First of all, it is necessary to declare that the little thing of sun protection is not only in summer. There will be sun protection demand in spring, summer, autumn and winter, because ultraviolet rays will not appear in seasons!

What should we prevent sun protection?

Saying sun protection, of course, what should we first prevent? Knowing and knowing one another can be worthy!

Sun protection is actually prevented by UV (UV) damage to the skin!

UV -will be divided into long wave UVA, medium wave UVB, and short wave UVC depending on the wavelength , so we have to guard against UVA and UVB . The penetration of ultraviolet rays is very strong and ubiquitous, so those who feel that there is no need to sunscreen on a cloudy day.

UVA penetrates strong penetration ability, can reach the dermis layer (the real murderer of black and aging)

It will stimulate the melanin and free radicals of the leather, making the skin dark, and it will easily cause the skin to hurt the skin, which will cause melanin precipitation, skin aging relaxation, wrinkles and other problems.

UVB can reach the epidermal layer (the real murderer of sunburn, redness of redness)

It will cause skin sunburn, red tingling, keratin thickening, dullness and other conditions.

How is sunscreen sunscreen?

In order to fight ultraviolet damage to the skin, there is a sunscreen!

The two indexes of sunscreen represent its sunscreen ( SPF and PA ), and everyone should have seen it on the outer packaging of sunscreen.

But what role does SPF and PA play in the process of sunscreen, let's introduce it in detail below!

[SPF Index represents the defense of UVB]

SPF is the cover rate and blocking time of sunscreen.

【Calculation Formula】

① SPF cover rate formula: [(SPF-1)/SPFX100%= cover rate (%)]

For example: SPF15 14/15X100%= 93.3% SPF30 29/30X100%= 96.6%

It can be seen that the SPF index has doubled, but the cover rate is not doubled.

② SPF cover time formula: SPF*15

SPF30: 15*30 = 450 points, within about 7 and a half hours (not the absolute value, there will be changes according to your own situation, for reference only)

[PA Index Representative for Protection of UVA]

The more PA+number, the better the anti -UVA effect (but don’t pursue the highest, just enough)

PA+delay the sunbathing time of 2-4 times the sun

PA ++ delaying the sun-dark time is 4-8 times very anti-sun

PA +++ delay the sunshine of about 8 times the dark time

But PA is not an international standard for UVA protection. Different countries have different expressions for UVA. Some European and American products generally do not use PA.

For example: Baby Shui uses "Broad Spectrum" also "Extra Uva Protection", as well as using UAV little stars. The more stars, the more powerful the protection. There is also UVA protection logo. When you see these signs, you must know that it means that it can protect UVA.

The higher the SPF and PA values, the better the value. The larger the value indicates that the more additives, the greater the burden on the skin. Select the right one according to the situation.

Physical sunscreen and chemical sunscreen

Sunscreen is divided into physical sunscreen and chemical sunscreen in terms of composition. Where is their difference?

Simply put, physical sunscreen shields ultraviolet rays mainly depends on the scattering and reflection of ultraviolet rays.

Chemical sunscreen is to absorb ultraviolet rays, and then convert it into other energy to release it.

There are only two types of physical sunscreens (zinc oxide and titanium dioxide) . Titanium dioxide can completely block UVB, but it can only beolate UVA with short wavelengths. Zinc oxide is a widely used physical sunscreen, which can almost block UVA and UVB of all wavelengths, and the safety stability is relatively high. But the disadvantage of physical sunscreen is that it will be white after the face, which is why some sunscreen feels like a Japanese geisha.

Ingredient component: titanium dioxide (TIO2) (TITANIUM DIOXIDE), zinc oxide (zinc oxide)

Chemical sunscreen is mainly ultraviolet absorbers. Such ingredients are water -soluble and oil -soluble. It is not easy to block pores on the application, but it will accompany a certain greasy feeling, and the irritation of the skin is relatively high. There are dozens of chemical sunscreens, such as Avzyzzzzzon, two phenyl-3 and so on.

How to choose sunscreen?

For the choice of sunscreen, due to the different time, place, season, climate, etc., we have different degrees of damage to ultraviolet rays. It is not a one to travel throughout the world. You can choose according to the environmental screening you face.

For example: For most of the office workers in the office, the time is short of strong ultraviolet irradiation. The SPF value is 15-20, and PA ++ can be. If the environment is in the seaside, the SPF value should be 30-50, PA +++ and above, and it must also have a waterproof function.

[How do people with different skin types choose sunscreen? .

① oily skin

People with oily skin choose products with a combination of physical sunscreen and chemical sunscreen. The stability of physical sun protection is relatively high and can add some oil control components. However, he is generally not refreshing enough, and the chemical sunscreen texture is relatively refreshing. Therefore, the combination of the two will be more suitable for oil skin.

Generally, sunscreen with the words "refreshing" and "oil -free" is more suitable for oil skin. For example: Sophina's refreshing day care sunscreen and Clinique city refreshing oil -free sunscreen.

② dry skin

People with dry skin should choose sunscreen with moisturizing ingredients. The products generally use "moisturizing" as the publicity point. You can also see ingredients by yourself. Common moisturizers glycerin, propylene glycol, butanol, hyaluronic acid, etc. For example: Birou moisturizing sunscreen and the high -efficiency sunscreen (mineral hypotomy).

③ Sensitive muscle and acne muscle

People with sensitive muscles and acne muscles try to choose pure physical sunscreen, and his irritation is relatively small. However, physical sunscreen needs to remove makeup. In order to reduce the damage to the skin, pay attention to cleaning the cleansing makeup remover. For example: FANCL sunscreen isolation and Krun Run immersed moisture sunscreen milk

There is also a large sunscreen household An Naishi and Lichi Spring. It is not necessary to say that Asians like it, and Anbei Suncaine is almost a must -have for going to the beach. Lixuanquan also has a series of sunscreen products. It is very popular in Europe and the United States. Essence

Dosage of sunscreen

Generally one yuan coin size, don't be too small,

It should be covered, otherwise it will not work.

Do sunscreen need to remove makeup?

Pure chemical sunscreen does not require makeup removal. Physical sunscreen and mixed sunscreen need to remove makeup.

There will also be a prompt to remove makeup removal in the product packaging. It must be removed if you need to remove makeup. Do not be lazy. If the packaging is not clear, you are not sure, then unload it! But you can choose relatively mild makeup remover and gel, try not to use powerful makeup remover! It is not good to cause transition cleaning.

Other sunscreen

【Hard sunscreen】

In addition to sunscreen, we can use hats, glasses, masks, sunscreen, sunscreen and other items to achieve the purpose of sunscreen.

However, not all umbrellas can have sunscreen effects, so how to choose sunscreen and sunscreen?

How to choose sunscreen and sunscreen?

Not all umbrellas can cover ultraviolet rays. When buying, it depends on the product label: UPF > 40 UVA can only be bought on the Internet. If you buy it on the Internet Buy again.

【Follow UV index】

Teach you a small skill. The current weather forecast app can display the ultraviolet index of the day. We can determine the next sunscreen measures based on this value.

Generally, the UV UV index is basically not protected at 1-2.

In 3-7, you need to take some basic protection measures, and you need to apply sunscreen to go out.

If it is 8-11, it is needed to protect it. This situation generally occurs at noon in summer. The ultraviolet rays are particularly strong. If you can avoid it, try not to go out as much as possible.

Pay attention to sun protection

1. Without understanding the ingredients, do not be used in two sunscreen products, so as not to conflict with some components.

2. The sunscreen should be used within one year. Do not stay for next year. After opening, oxidation or microorganisms will be used to prevent no effect after use.

3. The part of the sunscreen: As long as you leak outside, you must take care of the neck, ears, arms, hands, feet and legs.

4. There will be ultraviolet rays on cloudy or indoor windows, and sunscreen also requires sunscreen.

5. Can it be used as sunscreen with sunscreen, BB cream, and CC cream?

If the sun protection coefficient is sufficient, daily sunscreen is okay, but the amount should not be too small. For example, the office workers do not go out very much, and they are basically sunny; or use hard sunscreens such as sunglasses hats and sunscreen umbrellas, they can use products such as sunscreen function.

It can indeed accelerate skin aging when it is often damaged by ultraviolet rays. It is recommended that you do sunscreen. Keep youthful delaying aging from every trivial matter! I wish you all beautiful forever!

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