Their bodies are changing, they are facing adolescence, and their skin begins to grow acne. Now you should teach you the health habits of children in their lifetime. Some teenage children may be discerning and serious about hygiene and cleaning. Other children may need a little encouragement to build a healthy habit and routine. This is a way to deal with hygiene and develop healthy living habits.

Establish a routine habit

The first step in teaching health habits is to establish work habits. Your child needs to take a bath every day, shampoo at least twice a week. Some children may like to take a bath at the end of the day to relax before going to bed. Other children may need to shower in the morning to wake up and face one day. Children participating in exercise or easy to sweat need to take a bath every day. In some cases, take a bath once a day. No matter what your child needs, please help him or she builds a routine, making the shower habit and a part of daily work.

Show good skin care technology

Remember, your child's understanding of skin care is not as much as you know, so please explain what your child needs to do to keep the skin clean and reduce the possibility of acne. Show your child how to wash your face correctly, moisturize if necessary, and use oxidezolide or salicylic acid and other treatment methods in non -acne therapy. Make sure you point out a healthy diet, rest and exercise for children, hygiene and overall health.

Explain the correct shaving skills

Your son may need to wait for a few years before you need to shave, but girls may want to start shaving their legs or shaving under the armpit before minor. No one will know how to shave correctly from the beginning, which requires patience and practice. Consider buying an electric shaver, so that you can complete the work, and you don't need to need a stable hand like a shaver. Once your child is more confident and has a better understanding of your hygiene habits, you can use a disposable shaver to scrape. If your son is ready to scrape it, the same suggestions are applicable. First try to use a battery -powered shaving knife to avoid scratches.

Relaxation perfume

Children are easily outdated on Gulongshui or body spray. Make sure you have a long way to go now. In addition, please help your child choose his or her favorite deodorizing stick or sweat -proof stick. Tweens tends to choose a strong odor product, but sometimes these products can stimulate young skin. Help your child find a product that can play a role without causing skin problems.

Make it interesting

Children like to choose their clothes and find their own style. The same is true of cosmetics. Purchase these products to make children choose their soap and shampoo, making the shower interesting. Make sure your children are sometimes the most expensive items are not necessarily the best. You can even buy new towels and bathroom accessories for your children. Or, if your child has his own bathroom, you can renovate or paint the bathroom according to the child's own style.

Make it "my time"

For your child, bathing is a way of relaxing, so when you need to clean up, he or she will be unlikely to have a fuss. Tell your child to calm down with his time in his hands, think for a day, relax your body and mind, and plan for the next week.

Give your child space

Children need privacy and can keep self -consciousness on their own body. Make sure your child (he and her brothers and sisters) have the right to privacy that he or her or she needs to make them feel comfortable. Let your child know that you can answer the question, but you can understand whether he or she prefers other places (for example, find the answer from siblings, friends, or online).


When he or she looks good, praise your child. Your child should know that people have noticed his or her efforts, and their personal appearance is indeed important.

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