Skin constantly update

Real skin provides a dynamic barrier between your body environment and the external world. In the epidermis (outer layer of the skin), the cells that form cells for forming cells are constantly divided, and the cells are used to move upwards through the layer and fall off from its surface. The skin is a rich source of stem cells, which has the ability to divide and update itself.

The method of effective care for the skin is to clear the dirt on the skin in time

Drink 2 liters of water a day to maintain healthy skin

Fake . The amount of water you drink will not directly affect your skin. Through the dermis, the blood of the inner skin supply water to the skin; the water is lost from the epidermis, especially in a dry environment.

Need water to maintain skin moisture. When you become severely dehydrated, your skin will appear dull. In healthy people, internal organs-kidney, heart and blood vessel-control the amount of water reaching the skin. The amount of water you need to drink is not fixed, depending on the amount you use and lost.

Stress will make the skin unhealthy

real . There are many health problems in modern life, we blame the pressure, but some skin conditions have been confirmed in scientific research (see below) that life events may include worsening cortisol (in manufacturing steroidal adrenal glands). It is worth noting examples of AOPECIA AREATA, a self -immune state, and the body's immunity begins to invade hair follicles, leading to hair loss; psoriasis, another autoimmune state, leading to thickening skin, scales and inflammation; Itchy red skin inflammation is often accompanied by asthma, pollen and other allergies. Unfortunately, when you have excessive pressure, these skin conditions are likely to break out.

Eating chocolate can cause acne

Fake . Ordinary acne, common "adolescents" acne, can actually continue to your 30 and 40 years old. Due to hormone skin fat glands, adding the skin's immune response to the blocking pores and microorganisms on the organism.

For many reasons, eating high -fat diet is unhealthy, but it does not cause acne. In fact, some prescriptions are used to treat pills that are severely acne, such as oral vitamin A acid. When taking drugs at the same time when eating fat meals, the body will better absorb-this may include chocolate.

Washing powder can cause eczema

Fake . Eczema is a disease that is dry, itchy and red. It is caused by the combination of genetic factors (how your skin is made) and environmental impact, leading to inflammation. Soap, detergent and laundry powder can stimulate the skin and cause dry skin, because they can remove the fat on the skin (just as the washing fluid can remove the fat on the tableware). Biological laundry powder contain enzyme-decomposition fat and other proteins to remove stain protein-these can stimulate sensitive skin, so they may aggravate eczema. It is important to wash away any washing power before wearing to avoid skin irritation.

White traces on the nails = calcium deficiency

Fake. Nails are made in nail matrix. The nail matrix is ​​a area under the skin of the top of the nail. If the matrix is ​​traumatized, impacted or bitten, the nails in development are irregular and the air may be intercepted. When the nails grow, this seems to be a white mark. Calcium is important for healthy nails (and bones and teeth), but these white marks are not calcium deficiency.

Sunshine is good for you

There are false and false. Many people have experienced a good factors for the sunny days, but the sun has a good and bad effect. Lights from the sun include a mixture of different wavelengths: some are visible to human eyes, and some are shorter than the colors we see -these are called ultraviolet rays (UV) -ee, some longer, infrared. Different wavelengths have different effects on the skin.

The skin uses UVB to create vitamin D. No sunlight irradiation for bone health. This vitamin must be obtained from the diet. Der dermatologists use UVA and UVB with specific wavelengths to reduce skin inflammation with specific wavelengths, which is a valuable treatment for certain skin conditions.

However, when the skin is exposed to too much ultraviolet rays, it will destroy the DNA of the skin cells, leading to the basis of unprepared growth-cancer. As a simple rule, unless you suffer from diseases or treatments that inhibit the immune system, the sun is moderately suitable for you, but you should not sunburn.

Simplify things

The basic principles of maintaining skin health are mainly common sense. You should regularly clean the skin to remove dirt, but do not remove the necessary moisture and waterproof substances too much. If your skin feels tight or dry, use moisturizing cream-unless you have skin that is easy to grow acne, the greasy ointment effect is the best, in this case, you should use non-greasy water cream. Avoid stress as much as possible, eat a healthy diet, and drink water when you feel thirsty. Finally, protect your skin from the sun with a hat, clothes or sunscreen.

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