has a mental illness, they label that person as a lunatic.

In such a social and cultural atmosphere, as an adult with psychological issues, it is rare for them to seek help or confront their mental health problems. Therefore, online consultations and anonymous counseling are relatively common, which is also an external reason for the popularity of this industry.

Not to mention, the mental health of middle and primary school students has only recently become a focus. In the past, it was not taken seriously at all. Later, many illegal activities among middle and primary school students, many of which were caused by mental illness, drew the attention of the state and education departments. This led to the establishment of a subject called mental health education, which has become a compulsory course in many primary and secondary schools.

For example, a person's ability to cope with pressure may be very weak; even a small setback can crush them. Continuous mental pressure can lead them to choose death. Some primary school students, unable to bear the teacher's scolding, jump off buildings to die; others, unable to endure their mother's cold indifference, run out of the car and jump off a bridge to die. Why are their minds so fragile? This indicates that there are issues with mental health. In fact, both middle and primary school students and adults in today's fast-paced society, especially in an environment of severe competition, have psychological issues to varying degrees.

Of course, mental illness may seem like a type of mental disorder, but its roots lie in social reality. The reasons for the current societal competition are multifaceted, and this competition creates different feelings of pressure for young people and everyone else. Those who are less able to cope with pressure may exacerbate their mental health issues, leading to such perverse behavior, like the murderer throwing objects from above to kill someone, hoping society will sentence her to death. This is a very perverse individual, reflecting a serious distortion in her psychological state due to dissatisfaction with social reality.

Is this phenomenon a widespread issue or an isolated case? Even if it is an isolated case, it should draw the attention of society as a whole. This is just the tip of the iceberg, indicating that the younger generation has psychological issues that need to be addressed and educated by society. Only then can potential tragedies be avoided and innocent sacrifices prevented.

Finally, we hope that such social tragedies can be reduced, meaning that in our culture, mental illness can be viewed as a relatively ordinary disease, allowing individuals to accept treatment without hesitation, rather than avoiding treatment after developing mental health issues, leading to an irretrievable situation.

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