Calories in food provide energy in the form of heat for our bodies to function. Our bodies store and "burn" calories as fuel. Many dieters count calories and try to reduce their intake to lose weight.

Definition of calorie versus kilocalorie

When the term "calorie" is used in nutritional contexts, by dieters or simply by consumers talking about food, they often use a common definition of calorie. But they are actually referring to kilocalories, which is what you see on nutrition labels. Here are the two different terms:

  • The definition of a calorie (cal), or small calorie, is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius.
  • The definition of kilocalories (kcal), or large calorie, is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius. One kilocalorie is equivalent to 1000 small calories. Kilocalories are sometimes referred to as "food calories" or simply shortened to "calories" when referring to energy in food.

Another unit of measurement used to quantify energy is called "joule." One small calorie is equivalent to less than 4.2 joules. One kilocalorie (kcal) is approximately equal to 4.2 kilojoules.

What is a calorie?

You might think that calories are only important for dieters. We often hear that people eat fewer calories or burn more calories through exercise to lose weight. But calories are very important for everyone.

In fact, a calorie is not a thing; it is a unit of measurement. Calories measure the amount of energy in the food and drinks we consume. We all need this energy to live and stay healthy. Everything we do relies on energy in the form of calories.

The food we eat becomes the fuel that powers our bodies. Healthy foods provide calories (energy) and important nutrients to build strong bones and muscles. Drinks also contain calories. But not all calories are good for health. For example, soda is often referred to as "empty calories." This means they provide calories but no other nutritional value.

How calories cause weight gain

Calories in food provide the necessary energy, but if consumed in excess, you will gain weight. Excess calories are stored as fat in the body. Your body needs a certain amount of stored fat to be healthy. But too much fat can cause health problems.

So how do you ensure that you don't eat too many calories? It is important to understand your calorie needs. This is the number of calories your body needs to perform basic metabolic functions and daily physical activities. You can calculate your calorie needs using simple formulas or online calculators.

The recommended daily calorie intake for the average American can range from 1,000 to 2,000 calories per day. But that number is a general estimate and there are many variables for individual needs. Men may eat a little more, while women should eat less because their bodies are smaller and require less fuel. Your personal calorie needs depend on several factors such as your activity level and metabolism.

Calories in food

Different types of foods provide different energy levels. This means that the three macronutrients are not all equal in the number of calories they provide. Protein and carbohydrates have less than half the calories per gram as fat.

Total calories per gram:
  • Carbohydrates: 4 calories per gram
  • Protein: 4 calories per gram
  • Fat: 9 calories per gram

Because fat provides more calories per gram, many dieters and healthy eaters try to limit their fat intake in their diets. But some types of fat are necessary for a healthy body. For example, polyunsaturated fats help you maintain a healthy heart. And while carbohydrates provide fewer calories, some types of carbs are not as healthy as others. For example, refined carbohydrates are considered empty calories.

So are all calories the same when it comes to weight loss? Experts generally agree that a calorie is a calorie. It doesn't necessarily matter where your calories come from. To lose weight, you need to consume less and burn more.

However, some calories provide special weight loss benefits. For example, calories from protein are very helpful in building and maintaining muscle. When you have more muscle, you can be more active during the day and burn more calories. And calories from fiber-rich foods help you feel full and satisfied throughout the day, so you eat less and your body becomes leaner.

Learning to count calories for weight loss

Experts estimate that if you consume about 3,500 excess calories, you will gain one pound. Therefore, to lose one pound, you need to create a calorie deficit. You need to reduce your calorie intake by 3,500 calories or burn an additional 3,500 calories. You can also combine both methods to achieve the exact calorie deficit.

You can reduce your calorie intake by 500 calories per day to lose 1 pound per week. Losing 1-2 pounds of weight per week is considered a healthy and sustainable weight loss rate.

The most important thing to remember is not to cut calories too drastically. Following a very low-calorie diet can put your health at risk and cause health problems.


There are many different ways to lose weight and maintain a healthy diet. Counting calories is just one of them. Portion control and choosing nutrient-dense foods are also important factors. But we believe that calories are important. If you want to learn more about your calorie needs, check out our daily calorie calculator or use the nutrition formula to see how many calories are in your favorite foods.

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