According to a report by Common Sense Media, the average teenager spends about nine hours a day using media for entertainment. Surprisingly, these teenagers spend less than 10 minutes a day talking to their parents.

It's possible that during those nine hours of media use, your child will be bombarded with thousands of messages about 'ideal' images. Unrealistic and unattainable descriptions of beauty can damage your child's body image if you're not careful.

The messages teenagers receive about weight

Movies, advertisements, magazines, and websites depict beauty as ideal. Thin models and perfect images that have been edited with photoshop software are everywhere. Diet and beauty products send the message that being thin and attractive is the key to happiness and success.

The effects can be seen in young children. Research shows that children under 3 years old prefer games that depict thin people over games that depict overweight people. By age 10, 80% of American girls are dieting.

Social media and the quest for perfection

Not only do traditional media put pressure on teenagers to be thin and beautiful. Social media can have an even stronger impact on your child's body image.

Immediately, feedback can be addictive for those with low self-esteem who rely on affirmations on social media.

Many teenagers crave validation from their peers and social media is a quick way for them to receive feedback. Whether a teenager posts a selfie on Instagram or she views photos of others flaunting their 'thigh gaps' on Tumblr, social influence can be very powerful.

Some teenagers spend hours trying to take the perfect selfie. Others judge their appearance based on the number of likes their latest Facebook photo receives.

Unfortunately, many teenagers receive harsh criticism and derogatory comments on social media. Cyberbullying can cause significant harm to a teenager's body image.

Consequences of a negative body image

The pressure to be thin can have serious consequences. Studies have shown a link between the portrayal of thin female bodies and unhealthy eating habits and low self-esteem. In a survey conducted by Girlguiding, half of girls aged 16 to 21 said they would undergo surgery to improve their body image.

A negative body image can lead to even more serious consequences. While some teenagers develop eating disorders, others experience depression. A 2009 study found that girls dissatisfied with their appearance are significantly more likely to attempt suicide.

Boys and body image

It's not just girls who are presented with unrealistic beauty standards by the media. Superheroes and action figures depict unrealistic body types and begin sending boys misleading messages at a young age. Teenage boys may strive for the perfect physique through dieting or compulsory exercise. They may also experience eating disorders or mental health issues due to poor body image.

How to counteract the harmful effects of media

You can't shield your child from the harmful images in the media that bombard them constantly. The increasing prevalence of smartphones and electronic devices means your child will encounter idealized versions of beauty everywhere. But you can teach your child about media literacy.

  • Use real-life examples. Watch TV together and pause programs and commercials to discuss the messages being sent. Look at magazines together and talk about unrealistic images.
  • Discuss marketing efforts. Talk about the strategies advertisers use to sell products. Help your child recognize the underlying messages about how a product will make her more attractive.
  • Have conversations about unhealthy body images. Discuss the harsh realities that thin models and overly muscular stars have to endure. Talk about the extreme and unhealthy measures many people take to achieve these body types, despite the harm it causes to their health.

Make these topics part of the ongoing conversations in your home. Help your child develop a healthy body image and you will reduce the negative impact of media and social media.

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